Category: Children’s Activities

Parenting 101: How to Stop Siblings From Fighting?

When having two or more children, you dream of them becoming best friends and wanting to do everything together. Yet, as they’re growing up, you’ll find you need to endure bickering, arguing, and sibling rivalry.

Siblings can go from playing with each other peacefully to a full-on fistfight in a matter of seconds. As a parent, it can become overwhelming and frustrating. You’re asking yourself, “why can’t they just get along?”

If you’re looking for tips on how to stop siblings from fighting, we can help. 

Be sure to keep reading for our parenting 101 guide on how to stop siblings from fighting with each other. 

Talk About Being Siblings

As an exhausted or overwhelmed parent, you might be asking, “Why do siblings fight?” One reason could be that they feel tension or sibling rivalry in their relationship with each other. 

It can be difficult growing up as an older sibling when you feel like you have all the responsibilities thrown on you. While younger siblings can feel like they can’t do as much as their older siblings can. You’ll find that this dynamic can lead to siblings fighting because they don’t understand the family structure. 

One way to help your children is by talking to them about being siblings. Let them know that they’re all in this together. You should encourage your children to be on each other’s side instead of against one another. 

If you’re looking for the proven playbook on how you should raise your kids, then you can view here for more. You’ll see there are ways you can end tantrums, stop sibling fighting, and set boundaries with your kids. It is the perfect mix between humor and real advice that you need to raise your kids. 

Become Aware of Their Needs

Sometimes children act out because they’re craving your attention. A great way to avoid sibling fights is by making sure that each of your children feels that you love and value them equally. 

The best way to do that is to spend time with each of your children. Make sure to show them lots of attention and affection. Giving them hugs and kisses can help to make them feel love and acceptance. 

You should also make sure that you don’t compare your children to one another. Each of your children is on their own paths as they grow up and mature.

One might do something sooner than the other or not at all. Pointing out these differences can make bring on a sibling rivalry which will cause more fights. 

Making sure that each of your children has their own space is also vital to avoid fighting. It can be necessary that your kids need alone time or space with their own things. Be sure that you are aware of their needs and help to fulfill them. 

Reinforce Positive Behavior

If you’re wondering how to get siblings to stop fighting, one of the best things you can do is reinforce positive behavior. That means when you notice your kids are playing together without fighting, recognize them for it. Let them know that they’re doing a great job and you appreciate it. 

When you let your children know the things that they’re doing right, they will be more likely to continue doing them. You’ll keep seeing that behavior again because your children know that it makes you happy. 

For example, you can say statements like, “Good job taking turns with that toy,” or “You solved that problem together really well. Let’s all watch a movie to celebrate!” 

Reinforcing positive behavior will help to deter your children from fighting in the future. They know that it makes you happy for them to get along, therefore they will be more likely to try to get along with one another. 

Make sure that you’re always keeping an eye out for the good things that you’re children are doing and not only the bad. Focusing on the bad things can hurt your relationship between you and your children. 

Remember It Is Normal

As a parent, we want our children to live happy and fulfilling lives, yet when they’re always fighting with their siblings it can be difficult. You might be asking, “Is it normal for siblings to have physical fights or verbal altercations?” 

Yes, it is normal for children to fight and have disagreements, especially when they’re with their siblings all the time. Yet, we never want them to turn physical where someone can get hurt. 

Sometimes it is best to let children work their fights and disagreements out on their own. Try to give them some tips and advice so that their disagreement doesn’t escalate into a physical fight. Make sure that your advice is always fair and neutral. 

Many times it is better to coach your children through their fights so that they can work it out when you’re not around. If sibling fighting can be civilized, it will be easier for them to solve the problem and move on. 

After a fight happens, sit down and talk with your children about why they were fighting. If they resolved their fight on good terms, be sure to recognize them for that. 

You should also point out how they should have handled the situation better. If one person was yelling, they need to work on their tone of voice during disagreements. Everything can get better over time if you handle things in a civilized manner. 

How to Stop Siblings From Fighting With Each Other

If you’re trying to figure out how to stop siblings from fighting, be sure to use our parenting 101 guide tips and tricks. Over time you will learn how much fighting is normal for your kids to grow and build healthy relationships. Yet, you can also realize the best ways to step in and resolve issues. 

Remember, consistency is the key with children. Whenever you find a solution that works, stick with it. 

