Tag: Crafts

Fun DIY Rock Stamps!

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Do your kids love to make crafts and use stamps? This is one of my daughters favorite things to do! Below you will find a list of materials and directions!

1. Smooth Rocks
2. Foam Stickeres
3. Paper
4. Ink Pads or Paint

1. Clean off rocks and place on foam stickers.
2. Lightly tap the stamp on ink pad or in paint.
3. Begin stamping your paper.

These are great to do around the Holidays for cards or decorations! Let the kids get creative! We would love to hear your thoughts on this fun DIY! Let us know in the comments below. For more DIY’s check us out here!

Holiday DIY For All Ages!

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With summer fading out and the fall just around the corner, this is a great time to start doing a little bit of fall crafts!! This one is our family favorite! On the plus side, you get to eat this craft after your done! Below you will find the materials and directions!

*Small Oranges
*Green Pipe Cleaners
*Googly Eyes
*Black Foam Pieces (optional use: sharpies)

1. Wash your orange and make sure it is free of oils and dirty.
2. Curl a small piece of pipe cleaner around a pencil or finger and place in top of orange.
3. Add googly eyes
4. Add a nose and a mouth
5. Sit back and admire your newly created pumpkin!

Our family loves to make these and use them as decoration or adding them to lunch boxes for a spooky treat! Either way you use these, you can’t go wrong! If you like this and want to try out some of our other DIY’s, then hop on over here and check them out!

Fun DIY For Toddlers!

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Hey parents! Do your toddlers sometimes feel left out when the older kids are crafting and making DIYs? If so, then this one is just perfect for them! How many of you remember the candy necklaces? They were so fun to wear and eat while walking around! This is just a slight spin on that! Besides, don’t toddler have enough energy? Below you will find a list of materials and directions!

1. Box or a handful of plain cheerios
2. Unflavored dental floss works great or a piece of string
3. Patience

1. Measure how long you would like this necklace to hang on your toddler.
2. String on the cheerios.
3. Tie a good knot in the necklace using both ends of the string.
4. Place on toddler and snack away!

What I loved most about this DIY is that I could involve my toddler and he not get upset! WE have fun talking and snacking while make this! Make sure you make the necklace big enough to slip over child head and hit about mid chest!

If you loved this DIY check out or others here! Would love to know what you thought about this fun craft for toddlers! Hey I even made one for my self!

DIY Rag Rug Tutorial!


DIY Rag Rug Tutorial!

Want to make your own rug? If so, you’ll need to check out this DIY Rag Rug tutorial! I haven’t picked up the supplies needed yet, but I plan on making this project sometime soon. This rag rug would look perfect in my daughter’s room. Want to make this fun craft as well? If so, be sure to pick up these need supplies:

  • 1″ x 5″ strips of fabric
  • Non-skid Rug Mat
  • Latch Hook Tool

PS: Unable to find these supplies? If so, I was able to find these supplies at my local craft store.

For additional directions on making this craft, be sure to visit the CraftAholics Anonymous Webpage for more details. Did your craft turn out? If so, let us know in the comment section below.

Spider Web Yarn Kid Craft Project!


Spider Web Yarn Kid Craft Project!

Want to make a craft with your children sometime soon? If so, you can make this fun Spider Web Yarn Kid Craft project. Plus, you only need four supplies! I picked up the needed supplies for under $4 at my local dollar store. If you’d like to make this project too, be sure to have these supplies:

  • Popsicle sticks (3 for each web)
  • Hot glue gun and hot glue
  • White Yarn (about 2 yards for each web)
  • Plastic spider rings

For additional directions on making this craft, be sure to visit the Crafting Chicks Webpage. Let us know what you thought of this craft in the comment section below.

DIY Monster Rocks!

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Do you love finding new easy and quick DIY’s for your kids? This one is a favorite around our house on the weekends or rainy days! Be creative and use your imagination! Below you will find the materials needed and the directions! Remember to have fun!

*Smooth Rocks (you can get these at craft store or around your house)
*Acrylic Paint (you can use any colors you want)
*Googly Eyes

1. Wipe down the rocks if they are dirty.
2. Paint the rocks.
3. Once paint has dried then glue on the googly eyes!
4. Add any extra decorations or touches and your done!

What did you think about this fun DIY! Let us know in the comments! We would love to hear from you! For more DIY and crafts click here! Remember to have fun!