exercise on a budget

5 Ways to Exercise on a Budget

exercise on a budgetGetting back in shape doesn’t have to involve expensive gym memberships, pricey fad diet programs or exclusive fitness DVDs. You don’t even need high-end workout clothes.

All you really need is willpower to incorporate exercise into your daily routine and eat a healthy diet full of fruits, veggies, complex carbs, and protein. A good start is adding Jarrow whey protein into your smoothie for an energized morning.

The good news is – you can easily do it without breaking the bank.

But when it comes to actually starting, many people rely on excuses. And the lack of time and money are at the top of the list.

With over 36% of adults in the U.S. being obese, there’s never been a better time to take care of your health and well-being.

Keep reading to discover how you can exercise on a budget, tone your entire body and lose weight in the process.

5 Ways to Exercise on a Budget

1. Go Running or Brisk Walking

One of the simplest ways to add some physical activity into your day is to take up running.

It’s free and you don’t need to spend money on fancy athletic outfits. All you need is a good running trail and quality shoes to support your feet.

Brisk walking around your neighborhood is another excellent cardio exercise as well. It’s a great alternative for people who have health issues or joint problems, but still want to get some workout.

2. Try a Local Gym

The best way to exercise on a budget is to find a local gym in your neighborhood. They usually have all the fitness equipment necessary for a good workout, but for a low monthly membership.

Local gyms may not offer specialized workout programs or personal trainers, but if you prefer the gym over working out at home, this option might be for you.

3. Buy Discounted Fitness DVDs from eBay, Amazon, or Craigslist

You can easily find some great deals on seriously discounted fitness DVDs online.

If you don’t For starters, try your luck on Amazon or eBay and see if you can score used ones or even older versions.

If you don’t find anything there, move on to Craigslist – there always someone out there who’s trying to get rid of their old fitness DVDs.

If all else fails, visit a nearby thrift store or a yard sale and see if you can find some DVDs there.

4. Get on YouTube

What says “exercise on a budget” more than a completely free YouTube fitness video?

All you need is some free time and internet connection and you’re all set. There are so many fitness trainers and instructors that offer excellent at-home workouts. At the same time, you can research healthy diet options to match your exercises.

However, be careful when selecting the videos and exercises. Do your research and see which ones fit your needs the most.

5. Try Biking

Biking is an easy way to get your juices flowing and get some exercise. The only expense you’ll have is buying a bike if you don’t own one already.

However, you can always find second-hand bikes on Craigslist or even new ones for cheap. And if you have kids, biking is a great family activity that you can do in your free time, especially when the weather is nice.


When trying to lose weight, getting fit or just being more physically active, you should also reconsider your dietary choices.

Eating healthy foods doesn’t have to be expensive – you just need to learn how to choose the items properly and plan your meals around them.

This combination of daily exercise and clean eating will make you fitter, more energized and ready to tackle the days ahead.

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