Tag: Family Life

8 Brilliant Tips for Balancing Work and Family for Working Moms

Do you feel like you’re always stressed out? Unable to perform at the level you’d like at work? Guilty about being away from your kids at home?

You’re not alone! It’s a difficult time for being a parent. The tricky art between balancing work and family can be challenging for mothers with the best intentions.

However, there are a few strategies that can make restoring the balance simpler. Let’s get into what all mothers need to know.

Stay Organized With A Schedule

Whether it’s digitalized or on paper, keeping a schedule is one of the easiest ways to stay sane in managing your work-life balance. Relying on memory alone is a surefire way to forget something important.

Today, there is no excuse not to stay organized. In fact, many tools and apps allow parents to seamlessly and quickly add, delete, and modify daily schedules.

Each week, take a moment to gloss over your to-do list. When you get up in the morning, take another moment to scan over the responsibilities for the day. Highlight the ones that are most important.

Remember this: your schedule is only beneficial if you actually follow it! Make sure it’s in a visible place for everyone who needs to see it.

Hone Down Your Priorities

Even if you’re the world’s most flexible mother, you’re not going to get everything done in one day. That’s okay! You’re only human, right?

It’s essential to master the art of identifying and implementing your priorities. Fortunately, this is an easy practice to learn.

Commit to starting each day by looking over your schedule. Identify the things that must get done (as in, there will be consequences if you don’t do them), the things you’d like to get done (these are secondary to the musts), and the things that can wait for another day.

Aim to tackle the hardest tasks first. That’s when you have the most energy and motivation. After charging through those, you’ll have a sense of accomplishment and the rest will feel like a breeze.

Delegate Tasks Whenever Possible

Even if you feel like you can do it all, there’s no reason you should. That’s not healthy for you or anyone in your family.

Sit down with your partner and delegate an appropriate division of tasks and chores. It doesn’t have to be completely split down the middle (as that may not be realistic), but having a clear understanding for what each of you is responsible for makes it easier on everyone.

And don’t forget to get your kids involved! Most children want to help around the house, and you’ll be teaching them responsibility later in life by giving them assignments and tasks now.

Streamline Your Chores and Errands

Most mothers are masters at multitasking, and for a good reason. As a mom, you need to be able to juggle several tasks at one time- without getting flustered.

Think of how you can take advantage of multitasking while doing your ordinary chores or errands. For example, can you cluster all your errands into one shopping trip? Can you do the dishes while running a load of laundry?

Stay consistent with your chores and errands. Assign them with a specific date and time. The more consistently you can follow this structure, the faster you’ll get at executing them.

Streamline Night-Before Tasks

Before you get into bed every night, get as much done as you possibly can to prepare for the next day.

That means making lunches and breakfasts, running that load of laundry, picking out a clean outfit for the next day, signing permission slips, etc. Starting your day on a frantic note is a recipe for anxiety.

If you can transition into starting your day more peacefully, you’ll feel more calm and collected.

Outsource if Possible

Some would argue that parenting takes a village, and those who outsource their tasks would agree with this sentiment.

Whether it’s hiring a babysitter for a date night out or using a maid once or twice a month, it can be worth every penny to outsource extra labor. Even a meal-ordering service can go a long way for your peace of mind.

Think of it this way: how much do you value your free time? How much are you willing to spend financially for your emotional health?

Set Boundaries With Technology

Did you know that the average person spends a staggering 10 hours in front of a screen each day? Even if you don’t feel like you have extra time, chances are, you can probably cut back on some of your technology use.

Next time you’re trying to squeeze in a Netflix show or scroll through Instagram for the third time, consider what you could be doing instead.

What about taking the kids to the park? Using that time to catch up on some late work? Squeezing in quality time with your spouse?

Many parents find that setting limits and boundaries around their technology use makes it easier to stay present and enjoy the people and things that really matter.

Practice Flexibility

At the end of the day, you don’t need to be a supermom. That’s unrealistic and unhelpful. Instead, it’s important to practice kindness and compassion towards yourself- no matter what you do or don’t accomplish in a given moment.

Practicing flexibility and learning how to roll with the punches is one of the best ways to manage work-life stress. Taking on this mentality is also a great way to model healthy coping with your young ones.

Final Thoughts on Balancing Work and Family

Balancing work and family will never be a perfect science, but it doesn’t need to be! With the right tips for balancing work and family, you can feel like you have it all- without needing to give it your all.

