Category: Crafts

5 Reasons Why You Should Buy Sterling Silver Jewelry

Silver is a coveted prize of pirates, kings, and treasure hunters throughout history. Even Paul Revere, a hero of the American Revolution, was a silversmith by trade. There is a reason this precious metal is held is such high regard. Sterling silver has a beauty and luster rarely matched in nature. 

You may have questions: Is sterling silver good? Isn’t all silver the same?

Read on to discover what sterling silver is and why to buy it.  

Is Sterling Silver Good?

Let us get to the bottom of this question before you go perusing a jewelry store.

Not all silver has the same level of purity. Silver labeled as sterling has a 92.5% purity. This is one of the highest possible grades of silver available. 

Sterling silver is a quality and pure metal.

It Comes in a Variety of Forms

It is okay if you do not have pierced ears. Because of its versatile properties, silver comes in countless configurations. 

Rings, necklaces, bracelets, and pendants all make magnificent sterling silver valuables. Check out to see examples of pieces. 

It is Hypoallergenic

Jewelry can often cause the wearer to have an allergic reaction. Cheaper jewelry metals such as nickel and zinc will irritate some peoples skin.

Sterling silver has a chemical quality that does not cause allergies. This is among the reason it is such popular jewelry.

It Will Last Forever

Sterling silver is very durable. It does not scratch and ding as much as other metals. If you take care of it, your sterling silver will last forever. A silver polish will not only return that magnificent gleam, but also help protect it. 

A little bit of love and care will keep your silver looking like new. A well maintained piece of sterling silver jewelry will dazzle for generations.

It is Timeless 

It is fortunate that sterling silver is so long-lasting because it is also timeless. The art of crafting silver has been around for hundreds of years.

This metal is not a fad. Sterling silver has been a staple of jewelry boxes since its discovery. The simple, understated sheen of silver will always catch the eye.

No matter the shape or size of the jewelry, sterling silver acts a statement piece that complements its owner. 

Start Buying Silver

So, is sterling silver good? Absolutely. 

If you are trying to decide which metals to add to your jewelry box, look no further than sterling silver.


If you already have a silver ring, you have nine more fingers to outfit. If you don’t have any sterling silver yet, it is not too late. It is timeless after all.

So, whether you need a wedding gift, a retirement gift, or just want a gift for yourself, the smart buy is sterling silver jewelry.

Did you find this article useful? If so, hit the jump for more thrifty ideas.



7 Fun and Creative Craft Hobbies That Make Money (Really!)

If you’re interested in taking up hobbies that make money, look no further.

Hobbies are a great way to pass the time, and most people have at least one that they often do. Although most people have hobbies, many of them don’t consider the fact that they can earn money from doing them.

Virtually every hobby can be profitable, providing that there’s a demand for whatever you’re doing. Even if you enjoy doing something like knitting, you can earn money from it by selling the things you make.

Read on to learn about seven hobbies that make money easily.

1. Photography

Most people don’t realize it, but photography is one of the most profitable money-making hobbies. If you’ve ever enjoyed taking photos on your phone or have bought an expensive camera, there’s a good chance you can profit from taking pictures!

Photographers are sought after because they have the skills to produce images that most can’t. With a good eye and decent camera, you can do photoshoots that will earn you a ton of money. The best part is that there aren’t many expenses besides the camera itself.

When you become a photographer, you can create your rates and work whenever you’d like. It’s normal to see photographers charge anywhere between $20-$100 per hour, but you should start on the lower end until you get experience. 

2. Graphic Design

When people think of ways to make money with a hobby, they often think of graphic design. Graphic designers are those that create visuals for a variety of things, including websites, advertisements, video games, and more. If you’re into art, graphic design is something you can quickly get into.

Similar to photographers, graphic designers can work on their own time. However, businesses regularly hire graphic designers because they need people to help them build their brand. No matter which route you go, you can make a pretty penny.

