Category: Working Parents

5 Tips to Help You Get Organized Now

get organized nowIs your life in a constant state of stress?

Do you find yourself always looking for the keys on your way out the door, or not knowing where you put your cup of coffee?

If so, you need to get organized now.

Get rid of the mess in your head by reducing the mess in your environment with these 5 simple tips.

1. Clear the Clutter

The best form of cleaning house is to start by identifying what doesn’t need to be there.

Do you really need three almost-empty bottles of shampoo in your shower? Is there a better place the kids can put their homework instead of on the kitchen counter?

Identify the places in your home and office where you may have more than you need. This includes physical objects laying around and responsibilities on your “to-do” list which might not be as important as you think.

If you are stuck on deciding what is considered clutter, refer to the 80/20 rule.

2. Set Boundaries

Once you have cleared things out, keep them from sneaking back into your life.

Set boundaries at work and at home to honor the expectations you have for being organized.

At home, this can look like a daily or weekly cleaning schedule or an assigned place for random items.

In the office, it means learning the importance of saying “no” every once in a while and standing your ground.

3. Plan Ahead

Boundaries are the rules of the game, and planning ahead is like a cheat sheet.

Good planning prevents you from falling back into bad habits or taking on too much. Put all your commitments in one place to ensure nothing overlaps.

Yes, this means every meeting, soccer practice, and/or date night. Take all the hats you wear and keep track of them together. It will make things much easier, and who knows, you might even get to sneak in some time to celebrate you as well.

4. Make It a Team Effort

One of the best ways to get organized now is to share the new boundaries and plans you have with the people closest to you.

Maybe ask your partner to take care of dinner one night a week or for the kids to help with the laundry. The more you get the hubby and kids involved, the more your home can start to look like it’s the headquarters for OCD Home Inc.

A team effort means everyone is invested and everyone can support each other, too.

5. Have Fun

No matter how much you need to take on to get organized, always remember to have some fun along the way.

Play music when you mop the floors or have a mini dance party while you put away the dishes. If you’re cleaning your cubicle, leave little notes of encouragement tucked away for later.

Additionally, make time to relax without attaching an expectation to it. Sometimes the best way to get organized now is to put something off for later and drink a cup of tea instead.

Take Back Your Life and Get Organized Now

Nothing is ever perfect, but if your life looks like chaos most of the time, something has to give.

The sooner you make the decision to get organized now, the sooner you can start to breathe a little easier at work and at home.

Have you recently started using some of the tips above? Leave a reply about your experience!

5 Tips for Hosting a Live Conference Call

live conference callHosting a live conference call with your team?

Unsure if you’re fully prepared?

Hosting a conference call is an excellent way to connect with your team and discuss important topics. However, it can take a little practice to get the most out of your meetings.

If you’re preparing to host a live conference call, these 5 crucial tips will help you make sure you’re ready for a successful and productive meeting.

1. Know the Tech

It’s important to prepare for the technical side of your live conference call. You should also know what features are offered by your conference call service.

Be sure to find a service provider you can rely on for your business conference calls. A service provider such as VoiceOnyx will offer reliability while also providing excellent customer service and any support that you may need.

If possible, you should also perform a practice run with the software to test out any features you’ll be using before you go live.

2. Set an Agenda

Having an agenda and set schedule for the conference call is important, but it’s just as important to stick to it. Be sure to start the conference call on time and to stay on task.

15 minutes is an ideal meeting length which can help you to stay on task without testing the limits of your team’s attention spans.

Make sure to only discuss pertinent information during a meeting, and you’ll be sure to stay on track, increase engagement, and have a more productive business in the long run.

3. Encourage Engagement

The truth is, few people give their full attention during a conference call. It’s important to emphasize the importance of your team’s attention to foster engagement.

At the beginning of the call, remind your team to limit distractions and participate fully. Encourage participation by asking your team questions during the call.

Instead of an audio only conference call, consider using visual aids. You will need a reliable internet connection and a computer with web conferencing abilities.

4. Give Your Full Attention

It’s important to give the conference call your undivided attention as well.

Some bosses have their conference calls while in a busy airport, a crowded bar, or while walking down the street. This may send the wrong message to your team and encourage similar behavior from them during future calls.

Make sure you’re in a quiet space during your conference call and avoid working on other tasks, like monitoring your email.

5. Record the Live Conference Call

It is an excellent idea to record your conference call if you have the capability.

An archived recording of the call can allow you and your team members to go back in and review important information that was discussed.

Final Thoughts

Used correctly, a live conference call can be an excellent and comfortable way to communicate with your team. Just make sure to follow the steps above and you’ll be sure that you’re getting everything you can out of the call.

Did you enjoy the article? Contact me if you have any questions about Thrifty Momma Ramblings or have suggestions for future business tips.