Are you interested in learning more helpful parenting and family tips? Be sure to check out our blog!

Be a Successful Single Mom: 8 Pieces of Advice for Mom Entrepreneurs

Playing referee, balancing the finances, and putting other people’s needs first. These are only a few of things you’re responsible for as a successful entrepreneur. And as a successful single mom.

It’s no wonder that these two worlds can seamlessly coincide. But only with the right mindset and drive.

Read on to discover how to be a successful single mom and entrepreneur without sacrificing your sanity or your life savings.

1. Identify Your Work-Life Balance

Maintaining a healthy work-life balance is essential for any entrepreneur but this is especially true if you’re a business mom. As the matriarch of the family, your children need your support, love, and nurturing. And as a business owner, your company also needs your attention and care.

Burning the candle at both ends isn’t healthy and could lead to a breakdown both at home and at work. Set realistic expectations as an entrepreneur. This means creating a flexible schedule for yourself and hiring reliable staff in your absence.

It’s also important to schedule time with your family. Maybe it means taking off every Saturday to watch your kids play sports or making sure you’re home each night for dinner.

A work-life balance is also about self-care. If you don’t take care of yourself mentally and physically, you won’t succeed at home or in business.

2. Get Your Kids Involved

Every entrepreneur knows that your business becomes your second baby. But as a single mom, you have real babies at home that need your attention.

For many entrepreneurs, their business becomes their second home. If you’re spending a majority of your time at your establishment, bring your children along when possible.

Depending on the type of company you run, try involving your children in your work. If you run a retail business, let them help run the cash register or stock the shelves.

When you’re working after hours, let your kids set up their tablets or laptops beside you. That way you can both be working together. Their involvement will help you both feel less distant.

3. Don’t Lose Focus

What is life without purpose? Keeping the vision and focus for your business at the forefront of your mind is key when life gets overwhelming.

Doubt and uncertainty are common feelings when you start your own business. You might even ask yourself things like, “Why did I think this was a good idea, again?” If you can’t answer that question, then the demands of splitting your time between home and work may not seem worth it.

But if you can answer this question with things like, “To build a brighter future for my children” or “save money for their college fund”, then it gives you a purpose. And the sacrifice won’t feel so great.

4. Find a Successful Single Mom Support Group

Single moms share a special bond that only other single moms can fully understand. It’s a job that takes sacrifice, selflessness, and hard work.

Many of the same skills are required for running a successful business. Surrounding yourself with like-minded individuals is essential for success. Find other successful single moms and work together.

You can bounce ideas off one another. Lend a hand when needed. And lift each other up when things get rough.

You can also pool your resources. Collaborate by using the same suppliers, payroll services, or advertising firms. Read more about the benefits of advertising and sign displays at this site.

Single moms can carpool, swap coupons and plan play dates in the park to help unwind.

5. Prioritize

It’s easy for both moms and entrepreneurs to get overwhelmed with demands and obligations. If you’re tackling both these challenging jobs, you’ll need to prioritize.

Try making a list of what needs to be done in chronological order. Determine which tasks can wait and which need your immediate attention. If there’s an overlap in events, adjust your schedule accordingly.

For many successful single moms, their children’s needs outweigh work obligations. That’s why hiring reliable staff who can handle the business in your absence is an important ingredient in your success.

6. Delegate

Letting go of control is difficult. Especially when you’re used to being a one-woman-show at home. But delegating tasks as an entrepreneur will help reduce your stress and give you more with your children.

Hire reliable and trustworthy employees in managerial positions. Make these people responsible for important jobs like opening and closing your establishment and scheduling staff.

Train them in duties that you normally perform. This gives you the freedom to schedule days off and not worry that things won’t get done.

7. Be Creative With Your Funding

Keeping your head above water financially as a single mom can be extremely difficult. But that doesn’t mean you have to give up your dreams of being an entrepreneur.

Don’t let limited funding crush your business before it’s even off the ground. There are a lot of ways to get financial backing for your business venture.

In fact, there are financial resources available specifically for single moms. Small business loans, payday loans, and grants are other funding options.

One such program is the Community Development Financial Program (CDFI). The CDFI works closely with different government departments as well as the Small Business Administration. Together, CDFI’s are designed to support small businesses and offer economic opportunity and house in areas.

Get creative when it comes to financing your entrepreneurial dreams.