3. Writing

On our list of hobbies that make money, writing is one of the most popular because a lot of people write in their spare time. Writing isn’t difficult to get into, and the types of content you can create are endless. This allows writers to build their brand and let them decide what they’d like to create.

Most writers take up blogging in their spare time, which is a way to earn money in itself! While blogging isn’t something many people want to get into, you can write blog posts for other people’s websites. Unlike many hobbies, this can be done from wherever you’d like, and you can get paid per post.

4. Social Media

Over 3.5 billion people actively use social media, so it’s safe to say that you’re accustomed to it. While many people browse social media daily, they’re unaware that it can be used to bring in revenue. Social media is something that many businesses invest in, giving you the chance to start using it and earning them money.

Social media managers that work for companies are responsible for posting content on various platforms. Using the like of Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, you can post on a company’s account to engage with their audience. In most cases, you’d be working with others to come up with content that people will want to see.

5. Driving

Just like social media, many people are accustomed to driving. However, some people love driving so much that they do it whenever they get the chance. As technology evolves, people are getting more opportunities to drive for cash for ride-sharing services like Uber and Lyft.

If being a taxi driver isn’t something you’re into, you can become a truck driver. These drivers typically have long shifts, so it’s best to become one only if you love being on the road.

6. Crafts

Many people take up craft hobbies that make money when they have spare time or don’t have a job. The things you can make from your home are endless, so selling crafts can turn into a profitable business, providing that you make things people enjoy. 

Some of the best things you can make are jewelry. Knowing where to buy beads for jewelry making will help you kickstart the process and start earning money as soon as possible.

Aside from jewelry, you should make other things so that you can continue making money in case people don’t buy something. Start looking online for craft ideas to help you get started!

7. Video Games

If you love video games, you could make entertaining people a career through content creation. Whether you post videos on YouTube or stream on Twitch, people like watching video game content because it makes them feel connected to the person that’s playing it.

Some companies will hire video game testers, giving you the chance to play a game before it’s released. As a video game tester, you’d be responsible for finding bugs and giving feedback on how a game can be improved.

Get Into These Hobbies That Make Money Today!

No matter what kind of hobbies you’re into, there’s plenty of ways to start making money from them. It’s time to start looking at the things you enjoy doing and thinking of ways you can profit! Whether you like taking photos or playing video games, there’s money to be made.

After reading this, you now know of several hobbies that make money, so consider getting into one of them. Start looking online for more ways to make money with a hobby that isn’t listed here and try to set yourself apart from competitors.

Browse our articles to learn more about money-making hobbies!

Learning to Sew: 5 Key Reasons Why Everyone Should Learn to Sew

Are you thinking about learning to sew?

Wondering if it’s worth your time and energy?

Sewing is a great skill to have and nearly everyone could benefit from knowing how to do it well. However, sewing is a lot more than just a skill but is also a fun hobby that offers plenty of benefits for your life.

If you want to learn more, keep reading. Below are the 5 key reasons that everyone should learn how to sew.

1. Unleash Your Creativity

One of the biggest reasons you should learn how to sew is because sewing is an art and it can serve as a great creative outlet for you to express yourself. Just like playing an instrument or painting, sewing is an art form.

Using your sewing skills you can create new pieces of attire and can make them exactly as you want them to be. While you can follow a design, you can let your creativity loose as well to create new ones and to tweak the designs to your own preferences.

2. It’s Calming

In addition to expressing your creativity, sewing is also a very relaxing activity. Sewing can have a calming effect on your body and mind, and as a result, can do a great job of reducing stress.

Sewing is a great way to pass the time and if you’re ever feeling stressed out or emotional it can serve as a wonderful way to release tension.

3. You’ll Save Money

Another added benefit of learning how to sew is that it can help you to save money. By learning how to sew, you’ll be able to make your own clothes, handbags, accessories, and other items that you can wear and use on a daily basis.

