Category: Life Hacks

This is Why You Should Be Listening to Music at Work

If you haven’t jumped on the headphones-at-work trend yet, it’s time to embrace it. Music offers tons of mental benefits—all of which can boost your productivity and lower your stress.

Music has already found its way into the professional world. According to a 1994 study, music helped surgeons perform faster and more accurately on the job.

Music can boost your job performance, too. Keep reading for the reasons why you should be listening to music at work.

Why You Need to Listen to Music at Work

Music Helps Cancel out Distractions

If you work in a noisy environment, music can save you from losing focus after every little distraction. This can be especially helpful for office workers who share space in a manufacturing facility. Imagine listening to the dulcet tones of your favorite artist instead of the noises coming from the box crusher.

As an added bonus, wearing headphones can signal to an overly talkative coworker that you need to devote your full attention to the task at hand. It’s a polite way of saying that you’d love to hear about their weekend—as soon as you’re done with this report.

Listening to Music at Work Can Help You Get Through Tedious Tasks

If you’re facing a day filled with the same repetitive task, it’s time to pop in the ear buds and get to work. Music gives your brain something new to focus on.

It’s the best way to avoid boredom while you finish your work. You might find you finish your work faster, too.

Tunes Can Soothe Your Stress

Most workplaces are rife with stress, but music is a powerful stress-reduction tool.

One 2005 study looked at how listening to music at work affected the moods of 56 Canadian software developers. They found that this group reported more positive feelings the longer they listened to music while working. The more access they had to music, the less stress or sadness seemed to bring them down.

Listening to music can actually calm your anxiety at work. It may actually increase your feelings of happiness, too.

Music Can Help You Do a Better Job

That same study found something else, too. Once the study participants felt happier, they worked harder, faster, and produced higher-quality work than they did during quiet periods.

Listening to music can help you get through the mental blocks that might otherwise trip you up during your day.

New Music Can Give Your Brain a Burst of Creativity

Getting yourself out of your comfort zone can do wonders for your creativity. If you’re up against a deadline at work and you can’t seem to brainstorm a new idea, try listening to some fresh tunes you haven’t heard before.

Trying out a new auditory experience can shake you out of your funk and get you thinking differently.

Consider branching out to a streaming website like Telling Beatzz. As a bonus, if you’re sourcing audio for a video you’re working on, Telling Beatzz has you covered.

Keep up with the Latest Productivity Tips

At Thrifty Momma Ramblings, we cover the latest tips and tricks for every aspect of your life. We offer advice on everything—including how to manage your time while you’re working from home—and we post deals and giveaways for your must-have office items. We’re your one-stop shop for all things productivity.

5 Fabulous Steps to Happy, Beautiful Feet

beautiful feetThe gift of nice weather means it’s time to take out those cute little sandals and let our beautiful feet have their moment to shine. But if you suffer from cracked or overworked feet, you might feel inclined to hide them away from the world.

Extra humidity can be potentially good for dried out skin, but somehow our feet never want to soak up that extra moisture. They hold us up for hours on end every day, take us over to our favorite ice cream shops but still, they are often unappreciated.

So it’s up to us to give them the good treatment they deserve!

Read on to learn more about how to do it!

1. Let Them Breathe

It’s a little-known fact that our feet actually sweat when cooped up in our socks and our shoes. An overly long build up of not taking care of this extra layer of unneeded moisture can lead to diseases such as athlete’s foot.

After a long day at work or after a session of exercise, make sure to take the time to let your feet out and dry off from the activity of the day. Simply taking off your shoes to air out should do the trick!

2. Wear Proper Fitting Shoes

Those of us who are thrifty-minded can sometimes decide to stick with an old pair of shoes because who wants to go out and buy new ones when these old ones are perfectly functional?

However, if your shoes are too old, too small or even too big, it’s best to change them out. Poor fitting shoes can cause blisters and other sores that will hurt. They’ll also leave behind marks on your feet you just don’t want.

Always choose good fitting shoes. You don’t want your footwear to keep you from having beautiful feet!

3. Give Them a Good Soak

Not only can this be a relaxing ritual after a long day’s work, but it’s great for the health of your feet, too! There are a bunch of different varieties you can try, such as simple hot water and essential oils or a special Listerine foot bath!

All you have to do is soak your feet for about 10 to 15 minutes or so, but try not to go too long. If your feet are starting to get all pruney, it’s best to take them out and give them a rest.