8. Surround Yourself with Positivity

You need positive influences in both your personal and professional life. As a single and successful mom, you need a core group of friends and employees that want what’s best for you and your children.

Steer clear of dating men that don’t support your dreams or appreciate your work ethic. If your partner feels threatened by your success they’ll quickly become a hindrance, not a help.

Hire employees that you can trust and who share your same vision and passion for success. Perhaps bringing a business partner on board would help alleviate both your mental and financial stress.

Set Yourself Up for Success

Being a successful single mom and a successful entrepreneur are more similar that one might think. They both take patience, hard work, passion, and balance.

When you arm yourself with the right recourses and surround yourself with the right people, nothing can stand in your way.

If financing is your concern, check out this great post on cutting expense for your small business. After all, being frugal is another skill mastered by most single moms.

Top 10 Healthy and Cheap Snacks Your Kids Will Love

cheap snacksPreparing cheap, healthy snacks for your kids can be difficult. With 1 in 3 children obese or overweight, preparing a balanced diet for your kids is more important than ever.

But what ingredients do you use for a healthy snack?

Here are our top 10 healthy and cheap snacks your kids will love.

Sweet Potatoes

A great choice for fun snacks for kids is sweet potatoes. Not only are they packed with vitamins, but there are plenty of different ways to prepare them.

While it may be difficult to convince kids to stay away from traditional french fries, the nutrients sweet potatoes bring their diet are worth it. With so many different ways to prepare your sweet potatoes, you’re sure to find a recipe that your kids will love.

Sweet potatoes can work well with any diet. Whether it’s vegetarian or paleo, you can still enjoy sweet potatoes.

Whether they’re fried, baked, or pureed, there are plenty ways to enjoy sweet potatoes.


If you’re looking for a great snack for the summertime, look no further. Smoothies are an excellent choice that will keep your kids cool and healthy.

There are a lot of different ways to make a smoothie. Trying out these new recipes and combinations can be fun for kids.

With a little bit of low-fat yogurt, some orange juice, and a banana, you have a solid base for your smoothies.

From here, you can experiment with different fruits, vegetables, and even grains to create a delicious and nutritious treat for your kids.

Whole Grain Cereal

Another fun snack for you try is whole grain cereal. Whether you just want an easy breakfast meal or a fun mid-day snack, whole grain cereals can give your kids the energy they need to get through the day.

Whole grain cereals provide energy and nutrients to keep your kids’ brains and bodies healthy.

Start their day off right with a little bit of cereal, some low-fat milk, and some fruit. Or use some yogurt to make some flavorful snack bars.

With the right recipe, you can put together a healthy snack loaded with different vitamins and nutrients.


If you’re looking for an alternative for dipping your snacks, hummus is the solution you’ve been waiting for.

The pureed chickpea mixture can add texture and flavor to your snacks. In addition to tasting great, hummus is also rich in many different vitamins. But how should you serve it?

There are many creative ways to incorporate hummus into your snacks. Not only does it work well as a dip for your chips, crackers, and vegetables but it can also be used on sandwiches. While hummus has a thicker, paste-like consistency, it’s not as messy as other dips.


A popular protein-packed snack for your kids to try is cheese.

Kids love cheese in all shapes, sizes, and forms. With the right recipe, you can create the perfect snack.

Cheese can be one of the most healthy and fun choices for a snack. The key nutrients it provides gives kids energy and can help build stronger bones.

Using full fat or 2% cheese can help keep your kids full until dinner. But it’s important not to give them too much cheese, or they may get sick.

Whether they’re cut into fun shapes or simple cubes, cheese can be a fun snack that kids can enjoy with their hands.


Snacks with lots of different options are always the most fun. Quesadillas can help keep your kids feeling full until dinner and make sure they’re getting the nutrients they need to get through the day.

There are so many different ways to prepare a quesadilla. It’s important to always have a recipe that’s balanced and healthy. But what ingredients should you use?

Quesadillas are healthy and fun snacks because of the different ways you can make them. Using a combination of meats, beans, and vegetables make these snacks filling and nutritious.

With a little bit of salsa, some cheese, and a helping of beans, your kids will have a filling, energizing snack.

Peanut Butter

Much like hummus, peanut butter is another great spread to add to your snacks. Whether it’s used as a dip or a spread, peanut butter is a great choice for giving your snacks some substance.

Peanut butter is a versatile treat. There are plenty of ways to use it, whether it’s with something sugary or salty.