If you’re looking for more parenting and family advice, our page is the place to be! Make sure you keep scrolling or bookmark our blog so you can come back for more helpful information. 

My Toddler Won’t Eat or Drink: How to Deal With a Picky Eater

If you have kids that are in a picky eater phase, know that you are not alone in your struggle to get your kids the nutrients they need.

Don’t worry too much, because you can figure out what kind of picky eater your kid is. From there, you can determine what needs to happen for them to eat, and even enjoy, their food.

Plus, as your child grows from a baby into a toddler, they may not be as hungry as their rapid growth slows down.

If your toddler won’t eat and you’re worried it could be indicative of a bigger problem, check out these tips first. These are a few ways you can be patient with your kid as they test their boundaries with food and listen to their changing hunger levels.

Start Small

You want to avoid as much food waste as possible, but it’s difficult to do when you give your child a plate full of food and they only munch on two bites.

As your toddler grows and develops, their hunger and nutrient needs may also change. Instead of presenting them with a heaping plate of food, start by giving them smaller portions.

If they finish their serving and want more, that’s great. But if they only eat some of their food and decide that’s enough, then you won’t have to throw out as much.

Trying New Foods

Introducing new foods for your kids to try can add a lot of pressure to the dinner table. If they don’t like it and that’s the main focus of the meal, then you might be out of luck.

To make introducing new food easier, consider trying it at snack time. Then, if your picky toddler doesn’t like or refuses to try it, you can more easily switch to something else.

Playing With Food

While you may not enjoy the mess or the distraction that kids playing with their food causes, it can actually be good for them.

Playing with food helps kids explore and experiment with what they’re eating. They become more familiar with the feel and look of a piece of food, and it becomes less of a mystery. Then, they’ll feel more comfortable trying to consume it.

Snacks and Drinks

For a growing toddler, eating snacks and drinking juice or milk may fill them up so much that they’re not hungry at mealtimes.

If you’re concerned about your child getting more nutrient-rich foods at significant mealtimes like dinner, consider pulling back on how much they’re eating and drinking for snacks.

However, some young toddlers may still receive the majority of their nutrients from drinking milk. Before a child starts eating solid foods regularly, drinking their milk is an important factor in their growth and development.

If your toddler won’t drink milk and you don’t know why, here’s what you can do.

When Your Toddler Won’t Eat

It’s crucial to remember that toddlers will not eat the same amount or in the same way we do.

Let them get acquainted with their food. Most of all, be patient with them as they learn about the foods they do and don’t like. In all likelihood, the fact that your toddler won’t eat is a phase that will pass.

For more incredible parenting tips and some great hacks for your hectic life, check out our website.

5 Children’s Playroom Essential Every Kid Should Have

There are tons of ideas out there for how to make your children’s playroom the perfect place for their creativity to grow. It can be overwhelming to know where to start as you begin to plan.

Fortunately, we’re here to let you in on five kid’s playroom essentials to make life easier as you design their playtime area. You’ll see how easy it can be to create a space for your children to learn and play in their own special place.

1. Functional and Fun Furniture

When you’re looking for your playroom furniture, try to find pieces that are both useful and playful. Fun bean bag chairs or children’s rocking chair pieces are perfect for this.

Bookcases are a must to hold all the best children’s books and stories you’ll read to your children to spark their love of words. It’s also a wonderful idea to buy a rug or play mat that will make it more comfortable to play on the floor and avoid any injuries from a fall.

2. Distinct Areas

Your kids may have just one playroom, but that doesn’t mean they need to feel limited. Creating multiple different areas in the room gives the opportunity to switch gears easily.

Tents are becoming more and more popular as a little escape within the room. A good desk for drawing, painting, and even building with blocks is a great idea.

3. Good Storage

Utilizing good storage as much as possible is essential for keeping a well-organized play area and avoiding a huge mess. Using a variety of shelves, bins, and cute baskets are the key to keeping things in order and easy to get to.

4. Whimsical Decor

Decorating your child’s playroom is going to be the most fun part of the whole process. Of course, what you choose will depend on your kid’s preferences, but there are almost limitless options on what to use.

Wall decals are an affordable and fun way to add a lot of oomph to the room. These will also help you decide what bright mix of colors you should paint the walls. Even curtains and lamps can add to the creative vibe you’re trying to create.

5. Toys

This is probably going to be the biggest reason your child loves their playroom, so it’s a good idea to spend some time really thinking about what toys you choose.