The great thing is that this goes along perfectly with our next tip!

4. Scrub

The best time to scrub your feet is after a good soak. They’ll be softer than normal which leads to getting the most out of the scrub.

Use a pumice stone while they are still damp and you’ll have beautiful feet in no time! Make sure to go with the grain of your foot, not against. This will ensure you don’t end up damaging your feet in the process!

5. Always Moisturize

Your feet need a stronger cream than other parts of your body due to the thicker skin. A good tip is to use coconut oil or creams with Vitamin E!

Massage your feet with your chosen moisturizer and relax for an hour or two to really let it work into your skin before rinsing it off. Or, if you prefer, you could choose to let it stay on overnight. Just put on some socks to protect your furniture from getting moisturizer everywhere!

Beautiful Feet Are Just a Step Away!

With these steps in place, you’ll have perfect feet to show off your new pair of sandals on that special weekend getaway you’ve been planning! Go out there are show them to the world!

Have more great tips? We’d love to hear them! Let us know in a comment below!

5 Ways to Exercise on a Budget

exercise on a budgetGetting back in shape doesn’t have to involve expensive gym memberships, pricey fad diet programs or exclusive fitness DVDs. You don’t even need high-end workout clothes.

All you really need is willpower to incorporate exercise into your daily routine and eat a healthy diet full of fruits, veggies, complex carbs, and protein. A good start is adding Jarrow whey protein into your smoothie for an energized morning.

The good news is – you can easily do it without breaking the bank.

But when it comes to actually starting, many people rely on excuses. And the lack of time and money are at the top of the list.

With over 36% of adults in the U.S. being obese, there’s never been a better time to take care of your health and well-being.

Keep reading to discover how you can exercise on a budget, tone your entire body and lose weight in the process.

5 Ways to Exercise on a Budget

1. Go Running or Brisk Walking

One of the simplest ways to add some physical activity into your day is to take up running.

It’s free and you don’t need to spend money on fancy athletic outfits. All you need is a good running trail and quality shoes to support your feet.

Brisk walking around your neighborhood is another excellent cardio exercise as well. It’s a great alternative for people who have health issues or joint problems, but still want to get some workout.

2. Try a Local Gym

The best way to exercise on a budget is to find a local gym in your neighborhood. They usually have all the fitness equipment necessary for a good workout, but for a low monthly membership.

Local gyms may not offer specialized workout programs or personal trainers, but if you prefer the gym over working out at home, this option might be for you.

3. Buy Discounted Fitness DVDs from eBay, Amazon, or Craigslist

You can easily find some great deals on seriously discounted fitness DVDs online.

If you don’t For starters, try your luck on Amazon or eBay and see if you can score used ones or even older versions.

If you don’t find anything there, move on to Craigslist – there always someone out there who’s trying to get rid of their old fitness DVDs.

If all else fails, visit a nearby thrift store or a yard sale and see if you can find some DVDs there.

4. Get on YouTube

What says “exercise on a budget” more than a completely free YouTube fitness video?

All you need is some free time and internet connection and you’re all set. There are so many fitness trainers and instructors that offer excellent at-home workouts. At the same time, you can research healthy diet options to match your exercises.

However, be careful when selecting the videos and exercises. Do your research and see which ones fit your needs the most.

5. Try Biking

Biking is an easy way to get your juices flowing and get some exercise. The only expense you’ll have is buying a bike if you don’t own one already.

However, you can always find second-hand bikes on Craigslist or even new ones for cheap. And if you have kids, biking is a great family activity that you can do in your free time, especially when the weather is nice.


When trying to lose weight, getting fit or just being more physically active, you should also reconsider your dietary choices.

Eating healthy foods doesn’t have to be expensive – you just need to learn how to choose the items properly and plan your meals around them.

This combination of daily exercise and clean eating will make you fitter, more energized and ready to tackle the days ahead.

5 Tips for Booking a Trip to Rome on a Budget

dreamstime s 89889321One of the best ways to make memories with your family is through travel. However,  it can be very expensive if you don’t plan right.

Italy is an ideal place for family travel: great weather,  history, and pizza!

It is possible to take a trip to Rome on a budget. Here are 5 tips which will help you enjoy this amazing city without breaking the bank.

1. Shop around for airfare

There are many ways to find deals for international travel to Rome.