Because peanut butter is such a beloved childhood snack, it’s important to try to change your recipes up to make things interesting. Instead of the average PB and J, try using waffles or rice cakes.

There a lot of different ways to prepare a peanut butter snack. Because of this, the snacking possibilities are virtually endless.

Snack Mix

Another nutty snack that’s great for your kids is snack mix. Snack mixes are a combination of nuts, fruits, and sweets that are both delicious and healthy.

There are many different ingredients you can use to prepare a snack mix. Typically, nuts are used as a base to provide protein.

Finding the right nuts to use for your snack mix can be tricky. Whether you want normal peanuts, tree nuts, or shelled nuts, it’s good to figure out what will pair well with your recipe. Click here for more nuts to choose from.

When paired with fruits and sweets, snack mixes can taste great and provide kids with lots of nutrition.


Eggs are another flexible ingredient to use in your snacks. The protein-rich snack can be prepared many different ways and is great for any time of the day.

While it’s most popular for breakfast, eggs can be served at any time. Whether they’re fried or hard-boiled, eggs can give kids the perfect balance of flavor and nutrients.


Noodles are a quick snack that can provide kids with some carbs. When paired with sauces with vegetables, noodles can be a well-rounded snack for your kids.

While too much pasta could be bad, they can be great in limited quantities. When combined with sauces and cheese, noodles can provide them with a perfect balance of nutrients and flavor.

Preparing Cheap Snacks

Snacks are important for keeping your kids happy. Because of this, these snacks also should be healthy.

Finding a balance between cheap and healthy snacks is always tricky. But the first step to preparing healthy snacks is picking the right ingredients. Check out our blog for more tips and tricks for cooking healthy snacks.

Lucky Charm Snack Mix!

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Do you like to celebrate St. Patricks Day? If so, then you will like this tasty snack! Thanks to The Salty Marshmallow they have created this super easy and delicious snack using Lucky Charms!
When you click the link it will take you to a list of ingredients and directions on how to make this for your family! My kids are excited to make this!

Let us know in the comments below what you thought about this easy Lucky Charm Snack Mix!

Spring Dipped Sugar Wafers!

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Do you love making special treats around the holidays, but you find yourself short on time or maybe patience? Well I have a super simple and easy recipe for you and your kids to make! Even my 3 year old can make these with a little bit of assistance! Below you will have the ingredients and directions to make these Dipped Wafer Cookies!

*Sugar Wafers
*Melting Chocolate or Frosting as alternative

1. If you are using melting chocolates then you will want to place them in a microwave-safe dish and follow the directions on the bag for melting. It’s usually 15-30 seconds stir until melted and smooth!
2. Open sugar wafers and dip in melted chocolate (caution, it will be hot) if little ones are helping, then you might want to use the frosting instead.
3. Add sprinkles to the chocolate or frosted ends of your sugar wafers!
4. Place on a plate, serve, and eat!!

If you liked this recipe then make sure to check out our others over here! Leave a comment below on what you thought about this tasty treat! Happy Cooking!

WOW!! Snag This Hot Deal On Finish Max Now!

Get those dishes cleaner that ever with Finish Max! There is nothing worse that taking the time to load the dishwasher, run the cycle, and still having dirty dishes! Well, not anymore with Finish Max! Go now and score this great deal of Finish Max in 1 Fresh 74 Tabs, Automatic Dishwasher Detergent Tablets for only $10.79 after clipping a $3.00 coupon! Go now and save!

About the Product
  • World’s Recommended Brand- Recommended by more dishwasher brands worldwide
  • Easy-to-use, wrapper free & pre-measured with clean, fresh scent
  • No need to pre-rinse. Contains pre-soakers that cut grease & scrub away burnt, dried-on food
  • Contains bleach that targets & removes tough stains including tea & coffee
  • Contains Glass Protect Action to help prevent glass corrosion & redeposit

WOW!! I Can’t Believe What They Made With This!

Do you have magazines running rampant in your house? I do!! I have them stuck everywhere, ok maybe not that bad but still! I found this adorable DIY for an X-Shaped Magazine Holder! I love the simple and clean look of this holder! If you don’t like it plain, then feel free to express yourself and personalize it to best suit your style! Thanks to Industry Standard Design for this easy to follow DIY! It can easily be made in no time! Check out their page to find the complete list of materials and instructions!

Let us know what you thought about this fun DIY! We love hearing from our friends! Until next time, Happy Crafting!