Category: Gifts

First Week of July- Great Shopping Day!

I already know I’ve had a post titled I love CVS but I really do love that store! I did most of the monthly deals and some of the weekly ones today. I saved a lot of money on this great shopping trip, and I am keeping a few items to put in my gift baskets I make for Christmas. I still need to get the Bic Soliel Razors monthly deal but my coupons haven’t come in yet. They are well stocked at the moment so hoping that lasts. I also got some stuff at Rite-Aid today. I did 3 transactions at CVS.

Rite-Aid Shopping Trip

  • 1 Degree Clinical Deodorant- $6.99
  • 2 RA boxes of Dryer Sheets (B1G1F) $3.19
  • 1 Pert Plus (25% more bottle)- $2.50
  • 1 Pert Plus Botanical- $2.50
  • 1 Gum- 99 cents
  • 1 Softsoap- $2.99


  • $1 Softsoap
  • $2 Pert Plus
  • $3 Pert Plus
  • $2 Degree
  • Total $8 in coupons

Grand Total with tax- $12.79 and I’m getting back $6 in Rebates from RA and $2.50 TMF Pert Plus Rebate so then grand total is $4.29! Not too shabby and I really needed dryer sheets and these were the huge 100 count ones! I would have bought more but these were the last 2 in the store. They were also out of the Dove Clinical and Oxy Freebies. Oh well.

Then I headed for shopping at CVS for the deals. I won’t post them like above since it’s too many to list but I will say I got the Free Liners, Tampons, 6 of the Sure Deodorants, 8 Softsoap bottles (B1G1F), 2 Coppertone Baby Sticks, Swiffer Duster and Refill, Right Guard Clinical Deo, and Vaseline Lotion. I got all of these items for $15! I am getting back a $2.89 rebate for the Sure. The total after the rebate for $12.11 and I have almost $23.49 in ECB’s. I still need the Bic razors/refills and the CVS brand Face Wipes which I have a $2 beauty coupon to print. The coupon is too huge so I need to work on that later today. Once I get my rebates back then I spent less than $20 for all this stuff. I mostly spent money on the Softsoap body washes but these make great additions to my gift baskets. I spend around $5 per person and I give 6 of these away each year. I usually donate the extras to either the women’s shelter or my Church.

I could have gotten my $12 total down to under $2 if I had used another $10 ECB but I wasn’t thinking. I am still proud of how I did even with the extra $10 upfront. I still have it but just in the form on an ECB but I really like rolling the old ones into new ones. Share your totals and shopping deals. I would love to hear about them.


Another Small Update to BoomerTowne

I received credit for 10 referrals for the month of May. It was a bonus month where you received 20,000 for each set of 5 so my balance was over 40,000 points. I was able to cash out 3 more Best Buy GC’s! I have now cashed out $100 worth of Best Buy gc’s and almost halfway of getting our Wii. The next problem will be actually finding one at my store. I could have redeemed a Wii on their site but I was worried that they may have run out before I had enough points. It was actually 17,500 points cheaper getting the Best Buy cards. I also signed up another 7 people for this month so next month will be another 10,000 points just for referrals. I love this site. If interested in joining this great community then just send me an email below asking for an invite.

Email For BoomerTowne Invite!

Just Cashed Out My First $25 GC BoomerTowne!

I just cashed out my first $25 gc to Best Buy from BoomerTowne! I still have over 1,000 pts in my account. Thanks to everyone that signed up under me and I should see those referral points by the middle of the month. Anyway it’s an awesome site and so easy to earn the points. I am getting 1,500 points a day (that’s the max) and all I do is chat on a chat board for 5-10 minutes (sometimes b/c I’m having fun chatting), a couple of easy posts on the boards. I also click on games (you don’t have to play if you don’t), accepting friend requests gives you 10pts per request, and asking for friends which is 7pts. I also do the daily trivia (25pts) and it doesn’t matter if you get the questions wrong or right. Rating tips, recipes, jokes, watching videos and there is so much more. It’s super easy and takes me less than an hour each day. Hubby does his in the morning. We are saving up for a WII which you can earn on the site but it’s about 20,000 points this way so the gc’s are better for us. I just wanted to update everyone and it’s a really easy to earn the points. Again if you are interested in joining this great site please shoot me an email (click on the link below) and provide me with your first name and email addy. It’s the only way I can send referrals is to email them directly which is a pain.

Email For BoomerTowne Invite!

Who Doesn’t Love a Freebie?

I love opening my mailbox daily and instead of seeing piles of bills, I get lots of free samples and coupons. It’s like getting a little present in my mail. I know it seems a little silly but getting free samples is a good way for me to try new products without having to purchase it first, some samples come with coupons, and I use some of them when I travel. I also like to put the small tubes of lotion in my purse and some samples (mainly the ones that come in tubes or small jars) can last me a few months esp lotions. It’s funny but I tend to use it sparingly compared to the huge bottles. I like the challenge of seeing how long I can make it last.

Another thing I like to do with some free samples is to keep them for gift bags. Every Christmas I get gift bags, baskets, and other ways to put many kinds of health and beauty products and fill them up. I make them decorative esp the the baskets but it’s fun putting big bottles along with small bottles of lotions, body washes, and shaving creams along with razors. My nieces (teenagers) love the bags full of goodies. My sister-in-law also loves them esp body washes and bubble bath. I usually spend less than $5 and they are always amazed at how many items are in the gifts. I’ll get into more detail with this on another post but I shop all year long and collect samples all year as well. I also donate samples along with full size products to my Church, local women’s shelter or the troops overseas. I like to send a care package at least twice a year to the soldiers. I also send one just for the females. You can pack a lot of stuff in those flat rate boxes.

Now I will share some sites that I regularly visit to get my samples. If you know of any sites that aren’t listed then please let me know in a comment. Thanks and I’m always looking for great sites.


Big Big Forums

MyCoupons Just Freebies Shopping Board

Fat Wallet

Start Sampling (you must join as a member)

A Little About Me

Hi and welcome to my blog about my ramblings. I’m a SAHM (stay-at-home mom) and I also sell Tupperware for extra money. I love the freedom and I am making a nice little extra income with very little time since most of my sales are online. I have had a few parties but all were catalog parties so very little work on my end. I also started this blog to share my thrifty tips, my remodeling projects, and the ways I make extra money from my computer. I also homeschool my son who just finished first grade. It was a very hard decision but I think it was the right one. I am not here to bash public or private schools, and I personally have nothing against them or teachers. I actually have several family members who are teachers and I have the utmost respect for teaching professionals. We do our schoolwork online using Odyessy Learning and we love it. It works for us for now and I also supplement with weekly trips to our public library and other activities.

I have been married to my best friend for 10 years as of the 1st of May. The time has really flown by, and I can’t wait for the next 10. He is a wonderful husband and father. He really is my best friend and am so happy to have found him. Ok no more mushiness for now.

There is really so much I want to say in this blog and I just love sharing my tips and ideas with others as well as learning new ones. I was a powerseller on Ebay for almost 8 years but recently quit for so many reasons. Again I won’t bash Ebay since I was able to make a nice living for a few years, but I am sad about some of the many changes under the new CEO. I still like to hang out in my groups and on some of the boards. I also am discovering some new sites to make some extra money and will critique the ones I use most often. I’m not getting rich off of them, but it’s extra money and gift cards which helps to stretch my budget. I also use a few of them as gifts so I didn’t spend any money but the recipient gets a nice gift. I have so much to share so I will try to post often. Thanks for stopping by.