Of course, they’ll have their go-to favorites but that doesn’t mean you can’t incorporate some exciting new things. A small kid’s gym is a fun way to keep children active and simple to install.

Children’s Playroom Essentials

Designing your children’s playroom may seem daunting but will probably be one of the most fun things you’ll do all year. Make sure to incorporate the five essentials from above and you’ll definitely have a happy child on your hands.

Are you looking for more ideas on how to keep your kids happy? Check out more tips and tricks here on our blog to keep you up to date on the latest ideas.

Giddy Up: 5 Cowboy Accessories Your Kid Will Love

If you’re looking for gifts for your children that crank up the cuteness factor while keeping them entertained for ages, cowboy accessories are the way to go.

Rather than sitting your kid in front of an iPad or Xbox, you can give them the gift of some truly old-school playtime with some adorable cowboy and Indian accessories that they can enjoy with their siblings and friends. With that in mind, here are some of the best cowboy accessories for kids that you absolutely need to buy for their toy box in 2021. 

1. A Rootin’ Tootin’ Cowboy Hat

If you’re looking for cowboy accessories kids will love, a classic cowboy hat is an absolute must. There are countless ones to choose from. There is this classic cowboy hat for kids, complete with an authentic-looking rawhide finish that will leave your little one looking just like a miniature Clint Eastwood.

When shopping for cowboy hat accessories for young children, it is important that you carefully choose one that will fit their head size and shape. The last thing you want is for their little cowboy hat to keep falling off their head when they are trying to round up some cattle! 

2. A Wooden Stick Horse

To add a true element of play into your child’s cowboy action accessories collection, a wooden stick horse is a sure-fire winner. Wooden stick horses are great cowboy accessories for boys and girls and are among some of the most popular girl toys on the market in some parts of the world.

A great thing about wooden stick horses, also known as hobby horses, is that there is a huge variety of types available. You can choose a white princess stick horse or a classic brown cowboy stick horse, depending on what your kid will enjoy the most. 

3. Adorable Cowboy Boots 

No kid’s cowboy ensemble would be complete without some adorable cowboy boots for them to kick up some dust with. As this guide to the best toddler cowboy boots explains, there are a number of factors you will have to consider.

Like any shoes for young children, you will need to make sure that they are the right size and that they have the appropriate levels of child foot support so that they are comfortable at all times. 

4. Cowboy Books 

One of the best things about cowboy accessories is that it opens up a vast world of history, fantasy, and play that your children can become totally immersed in. That is why you should also invest in some classic cowboy books to inspire your little ones.

There are hundreds of classic cowboy books for you to choose from, ranging from classic short stories to illustrated cowboy adventures to real-life histories of some of the most famous figures of the Old West. 

5. Additional Cowboy Accessories for Kids

To complete your child’s cowboy collection, there are a few other accessories with buying. A child’s holster belt with a plastic sharpshooter toy or a spud gun are good options, but this is not for everyone.

A little leather satchel bag for them to carry their toys and cowboy books is also a good idea, as is a little fake bolo tie or some little cowboy pants. The list is really endless and will provide you with gift ideas for years to come. 

Treat Your Kids on the Cheap in 2021 

Investing in some cowboy accessories can be a hugely effective way to keep your children entertained, engaged, and learning on a budget. Rather than splashing out on fancy electronics, you can keep it old school and help your kids grow and play without breaking the bank. For more essential tips on treating your kids on the cheap in 2021, make sure to read our extensive Family Life guides for all of the expert budgeting advice you could ever need. 

Why You Should Rent a Water Slide for Your Next Party

Should you rent a water slide for your next party? The answer is yes as long as you like having fun and saving money.

Renting a water slide is an affordable party option that lets everyone have a little fun. You get built-in entertainment with little effort on your part. It’s a win-win.

Check out these reasons you should consider a water slide rental for your next party.

Affordable Party Option

Birthday parties can really add up, especially if you hire a party planner or reserve an expensive venue. One survey showed that 11% of parents spent over $500 on their child’s first birthday party, and another 25% spent between $200 and $500. 

Renting a water slide for your backyard is often much more affordable than having a party at an expensive venue, but it’s just as much fun. Party venues often limit the event to an hour or two, while water slide rentals give you a lot more time and flexibility in how you keep guests entertained.

