Category: walgreens

Today’s Shopping Trip

On today’s shopping trip, I went to several stores to pick up all the deals for this week. I first went to Rite-Aid and bought the Garnier Shine and had a $1 off coupon. So total was $3.25 and I am getting back $3.99 with rebate.

Then I went to Walgreens and bought the Airwick Flameless Candle and Glade Scent Candle. I paid $6.46 with tax and I’m getting back $4 in rebates so total is $2.46 for both items. That was 99 cents each. I also bought 3 Glade refill candles for $2.45 after rebate and coupon. They had 2 of them on clearance for $1 and I got one free with that coupon. I like to give the Trio candles as presents to the lady that delivers my mail and such.

I went to CVS and got the following:
2 Trident gum
2 Colgate Total toothpaste
4 Herbal Essence Shampoos (they have one that I can’t get anywhere else)
2 Bic Soleil Razors
1 Schick Intuition Razor (have rain check from last sale)

I used $15.74 in coupons and 9.79 in ECB’s so grand total was $6.42! I spent $16.13 total on everything and I’m getting $7.99 back in rebates for a grand grand total of $8.14 for all of it! The razors are going to be part of those Christmas gift bags. I also had to do some Wal-Mart shopping and bought 5 Skintimate Shaving creams that were $1.47 each and after $1 coupons I got them for $2.54 with tax. Those will also go in the gift bags. I missed that sale when they were $1.74 each and I think that was Walgreens. I don’t know how I missed it, but this is still good. My nieces love the smaller ones to use when they sleep at a friend’s house. I had another wonderful shopping trip and saved so much.

Rite-Aid Rebates

I must say that I love doing the Rite-Aid rebates. My only real disappointment is that my store rarely has the advertised items in stock so I can’t always get the free items. I did get my check for July today and I requested it the last week of July. It was shipped on the 4th of this month so that is very fast processing. I wished Walgreens would implement an online rebate redemption system like RA. My check was for $29.32! I spent $32.xx this past week on the great FAR items. I have $27.95 pending already for the month. I saved an extra $12 in coupons. I got a free can of Old Spice shaving cream since the razors had a peelie. That was a nice freebie I wasn’t expecting.

Thanks to 1stopmom for letting me know that I can now enter my receipts online to Walgreens. I knew there were testing this, in select areas, but no clue it was open for everyone. I was able to put in one yesterday and saved it. I will report back when I’m ready to fully submit it. Thanks again my readers. You guys rock!

A Rebate & Coupon Chat

Clipping Coupons

We are all trying to save money in today’s economy. How do we stretch more of our dollars? I use coupons and rebates to S-T-R-E-T-C-H my dollars further, and I enjoy the thrill of the hunt. Below are great tips I have listed on how I save more money on this coupon chat.

Now granted buying store brands or using a homemade alternative (think cleaners) is cheaper, but there are many times I can get name brand for either Free or much cheaper than the store brands.I say why not if you are getting the items for free.

Another really great tip is not to be brand loyal. I do have certain brands I like more than others, but trying new brands can help save money. There are times that I liked the other brand more than my usual favorite brand. I don’t buy too much convenience food or condiments. They aren’t healthy and it’s usually cheaper to make your own  version from scratch. I can substitute healthier items such as whole wheat or extra vegetables into a meal.

I don’t have access to really great supermarkets like Kroger’s, Albertson’s or  Save-A-Center, but I still manage to find great deals with the stores I do have access to in my small town. I have 3 local family owned stores and a Super Wal-Mart. I am not fortunate enough to have a store with double coupons except for Fred’s Dollar Store. They only take coupons up to 65 cents and 1 coupon per item. I find I save more with CVS and Walgreens.

So where do I get all these coupons other than the Sunday paper? I buy certain coupons off ebay, I post on coupon forums, and other coupon clipping sites where you pay for their time to clip them. You can also trade them on these coupon/rebate sites. There are lots of sites but I have a few sites that I like to frequent and get coupon previews so I know if I should bother buying the paper or save my money. I also get coupon inserts from the paper recycling bin. It’s easy access (no digging in dumpsters or climbing) and free for anyone. I take a couple which are usually right on top when I’m dropping off my papers already. It’s right down the road from my house. I can’t always count on it, but I usually get extras each week. Some stores will even give you the coupon inserts on old papers if you ask. This will depend on the store and area. Another great place to get coupons is your local library. Many have coupon trading groups. If your library does not, then try to start one.