Buying the materials and sewing will take time, but it won’t cost you very much. Sewing your own clothes can be much cheaper than buying items from a store, and once you learn how to sew really well, your clothing will probably be of much higher quality too.

4. Use What You Make

Sewing clothing and other items that you can actually use and wear is a great feeling. By sewing items that you use yourself, you’ll likely feel a sense of gratification that you can’t get in many other ways.

When people compliment you on a dress you sewed yourself or on other items you’ve made, you’ll get a great feeling knowing that you made it with your own time, effort, and skill.

By learning to sew, you’ll be able to create all kinds of clothing to use from shirts and pants to dresses to all kinds of accessories. You can even sew small clothing for dolls as well with the help of doll sewing tools.

5. Make Repairs

One of the best reasons to learn to sew is that you’ll learn how to mend any clothes or accessories that you have when they get ripped or torn.

By learning to sew, you’ll have the skills and knowledge to make patches to your favorite pieces of clothing if they get damaged. You’ll also be able to make modifications to your favorite items and make changes when needed.

Understanding the Benefits of Learning to Sew

If you’re thinking about learning to sew, you may be starting to understand why it can be such a useful skill to have. If you take the plunge and start learning to sew you may just start experiencing the benefits for yourself.

Looking for more lifestyle tips and advice? Start exploring our blog now to find more helpful guides and articles. 

Making a Quilt: 4 Essential Tips for Quilting on a Budget

Quilting was once the pride of thrifty pioneer women. These days, they’re becoming handy projects for the modern-day woman.

And we modern ladies love to be thrifty as well. But if you’re new to the scene, gathering up all of the supplies and fabric takes some extra money we might not have lying around.

The nice thing is that making a quilt doesn’t have to cost an arm and a leg. There are certain ways to cut back the costs and keep this craft both thrifty and beautiful.

Keep reading to learn more!

1. Repurpose Fabric

We all have clothes and bedding that we should have thrown away long ago but don’t have the heart to do it yet. Well, when it comes time to find cheap quilting fabric, those are the best places to start looking.

Quilting is perfect for the recycle and reuse mentality.

The best part is that finding fabric within your closet ensures that the fabric is unique instead of generic.

2. Never Throw Away Fabric Scraps

Throughout a quilting project, you’re bound to have many different fabric scraps leftover. Make sure to hang on to them for future projects!

You can come up with many interesting designs using up all of those fabric scraps. It’ll push you to think outside the box and the result will be something you’d never have come up with on your own.

If the scraps are too small to work with, then save them for stuffing instead. That’ll cut back on costs even more.

3. Stick to the Basics

There are a lot of unnecessary bells and whistles on the market these days. But it doesn’t matter if you prefer to sew by hand or by a Fabric Bash Quilting machine. It’s always best to keep to the basics.

This not only cuts back on costs for fancy equipment, but it also makes the entire process easier. If you’re an experienced quilter, then branching out might be the right decision for you.

But if you’re a quilter with a budget, then stick to only what you need.

4. Buy in Smaller Batches

When you’re first starting out, it’s far too easy to buy up every cute fabric you see. But this is not good practice for those of us on a budget.

You should still buy that inspirational fabric, but buy it in a smaller yard size. Instead of going with a full yard, get a quarter of a yard instead. You don’t end up using as much fabric as you might first think.

Plus, if you ever end up needing more of one particular fabric, it’s better to go back out and buy more instead of hoarding. You’ll save space in your crafting room and you’ll save money at the same time!

Making a Quilt Is the Perfect Way to Use Up Old Materials

Next time you go through some old clothes, save them! Some of those blouses might be the perfect material for making a quilt that is unique and catered to your style. After all, you’ve kept that blouse for this long, you must love the design.

Instead of throwing it away, use it as the star for your next quilting project. You’ll never have to say goodbye to your favorite outfits again!

For more thrifty content, check out the rest of our blog!

5 Amazing Uses For Personalized Button Pins

personalized button pins

Pin-back buttons are making a comeback! Well truth be told, they’ve never really left but personalized button pins have cemented their spot in history as really cool promotional items.