Obviously, you should explore using your travel points if you belong to a frequent flyer program.

Many airlines fly to Rome, so do some comparison shopping.

You might find deals on some low-cost airlines like Ryanair or Easy Jet.

You can also fly into neighboring cities like Milan, and take a train to Rome.

2. Stay in the suburbs

Hotels in the center of Rome can be very expensive, especially if you are traveling with kids and need more than one room.

AirBnB and other home sharing apps have changed the way families can travel. Consider renting an apartment or small house on the outskirts of the city.

You can easily take public transportation to see the sights. You will also have a kitchen, giving you the option of preparing your own meals and avoiding the high prices at restaurants.

3. Plan meals carefully

If you are taking a trip to Rome on a budget, you need to consider the high costs of eating out.

Italian food is some of the best in the world,  but it can cost a lot for a family to go to restaurants in cities like Rome.

If you are renting a house or apartment,  take a trip to the local grocery store and pick up provisions. It will give you and your children a chance to sample the local bread, produce and pasta.

Shopping locally and cooking fresh food during your trip to Rome on a budget will give your family an authentic Italian experience.

If you choose local street food like pizza (delicious!) while you are out and about, you might be able to splurge once on dinner at a real Italian trattoria during your visit.

4. Use public transportation-  or walk

Many of Rome’s biggest attractions are accessible by foot.

Make sure everyone in your party has comfortable shoes and a good map.

You can plan out efficient walking tours to give you a glimpse of some of Europe’s most iconic sights: the Colosseum, the Forum, the Vatican.

The Metro is Rome’s subway system, and it offers a convenient, cheaper way to get around than taxis.

5. Look for deals on tours

Part of planning a trip to Rome on a budget includes knowing when you want to spend a little money in order to get the best experience possible.

Sometimes it’s worth it to purchase a guided tour of major attractions. Prebooking an excursion like the Colosseum Area Floor tour ensures that you and your kids will learn everything you can about this historic locale.

Search for deals online before you go so you can maximize your savings.


With some forethought and planning, a family trip to Rome on a budget can be a joyous experience.

Do your research for deals before you go for both travel, accommodation, and attractions,  and you and your family will be able to enjoy the trip of a lifetime without too much damage to your pocketbook.

WOW!! I Can’t Believe What They Made With This!

Do you have magazines running rampant in your house? I do!! I have them stuck everywhere, ok maybe not that bad but still! I found this adorable DIY for an X-Shaped Magazine Holder! I love the simple and clean look of this holder! If you don’t like it plain, then feel free to express yourself and personalize it to best suit your style! Thanks to Industry Standard Design for this easy to follow DIY! It can easily be made in no time! Check out their page to find the complete list of materials and instructions!

Let us know what you thought about this fun DIY! We love hearing from our friends! Until next time, Happy Crafting!

“I Love You Because” Door Hearts DIY!!

Well it’s February 1st and my daughters favorite holiday of the year! She loves everything about Valentines Day! This is something we started this year, today to be exact! What you do is write something you love about that person on a heart and tape it to their door! You then add 1 ever day until Valentines Day, or longer if you prefer! My daughter was excited to wake up this morning to a heart on her door! My son loved it too! Great for friends, husbands, or maybe you just need to tell yourself how awesome you are or how much you are loved!

Share with us what you love most about February in the comments below! Can’t wait to read them all!! Check out our other DIY’s here! Until next time Happy Crafting!

Make Life Easier With This Handy Fruit Plant!!

Get one of the hottest new gadgets on the market!! You get 10 tools in 1 and it’s stylish enough to sit on the counter! Score a great deal on the OLizee™ Creative Fruits Plant Multi Kitchen Tool Set of 10 Apple Cutter Avocado Scoop Fruit Slicer Cutter Mesh Lemon Squeezer for only $17.98 plus FREE shipping with Prime!

  • Plastic Type:PS
  • Size:9.45in X 5.5in
  • 10 Tools: 1.masher, 2.picks*5, 3.Mesh cutter, 4.Lemon queezer, 5.bowl, 6.Avocad scoop, 7.Citrus cutter, 8 .Apple cutter, 9.Grater, 10.Grater squeezer
  • Single convenient and suitable for cut apples, pears and other fruits similar
  • Beautiful, fashion, creative, multi-fuction kitchen tools. Package include: 1*Fruit Slicer Cutter, 1*Discount Card