Category: safety tips

5 Slip Proofing Tips for an Accident-Free Home

slip and fallMany people don’t realize the potential risks and dangers present in the average home. If you slip and fall, it can affect your mobility, balance, and strength, so it’s important to do everything possible to avoid this.

We’re going to tell you about 5 easy and simple tips for slip proofing your home. While there are many anti-slip solutions, you can’t take care of every possible freak accident. You have to concentrate on what can be controlled, and that’s your home!

1. Make Sure Your Lights Work

Many slips happen simply because you can’t see in the darkness. You may find it useful to walk around your home and examine the potential slip and falls risks as you go.

If the light switches don’t work, your light bulb is dead or if you don’t have the appropriate amount of lighting in a certain room, this could increase the probability of slipping. If you have stairs in your home, it can be especially useful to have light switches at both the bottom and tops of your stairs.

It’s also important that the wiring for the lights doesn’t cross an entrance or walkway. This could cause someone to trip up on the wiring. It may be useful to use furniture to secure wiring against the walls.

2. Slip Proofing Your Bathrooms and Showers

Some flooring is more slippery than others!

Due to the increased probability of wet floors, the bathroom is the most important room to slip proof. Not only is it likely to have a wet floor, but add soap to the equation make it a particularly risky area.

To reduce the risk of slipping, you could install grab bars on the walls to provide support when you are getting in and out of the shower or bath tub. This may not be enough to prevent a fall if your feet slip. That’s why you need to a bath mat and slip resistant flooring and coatings for the shower and bath tub.

3. Wear Shoes Indoors

Many people don’t like to wear shoes indoors. But by wearing shoes or slippers with rubber soles will significantly reduce your chances of slipping on a wet surface.

4. Make Clear Pathways

Sometimes slip proofing is very easy. By removing any items, clutter or small furniture that could cause someone to slip you could help prevent falls in your home.

5. Arrange Things Conveniently

If you have to reach awkwardly for the corner cabinet every morning to get the coffee, then you are unnecessarily risking slipping.

Consider rearranging the items you used the most regularly conveniently and accessible. If you arrange the items that you use every day, such as dishes and glasses, in the most accessible places and items you use less frequently, in the less convenient places, you’ll save time and reduce risk.

Final Thoughts

Now that you know the top 5 Slip Proofing Tips for an Accident-Free Home, you can get started on making your home slip-proof.

If you have any questions about slip proofing or anything else, get in touch!

5 Urgent Reasons to Book Self Defense Classes for Teens

self defense classes for teensYour teenager is never too young to take a self defense class. While you may think your teenager doesn’t need to worry about an attacker, there are some pretty grim statistics out there that would argue otherwise.

For example, persons between the ages of 12 and 24 experience the highest rates of violent crime. 

Violence against women proves to be an especially severe problem in the United States. One survey found that 23 percent of college women experience some form of unwanted sexual contact during their college years.

These statistics aren’t meant to encourage you to lock your kids in the house until they’re 30.

Instead, these numbers should encourage you to be proactive about equipping your teenagers with the right tools to protect themselves in violent situations.

And one of the best tools you can equip them with is self defense training.

Let’s take a look at 5 urgent reasons you should book self defense classes for teens.

1. Don’t Question Intuition

Most parents raise their children to be polite and respectful towards others, and especially towards adults.

This is great. However, teenagers need to understand that if they’re in an uncomfortable or dangerous situation, they don’t need to be polite. They should trust their intuition and leave.

Self defense classes for teens teach that it is okay to stand your ground against someone who is making you feel threatened. These classes teach that safety is always the number one priority and that coming off as rude should always be the least of their concerns.

2. Learn Prevention

Many people are under the impression that self defense classes are all about kicking and throwing punches.

However, a big aspect of a self-defense class is prevention. Prevention is the best way to avoid an attacker.

Self defense classes for teens teach the key components of prevention:

  • Being aware of surroundings
  • Avoiding risky places at night
  • Conveying confident body language

3. Goal Isn’t to Fight

Self-defense classes help teach teens that fighting an attacker is always the last resort.

This is a very important lesson to learn, as many teens will not stand a chance against an attacker who is larger than them.

These classes teach teens that their primary goal is to shock or hurt their attacker so they can get away.

It’s very important for teens to know an attacker’s vulnerable spots: the knees, groin, eyes, and neck.

Classes teach teens how to attack these areas using their hands or using a device, such as a self defense keychain. 

4. Mental Toughness

Most teens struggle with self-confidence.

Self defense teaches teenagers how to face the unexpected and break through uncomfortable situations. There’s no doubt that your teen will come out of these classes a more confident person.

5. Never Blame a Victim

If your teenager does experience an attack, it’s not their fault. Victims should never be blamed for an attack.

Self defense classes help teens learn this important concept. They also teach teens what to do if a friend or family member confides in them that they’ve been attacked.

Self Defense Classes For Teens: Wrap Up

We hope this article convinces you of the benefits of self defense classes.

If you have any questions about self defense for teens, please don’t hesitate to drop us a comment.