You can post anything you want on a pin and they’re fairly easy to make. A quick history lesson dates buttons back to 1789 when George Washington used them to promote his presidential campaign.

The brass buttons must’ve really given him an edge over his opponents because he won the presidency.

In the 60s and 70s, the world was feeling the effects of revolution and personalized button pins became a way for people to spread messages.We’re all familiar with the peace sign button that became super popular in the 70s.

Nowadays, you can still use buttons to relay a message or promote an event. Here are our top five uses for personalized button pins.

1. Inexpensive Marketing Tools

Companies are always giving away free merchandise to promote their brands. We’re all used to pens, notepads, coffee mugs, and hoodies bearing a company’s logo. But, button pins are an excellent way to get your company’s name out there.

People pin them on jackets, backpacks and everywhere else. It’s an easy way to get your company’s name out there. Plus, they’re great conversation pieces.

2. Personalized Button Pins Are Great Souvenirs

If you want to commemorate an event or a special occasion, look no further than some personalized button pins! They make great souvenirs and you can get custom buttons printed for any event. You can hand them out as party favors and use them as event decorations.

3. Get Inspired

Have you been feeling down in the dumps lately? Well, personalized button pins are a great DIY project. Artistic expression is a great way to calm the mind and you get to create something that people can use for years

Buy some art supplies (glue, pins, paper, etc.) and let your mind wander into creating a button pin masterpiece.

Let the kids get in on the fun by planning an arts & crafts activity

4. Identify People

This one may seem obvious but personalized button pins work perfectly as name tags. Literally, all you have to do is write your name down and pin it on and voila! You’re identifiable.

You don’t need special pins for this- a regular pin will do. Some pins are made of a special material that allows you to write directly on the surface. When it comes to decorating, you can be as fancy or as simple as you like.

5. Use Bottle Caps

Another creative spin on the personalized button pin is the bottle cap pin. Glass bottles are becoming popular again and the bottle caps can be used to create unique decorations.

Turning this idea into a DIY project is a breeze. Gather some safety pins, bottle caps, resin, glue, scissors, pens, and sandpaper. Bottle cap pins can be used as a nostalgic way to celebrate your favorite drink brands.

If you decide to paste a special image on the bottle, the resin will hold it in place.

Hopefully, you find our guide to personalized button pins useful. Spend more time on our blog find even more DIY ideas.

How to Find Hot Deals on Cheap Cosplay Outfits

cheap cosplayCosplay has been around since the early 80s. In recent years, though, it’s become extremely popular.

And it’s not just for Halloween anymore. There are several huge cosplay conventions that take place all around the world. Costumes vary from fun homemade costumes to serious outfits that are almost an exact replica of the original costume.

All this fun can mean mega bucks. Is it possible to do cheap cosplay without losing the quality?

Keep reading for our great hacks on how to find cheap cosplay outfits.

Plan Ahead

If you leave things to the last minute, you’ll probably spend more.

Planning in advance gives you time to do your research and find the best deals. While you’re planning, try to make a realistic budget and stick to it.

Create a list or schedule including the main conventions and events that will happen during the year. By arranging things now, you can benefit more from sales and cheaper times for buying.

Try to figure out which costumes you plan to create. This will enable you to keep on the lookout throughout the year for the things need. You’ll also be able to buy a few things in bulk instead of buying things as you need them.

Sales and Coupons

Kapow! Hit those sales! Black Friday, Cyber Monday, Boxing Day, end of season sales…

If you plan to buy most of your materials during these times, you’ll save mega bucks. Sign up for online newsletters, Facebook groups, and cosplayer blogs. They can keep you up to date with any major sales or even send out coupons at certain times of the year.

If you’re planning to buy anything, first Google “coupons for Shop Name.” You’d be surprised by what hot deals might be lurking.