You might also find yourself paying extra at a party venue if you have a large party. The base cost usually only covers a small number of kids with extra kids costing more. When you rent a slide, you pay the standard fee and can invite as many people as you want.

Variety of Options

Water slides come in a range of sizes and designs to give you your pick of options. You might choose a pink princess castle water slide to go with the princess party theme. You could go with a combination inflatable with a water slide and a bounce house to give the party guests more ways to play.

Minimal Setup and Requirements

You can plan your own party with lots of fun activities, but that creates a lot of work for you. Between picking activities, prepping the materials, and leading the activities, you have no time to just enjoy the party.

When you rent a water slide, the company sets it up for you. There’s no need for you to worry about getting things set up correctly.

When the party’s over, the company comes back to pack it up and take it away for you. The clean-up process is much easier, and you get out of doing all of the manual labor for the party.

Safe, Fun Party Activity

A water slide is the perfect option for summer birthday parties. Unlike a regular swimming pool, water slides don’t have deep water, which poses a risk to your party guests. Inflatable water slides are soft and cushioned, allowing kids to fly down them with little risk of injury.

A rented water slide adds a little extra fun to a typical backyard party. Instead of just running through sprinklers or throwing water balloons, your party guests can climb high and rush down the slide for a dose of kid-friendly adrenaline.

Private Water Fun

You can take your party guests to a public pool or water park, but you have to share the place with all the other guests. Reserving a private party at a water park can be very expensive.

With a water slide rental, you get the feel of a water park in the comfort of your backyard. It’s completely private and personal, so your guests can have fun.

Rent a Water Slide for Your Party

When you rent a water slide for your event, you get hours of fun in your backyard. It’s a unique, fun, and affordable party entertainment option.

Visit our archives for more thrifty options.

6 Places to Go if You’re Traveling With Kids

Traveling with kids is much different than traveling alone or with a friend or spouse. If you’ve ever traveled with children before, then you know how much work it really is. There are many things to take into consideration before bringing children with you somewhere. 

For example, is the place you’re traveling to child friendly? Can you use your stroller? What type of public transportation is there?

Are there things to do there to keep the children entertained? There are some places that are better to travel to with kids than others. In the guide below, you’ll discover several of the best places to travel with kids. 

Continue reading below to find out more!

1. Hong Kong

Hong Kong is a great travel destination if you’re looking to keep your little ones entertained the entire time. There’s so much to do, including Disneyland, Ngong Ping 360, Ocean Park, and even a tram ride that’ll take you to Victoria Peak! The little ones will have a blast here.

Navigating around Hong Kong is simple due to many different public transportation options. The trains can get quite full during the busy hours, so the smaller the stroller the better, but otherwise you shouldn’t have any problems. Don’t forget to ride the Star Ferry as well. 

It gives you the opportunity to avoid busy streets and observe beautiful views of the water. 

2. Route 66

The historic Route 66 road trip takes you from Chicago to Santa Monica. If you have an RV, then it’s time to load up the kids and hit the road! This road trip can be completed in about two weeks.

There’s also much to do along the way. In Chicago, be sure to visit the Navy Pier. In Springfield, stop by The Land of Lincoln where Abraham Lincoln resided. 

In Tusla, you can visit the Big Blue Whale of Catoosa! These are just a few of the many attractions along the route. 

3. California 

California is another great destination option when traveling with children. Here, you have Disneyland, Death Valley National Park, the Golden Gate Bridge, Lassen Volcanic National Park, and so much more! Your options here are endless. 

While visiting, you can also check out a Dream Big Children’s Center. These centers are dedicated to providing warm, welcoming, and fun ABA (applied behavior analysis) centers for young children. 

4. Colorado 

The last stop on our list is Colorado. Colorado has many great outdoor activities for young children to do and many places for them to explore. Manitou Springs is a great place to let the children explore. 

There’s even a historic penny arcade with a park nearby. Colorado also provides many hiking trails, and snow sledding opportunities as well. 

When Traveling With Kids, Be Sure to Consider These Stops

Traveling with kids is much more work than when traveling without them, but it’s worth it in the end. You want to give your children a wonderful experience they’ll remember for the rest of their lives. Use the tips listed in this guide above to ensure you do just that!

For more family life topics, be sure to visit here on a regular basis!

10 Fun and Cheap Activities for Kids

During the coronavirus pandemic, around 93% of American households with school-age children had to do distance learning from home.

