TMR Frugal Living Tip #100- Cut Facial Wipes in Half!

Today’s frugal living tip is to cut your facial wipes in half! I know I definitely do not need to use a whole facial wipe when removing makeup. I mostly use them to remove eye makeup as I find it’s gentler on my eyes and removes more than eye makeup remover. I use both sides to get the maximum benefit. My mom cuts hers into quarters extending it even further. I find I do need at least half for myself.

It’s really easy to do though I would advise washing your scissors before hand to make it more sanitary. Cutting them in half will double your savings and one pack will last twice as long. It’s also less wasteful.

You can also apply this tip to fabric sheets and even to cotton square pads. I prefer to use cotton balls and stock up when on sale with a coupon. I normally buy the store brand as I can get better deals such as CVS or Target.

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