How to Choose the Perfect Dress Shoes for Work

dress shoesWomen and our shoes. Thanks to the Internet, the possibilities are nearly endless. That doesn’t mean we can wear whatever we want, whenever we want.

Every day you open the closet and every day you ask yourself the same question: “What shoes do I wear to the office today?”

For the not-so-fashion-conscious lady out there, don’t worry. We’ve got you covered. Today, we’re talking about how to pick out the perfect dress shoes for work, so that your boss notices your killer pitch and not your worn-out soles.

The Best Dress Shoes for Work

Classic Black Pumps

When in doubt, throw on these dress shoes to wear to the office. They go with nearly every possible ensemble, from skirts to suits.

Just like the lady wearing them, they’re sophisticated and business-like, but can still be sexy when they need or want to be.

If you like having the illusion of longer legs, have a backup pair of neutral colored pumps. To keep it as professional as possible, go with a two-inch heel or shorter.


As long as the style is business-like, these shoes are great, especially if you’re in a busy office where you find yourself getting up and walking around. These shoes are the best for having style without sacrificing comfort or mobility.


Keep a pair of boots around. If a rainy day hits, you don’t want to ruin your pumps or flats.

It’s not hard to find a pair of these shoes for pretty much any occasion — not just a thunderstorm. Plus, they’re great for helping ladies who wear small sizes shoes look like they have more proportionate and balanced feet.

Shoes You Should Never Wear to the Office

Open-Toe Shoes

If your office attire is business formal, business professional, or business casual – and let’s face it, if you’re working in an office, it’s likely one of these three — open-toed shoes should not be considered dress shoes.

Crazy Colors

Pinks, yellows, and oranges. You love them and every lady has a pair or two in her closet. Unfortunately, they aren’t appropriate for work so Monday through Friday, leave them at home.

This rule includes shoes that have polka dots, zebra or leopard prints, and any other trendy patterns or designs.


You know what they say, “The taller the heel, the less appropriate it is for work.”

Who says that? We do.

These shoes are great for a girl’s night out or clubbing, but for business attire, they really aren’t doing it for us as dress shoes.

Flip Flops

If you’re looking to get canned, one great way to do so is to wear flip flops to work and see how many times you can walk by the CEO’s office before being reprimanded.

It won’t take long.

Wrapping it Up

So now you know what to wear and what not to wear. You can’t go wrong with a classy pair of pumps or even some nice Mary Jane’s.

A lot of your attire possibilities depend on your office’s dress code. To next level your outfit, match your shoes with your bag and any other accessories you’re rocking that day.

What do you think about today’s post? Leave us a comment below, we’d love to hear from you.

This is Why You Should Be Listening to Music at Work

If you haven’t jumped on the headphones-at-work trend yet, it’s time to embrace it. Music offers tons of mental benefits—all of which can boost your productivity and lower your stress.

Music has already found its way into the professional world. According to a 1994 study, music helped surgeons perform faster and more accurately on the job.

Music can boost your job performance, too. Keep reading for the reasons why you should be listening to music at work.

Why You Need to Listen to Music at Work

Music Helps Cancel out Distractions

If you work in a noisy environment, music can save you from losing focus after every little distraction. This can be especially helpful for office workers who share space in a manufacturing facility. Imagine listening to the dulcet tones of your favorite artist instead of the noises coming from the box crusher.

As an added bonus, wearing headphones can signal to an overly talkative coworker that you need to devote your full attention to the task at hand. It’s a polite way of saying that you’d love to hear about their weekend—as soon as you’re done with this report.

Listening to Music at Work Can Help You Get Through Tedious Tasks

If you’re facing a day filled with the same repetitive task, it’s time to pop in the ear buds and get to work. Music gives your brain something new to focus on.

It’s the best way to avoid boredom while you finish your work. You might find you finish your work faster, too.

Tunes Can Soothe Your Stress

Most workplaces are rife with stress, but music is a powerful stress-reduction tool.

One 2005 study looked at how listening to music at work affected the moods of 56 Canadian software developers. They found that this group reported more positive feelings the longer they listened to music while working. The more access they had to music, the less stress or sadness seemed to bring them down.

Listening to music can actually calm your anxiety at work. It may actually increase your feelings of happiness, too.

Music Can Help You Do a Better Job

That same study found something else, too. Once the study participants felt happier, they worked harder, faster, and produced higher-quality work than they did during quiet periods.

Listening to music can help you get through the mental blocks that might otherwise trip you up during your day.

New Music Can Give Your Brain a Burst of Creativity

Getting yourself out of your comfort zone can do wonders for your creativity. If you’re up against a deadline at work and you can’t seem to brainstorm a new idea, try listening to some fresh tunes you haven’t heard before.

Trying out a new auditory experience can shake you out of your funk and get you thinking differently.

Consider branching out to a streaming website like Telling Beatzz. As a bonus, if you’re sourcing audio for a video you’re working on, Telling Beatzz has you covered.

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