Tag: student tips

5 Time Management Tips For Student Moms

time management tips for student

Being a student is demanding. Add academic responsibilities to motherhood and it can be downright overwhelming.

More moms are going back to school than ever before. Currently, 1 in college 5 students is a single mom.

Many parents struggle to balance work, child care, and school. But improving your time management can help you get a leg-up in your daily routine.

A bit of planning can make all the difference. Check out our top five time management tips for student moms!

1. Meal Prep

Meal prep can simplify your weekly schedule. Daily cooking takes a lot of time and energy. Pre-prep your food for the week and free up extra hours to study.

Set aside a time to plan your weekly menu as a family. And if they are old enough, your kids can even help cook!

Meal preparation is a great way to save time and money — both precious resources for a student mom.

2. Keep Your Schedule Simple

Keep your family schedule organized and simple.

Be honest with yourself about your commitments. You may not have time to do everything that you used to do. And that’s okay!

Always be realistic about your course load. Work with your academic advisor to find a good balance for each semester.

You may need to par down your kids’ schedules as well. Focus on quality versus quantity when it comes to their after-school activities.

3. Study Outside the House

Motherhood’s never-ending to-do list can be pretty distracting when you’re trying to focus on school work. One minute you’re reading your psychology textbook, then you’re cleaning the kitchen.

Your study environment has a big impact on productivity. Remove the household distractions and find a place to study outside your home.

Coffee shops are a popular place for students. And, most universities have study spaces in the library you can reserve for free.

4. Ask for Help

Communication is key to your success as a student. Reach out to friends and family for emotional support. And ask for help with childcare and chores when you need it.

Your university can also be a great resource. Many schools offer programs to help parents, like discounted childcare.

Remember to communicate with your professors. Let them that know you’re a parent and talk to them about the best way to manage your coursework.

5. Study Around Their Schedules

Work with your kids’ schedule to increase your study time. Consider doing your homework while your kids work on theirs. Your studying can inspire your kids to commit to lifelong learning.

Family study time might motivate them to take an AP Capstone Program or dual-enroll!

If your kids are too young to have homework, set up an activity for them to complete while you study.

Use Time Management Tips for Student Moms

Being a mom is a full-time job. And as a student mom, you have a lot on your plate! Utilize these time management tips for student moms to give yourself the extra time you need.

What do you think of our tips for student moms? Comment below and let us know.