This makes children’s downtime more essential than normal because they can’t enjoy the afternoon with friends or leave the house. Luckily, with a little creativity, it’s possible to keep your little ones entertained.

If you’re looking for cheap activities for kids, you’ve come to the right place. Here are 10 to inspire you.

1. Plan a Scavenger Hunt 

Brainstorming fun activities for kids?

Scatter items around your home and read out a list of riddles (e.g. “a food that easily cracks”) to the little ones. Reward children with trinkets whenever they get one but give the overall winner a big prize like choosing dinner that night.

Or, if you’ve got kindergartners, try a nature color hunt. This is where you paint the inside of a used egg carton in different colors and ask the kids to match each one with a real-life object. For instance, find a daffodil in the backyard and put it in the yellow pocket.

2. Build a Blanket Fort 

One of the best cheap indoor activities for kids is to build a blanket fort as a family. Not only does it get your children away from the screen, but it encourages creativity. You can even turn it into a competition to see who can make the biggest or most unique blanket fort.

3. Make Gingerbread Houses

If you’re looking for cheap Christmas activities for kids, spend the afternoon making gingerbread houses. Gather plenty of frosting, candy, and get everyone involved to make colorful houses either as teams or individually.  

Or make holiday cookies like snowmen or reindeers, perfect for children of all ages. Let the younger children add pre-measured ingredients and decorate their cookies with their favorite toppings.

4. Schedule a Family Fitness Class 

Your child’s school will have plenty of school activities for kids planned so break up lessons by having a family fitness class, so your little ones get their daily exercise.

You can either practice yoga by watching YouTube videos or try a new sport and practice in the yard. Don’t worry about intense workouts, just set aside 20 minutes a day to get your little ones moving between classes.   

Or, to make it less serious, throw a dance party as it’s a fantastic way to relieve stress, laugh, and move your body.

5. Go for a Long Walk

Parents planning easy activities for kids shouldn’t underestimate the power of afternoon walks. Make sure you follow the social distancing guidelines and go out when there are fewer people like around dusk when your neighbors are having dinner. 

You could also drive into the countryside so your little ones can immerse themselves in nature while enjoying the fresh air.

6. Movie Marathon 

A fantastic way to keep the kids entertained is to throw a movie marathon night. Get comfortable on the couch with cushions, blankets, and make sure there’s a steady flow of popcorn. You can either watch a series like Harry Potter or the Minions movies for younger ones. 

Or if you want to make it educational, put on documentaries suitable for children like March of the Penguins and Walking with Dinosaurs.

7. Cook Together 

Cooking healthy meals with your kids teaches them how to eat a balanced diet and helps them become adventurous eaters. These skills are invaluable, and your child will carry them throughout their life. You can whip up homemade pizza, chicken skewers, and fajitas. 

More competitive families can have a cooking competition. To do this, divide the family into two teams and hand out five ingredients for everyone to work with, and set the timer. Make it more exciting by adding random ingredients like trying to incorporate marshmallows into a savory dish.

8. Garden

Gardening has many advantages for children such as teaching responsibility, letting them explore with their senses, and offering mood-boosting benefits. Not to mention, plenty of family bonding time. 

Planting a vegetable garden is also productive as you can harvest them later on. You should grow green beans, tomatoes, and root veggies like carrots, so you have plenty to eat. If you’re a beginner, start small by creating 11 rows so there’s enough spacing between the plants.

Don’t worry if you live in an apartment, simply grow vegetables or herbs in containers and place them on your windowsill or balcony.

9. Backyard Camping 

You may be unable to visit the nearest National Park, but you don’t have to sacrifice a weekend camping. Invest in a firepit, or make your own, so you can make s’mores and spend the night camping in the backyard. And you mustn’t forget to share child-friendly ghost stories for entertainment.

10. Game Night 

Ditch the consoles and bring out old-school board games for the whole family to enjoy. Try a new one next week to keep it interesting and try Twister, Risk, and parlor games like Charades. You can also have a tournament night with children’s card games like Go Fish, Snap, and Old Maid.

Those Are Cheap Activities for Kids 

Now you know the best cheap activities for kids. 

Whether it’s planning a scavenger hunt in the yard or working out together, it’s important children are getting enough exercise, fresh air, and are stimulated amidst all their schoolwork. Make an effort to switch activities up during the week so they stay excited while you bond. Have fun!

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