Author: ThriftyMomma

TMR Frugal Living Tip #11

Today’s thrifty tip is clean your jewelry with toothpaste. This works wonderful and a huge tube of Ultra-Brite is 88 cents at my Wal-Mart. Even a tube at a dollar is cheap and will last for months. The expensive cleaners are at least $4.00 a box. I just use an old toothbrush or a cheap 50 cent one from the store. My rings come out sparkling, but just be sure to close the sink drain before cleaning.

How Did Hurricane Dolly Sneak In?

Maybe I need to pay more attention to the news but it seems that Hurricane Dolly sneaked through the backdoor. I heard it entered the Gulf on Monday, but then yesterday it was approaching South Texas and North Mexico as a hurricane. I was shocked that it had moved so quickly in such a short amount of time. Usually hurricanes can take days building in the Gulf. In a small way I’m glad it moved this quickly since it didn’t have time to build into a more powerful Hurricane. In other ways I’m a little surprised by how little coverage it got from the media. I guess we should be glad since the gas prices seem to be holding steady. I just hope everyone in the path stayed safe and can rebuild quickly.

TMR Frugal Living Tip #10

Today’s thrifty tip is to use baking soda, vinegar, and boiling hot water to clear a clogged drain. What you do is pour a cup of baking soda down the drain first. Then pour a cup of vinegar behind it which will fizz. Then put the stopper in and let sit for at least 30 minutes. Then take out the stopper and pour a pot of boiling water down the drain. This works for me pretty much every time, especially, in the kitchen sink. The bathrooms don’t always work since it’s usually a hair clog so then I usually use a bent wire hanger to get to the clog. I do use the baking soda and hot water mixture to keep them clear and smelling clean. It’s cheaper than using expensive drain cleaners plus safer.

More Than Just a Trinket

As a bride there is so much to do before the big event, but one thing that can be hard to figure out is choosing your bridesmaid gifts. You don’t want to buy them just anything, and it should be special since you asked these special ladies to walk in your wedding. If it is an accessory ,then try to consider giving them something that can be used other than on your special day.

TMR Frugal Living Tip #9

Today’s frugal tip is use hot boiling water or vinegar to get rid of weeds. Just be careful not to use around plants. This is great for use in walkways or your driveway. This is much cheaper than chemicals and safer to use.

Have You Ever Noticed?

Have you ever noticed that the older you become, how much faster the days fly by? If I’m really busy with projects and life in general then it seems even faster. I also find the beginning of the week just drags by, but by Friday then the weekend is gone, and it’s Monday again.

TMR Frugal Living Tip #8- Use Grits on Ant Hills!


Today’s thrify living tip is to use instant grits on ant hills. This really does work.

I only use this method on black ant hills. I am not sure about fire ants as we only get black ants in our yard!

It’s safe for pets and kids plus it’s non-toxic! So NO spraying poison around your yard!

Trust me in South Louisiana, we get a lot of black ant hills especially after lots of rain.

What happens is the worker ants will bring in the grits (thinking it’s food) and feed it to the queen which then explodes in their systems.

The best way to use this method is to wait for a dry day, and when you are expecting rain sprinkle the instant grits around the ant hills. I do not sprinkle directly on top but just around the perimeter.

I say go for the cheap dollar store brand. I seriously doubt the name brand makes any difference except for in your pocket book!

Let me know if this method works for you!