Montessori Myths

Debunking the Most Common Montessori Myths That Exist Today


In the 1900s, Dr. Montessori developed a method of teaching materials. They encouraged children to self-direct purposeful activities. Although these methods were originally intended for the education industry, parents have since adapted them to use in their homes as well. 

Over the years, people have spread myths and misconceptions about Montessori methods. If you’re interested in unlearning common Montessori myths from home and the classroom, read on!

Myth #1: Montessori Is Expensive

Montessori methods benefit all children (rich or poor) by teaching them good interpersonal skills and fostering independent learning. There are many low-cost options for parents looking to send their child to a Montessori school. 

Recently, many communities have established public and tuition-free Montessori schools.

Myth #2: Montessori Is for “Gifted” Children Only

Dr. Montessori designed this education style with the intent that all children can learn and benefit from it. The independence-fostering methods help children develop their individual skills and innate intelligence. There’s no “gifted” requirement or prerequisite! 

Montessori environments offer every child an opportunity to express their unique personalities and explore learning in a safe, encouraging environment. 

Myth #3: You Don’t Discipline Children in Montessori Environments 

It’s a common misconception that Montessori methods don’t allow for discipline. Montessori schools give children freedom within limits

Yes, they get to choose which activity they want to spend time on. But they have to clean up after their activities, wait their turn, and finish what they start before moving on to the next activity. 

If a child misbehaves, teachers redirect their behaviour in a positive direction. Read this blog to learn more about the differences between discipline and punishment. 

Myth #4: Montessori Teachers Don’t Teach 

Montessori teachers don’t just hang around the classroom to step in when an emergency happens! They are trained to guide children’s independence. Teachers empower children to do things for themselves where they can. But, they are always available if a child needs help. 

At the beginning of a class, the teacher presents the material. They then let the child explore it through self-correcting materials. They adapt their future lessons to accommodate the growth they see. 

Montessori classrooms have well-established routines and remain ordered thanks to the gentle guidance from the teacher. 

Myth #5: It Is Difficult to Transition From a Montessori School to a Traditional School

The structure of Montessori schools is different from regular schools. But, the methods help children adapt to change. By practising grace and courtesy in a Montessori environment, children easily adjust to new social circles.

Montessori classrooms prepare each child for traditional education by teaching them:

  • self-discipline
  • obedience
  • good work ethics
  • social skills
  • how to love learning
  • and more!

Common Montessori Myths: Busted! 

By now, you should know why the most common Montessori myths are inaccurate. Do you want to give your child the chance to explore learning in an explorative and independent manner? Give your child a Montessori education today!

If you enjoyed this post, be sure to check out the rest of our blog for more on running a happy family. 

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