And don’t forget the week AFTER Halloween is the absolute best time to buy costumes. You could find some seriously cheap cosplay outfits during this time.

For a great corset deal, check out these high-quality yet low-priced products.


Don’t feel that you have to buy something new for every event. Some cosplayers feel like they must have a completely new outfit for each convention, but there’s no shame in recycling.

Recycle some of your items for different costumes. Certain accessories can be multi-purpose and you can use them for several different costumes. For example, a set of “Spock” ears can also be used for an Elven look.

Basic essentials such as black leggings, white gloves, leather boots, a corset, a school skirt, masks, or a black cape can be used again and again for different characters.

Beg, Borrow, and Steal

Okay, maybe not steal…but trading pieces with your friends is a great way to save some cash.

Some of your fellow cosplayers might already have just the prop you need. You might have something they need. Swapsies, anyone?

What if you have a particular skill in making accessories but are not so good in the sewing department? You could trade skills, offering to make an accessory in exchange for sewing your costume.

Borrowing things from friends and family is also surprisingly helpful when it comes to those final random items. You’d be surprised at the things you can find in your grandparents’ closet or your parents’ attic.

Thrift It

You know how they say, “One mans trash is another mans treasure?” That’s definitely true when it comes to finding cheap cosplay costumes and accessories.

Thrift stores are the way to go. You’ll be amazed at the treasure you’ll find when rummaging through thrift stores, garage sales, and dollar stores.

For example, shoes can be a big expense. Buying gently used shoes from thrift stores can really save you some cash, especially if you’re going to customize them.

Old prom dresses, leather suitcases, tablecloths, baskets, and costume jewelry can all be transformed into an awesome costume.

Other cosplayers sometimes sell their used costumes on sites such as eBay, Etsy, or cosplay pages. After Halloween, many will be selling off their used costumes.

Create a Business

Maybe you’ve realized that this is something you’re pretty good at. Why not try to make some money from your hobby?

If you’ve found out you’re a good seamstress, you could make your own online shop selling costumes. Or sell your used costumes, props, and accessories.

If you’re not going to use them again, let someone else enjoy it. You’ll also make back some of the money you spent on it. It’s a win-win for all!

You could also blog about cosplaying. If you’re successful, you could even get sponsorship deals and a commission through affiliate marketing.

Another business idea is selling photos of super cool cosplayers–as long as you’ve got their permission first.

Know When to Spend

Being thrifty when making your costume can be done. But now and again, you may need to splurge on a few items.

You need to think about the long-term benefits. If you splurge on this item, can you use it again for several other costumes?

Sometimes spending a bit extra in the first place can save you money in the long run. You won’t have to constantly be replacing shoddy clothing or items.

And don’t forget that your costume needs to last the day. If it’s not up to standard, it may fall apart before the day is over. You’ll be left embarrassed, uncomfortable, or even exposed!

Cheap Cosplay Outfits

As you can see, finding or creating a cosplay outfit on a budget can be done. And it doesn’t mean you have to compromise and look somewhat ridiculous.

All you need is good planning, a sprinkle of imagination and BAM! You’ll totally look the part.

Check out our blog for more awesome life hacks that can save you tons of cash.

Wow, Score Over 50% Off These Tombow Pen Art Markers NOW!

Do you have an artistic side? Maybe you know someone who does? Either way, this is a great deal on these amazing markers by Tombow! I found them on Instagram a few months ago and now they have this great deal on a 10 pack of markers! Score Tombow Dual Brush Pen Art Markers, Primary, 10-Pack for only $12.79! Regularly $26.99!

  • Set of 9 colors and 1 blender pen, with flexible brush tip and fine tip in one marker
  • Durable nylon brush tip can create fine, medium or bold strokes
  • Fine tip gives consistent lines
  • Included colorless blender pen softens and blends colors, creating a watercolor effect
  • The water-based ink is non-toxic, blend able, non-bleeding, and odorless
  • Tips self-clean after blending
  • Ideal for professional fine art and crafts