I don’t save hundreds of dollars off a single shopping trip, but I do save enough to make it worthwhile. To save the most is to combine a rebate with a coupon. Walgreens and CVS will allow you to use one manufacturer coupon along with one store coupon per item. I also shop at Rite-Aid and do their rebates each month. It’s a great way to earn some free stuff which I also use as presents or donate the extras.

Listed below are some great websites and just copy/paste the links into your browser. Enjoy! What are your favorite coupon sources?

<a href=””>My Coupons Board</a>

<a href=””>Hot Coupon World</a>

<a href=””>Fat Wallet</a>

*This is a great coupon clipping service. They are fast and have a great variety.

<a href=””>The Coupon Clippers</a>

*This is an online site or you can also join to get a paper subscription but I am a member of the online only. Lots of great deals/info posted here.

<a href=””>Refund Cents</a>

Walgreen’s Save $5/20 Coupon Friday Only!

Walgreen’s has put up another $5/20 coupon for Friday June 13th only! If anyone is buying the new WCares Lil Kinz animals then don’t forget to use this coupon. They upped the price at mine to $9.49 which was $6.99. They couldn’t keep them in stock so of course raised the prices. I will be only buying 2 of them and a little small item to get my pre-tax total to over $20. Have fun shopping! Just copy/paste the url below in any browser to get the coupon.

Click Here for the Walgreens Coupon!

Walgreen’s Save $10/30 Coupon Friday Only!

Walgreen’s has a $10/30 coupon good for Friday May 31st only. There is a great deal on a fan listed at $29.99 plus it has a $10 rebate then you use the $10 off coupon to pay $9.99 plus tax! I would add a small item like a candy bar or gum to just get the total over $30 since some cashiers are funny about the pre-tax total under $30 even if it is a penny. Some won’t care but some will.

Friday was a Good Shopping Day

I love a great deal but I love freebies even more. I scour the sales papers each Sunday looking for good deals or ways for me to get the stuff we use anyway for free. Using coupons can stretch those savings more esp if you have store coupons and manufacturer coupons. CVS and Walgreens do allow both on a purchase. I LOVE CVS and it definitely pays to shop there if you have access to one or more. I also combine trips into one to save even more money but my Walgreens is across the intersection from CVS so it just makes sense to hit them both. I usually shop one day a week and do all the deals.

I printed out my $5/20 purchase coupon for Walgreens and bought the free after rebate items (toothbrush, kids mouthwash, and maxipads) and also bought the 3 boxes of TUFF kitchen trashbags that had the $4 rebate. So my total before coupon was $23.xx -$5 coupon for $18.xx and I’m getting back $15.97 in rebates! I spent $2.xx for all that stuff which was mainly sales tax.

Next I jumped over to CVS and bought the soft drinks on sale (yeah I know even cheaper if you don’t buy them but it’s a bad vice we have), 6 packs of the store brand toilet paper, and 2 toothbrushes. So total was about $45 with tax before my ECB’s (extra care bucks) & coupons and it was $15.xx after all my rewards and coupons. Plus I got $4 in new ECB’s so I was quite pleased. We have enough toilet paper stocked up for the rest of year. I also have lots of items stockpiled so we rarely ever run out of items. I get most of these items either FREE or almost FREE! I do take advantage of items that are completely free even if I don’t need it then I donate those items either to my church or the local women’s shelter. I can’t always afford to give charities/organizations cash but I can afford to give them stuff I get free or almost free. They seem to prefer the items over the cash so it’s a win/win for both of us. Anyway, I will try to post more about great deals I come across but all of these little things do add up to much bigger savings and allows us to help others. I feel like I’m saving us more money by not working since I have time to do all the shopping, search out the deals, and do the other programs to make money for the extras we enjoy.