Tag: pregnancy

Baby Boom: 5 Proven Methods to Naturally Increase Fertility

As one in every ten couples struggles with fertility, it’s not uncommon for people to find new and creative ways to increase fertility. If you want to add to your family and are having some trouble, there are some simple changes that could help make it easy to have that baby you’ve been wanting. By managing your health, paying attention to your body, and doing everything at the right time, you can ensure you conceive without trouble.

Here are five tips to ensure you increase your chances fo conceiving.

1. Pay Attention to Health

It’s important for anyone to get regular checkups. Many people who otherwise feel perfectly healthy will skip out on annual checkups rather than going to the doctor to look for underlying issues. People in their twenties and even thirties often feel invincible and like they don’t need to go to the doctor.

Both men and women will neglect their reproductive health and ignore the other health factors that could be contributing to reproductivity. However, there is a very strong correlation between your physical health and the fertility that you have. For both men and women, being unhealthy can influence the strength of your reproductive inner workings.

Having a good diet, maintaining regular exercise, and managing your body weight can affect your fertility. Even just getting more and better-quality sleep will ensure that you’re staying healthy enough to give your body the reproductive balance it needs. Living a less stressful life can ensure that you’re producing stronger eggs or semen to produce your best chance of making a baby.

2. Watch For Signs of Fertility

While there are basics to pregnancy, like the need for an egg to be met by sperm, there are times that are more ideal than others. If your body is about to release an egg during ovulation, you need to be sure that you can meet the two elements together at the right time and place.

Ideally, you want to be having sex during that ideal time frame of when your ovaries are creating eggs and your partner is at their healthiest.

Having a regular cycle, with periods calling around 4-5 weeks apart, means that you should be having sex around the second and before the third week. With irregular periods, it’s much harder to predict when the ideal time to reproduce is.

Since you can’t always rely on a calendar to tell you when to reproduce, you need to pay attention to your body. The way that you feel during that part of your period will tell you when it’s time to make a baby.

A simple ovulation kit can ensure that a woman is on top of her cycle and knows the ideal time to conceive.

3. You Can Have the Wrong Amount of Sex

Setting a schedule for sex might seem a little bit unromantic but it’s a necessary element of trying to have a baby. Knowing your window for fertility is one of the most important elements and now that you have ti down, you can start ensuring that you’re having sex just about every other day from a few days before until a few days after ovulation.

While spending more time having sex won’t really lower your odds, some figured state that sperm count might go down as your frequency increases.

How much time you spend during each session is up to you and your partner. You can make it as quick and exciting or slow and fun as you’d like. That doesn’t affect the chances of conception at all.

Position or keeping your legs in one place or another doesn’t really affect your odds of conception at all. Sperm can move fast and so if they haven’t made it in the fallopian tubes within a few minutes, there’s not a lot to do to get them there.

4. Testical Temperature Matters

If you or your partner like the feeling of a hot bath, that can be a great way to relax the body and mind, but it’s not ideal for conception. Even sitting in a sauna after working out might hurt the chances of conceiving a baby if it’s frequent enough habit.

Typically, testicles stay cooler than other parts of the body. There’s an ideal temperature for sperm production that’s a little less than the standard 98.6 degrees the body stays.

Since they need to stay in this ideal zone to be produced, external elements that warm them up could be a problem for conceiving.

5. Weight Matters

For people who are overweight, it can be a little bit harder to conceive or to keep a baby healthy once it’s conceived. Women might have lower chances of conceiving a child if they are overweight.

Being overweight can cause changes in a woman’s menstrual cycle or even cause them not to ovulate at all. If there’s a chance that you could lose some weight before trying to conceive, that might help to increase fertility. A woman closer to a healthy weight will also be able to eliminate many of the health risks that come with pregnancy.

Being too thin could make fertility difficult as well. Thinner women often have irregular menstrual cycles and could lack some of the nutrients necessary to keep a fetus healthy. Thin women can risk having a preterm birth if they get pregnant, which will lead to a low birth weight and other complications related to a pregnancy.

You Can Increase Fertility Naturally

By following just a few of the steps listed above, you can increase fertility and have a healthier baby in the end. When you live a healthier life, you can ensure that you’re giving your new addition to your family the best chance at health. Healthy parents have healthy babies.

If you expect to be balancing your work life with your new addition to your family, follow our guide for tips.

The Soon-To-Be-Mommy Do’s and Don’ts of Working While Pregnant

Pregnancy can be an amazing time, knowing you’re going to bring new life into the world. It can also be a stressful time, especially for working women.

Work can be tough, and pregnancy only makes it harder. Now, there’s a whole other set of challenges to deal with on the job, and knowing how to navigate them is essential.

The question is, what are some of the difficulties of working while pregnant, and how do you manage them. Truth be told, there are a lot of ways, but the rest of this article should help you get started.

Talk to Your Doctor

This one is a bit obvious, but it needs to be said. You can never be too careful during pregnancy. If there’s anything that concerns you, it’s best to talk to a professional. You’ll need to anyway, because you’re going to have a lot of appointments to get to while balancing a full-time job.

Working is no different, and, in fact, may be more beneficial than looking it up. Unlike the internet, your doctor probably has hands.

They can jot notes, make lists, send emails, and make calls. If you need them to, they can condense everything you need to know into a short, memorable format. They can also contact your boss and tell them how to handle the situation.

Dealing with Morning Sickness

Nobody likes morning sickness,but most pregnant women get it. With this in mind, it’s best to be prepared.

Find the things that make you nauseous and avoid them if you can. Some suggest keeping your pregnancy a secret until the end of the first trimester. There are certain advantages to telling people, too.

When it comes to morning sickness, it may actually be better to tell your boss, even if you tell nobody else. It’ll be much easier in the long run to tell them that you’re pregnant than figuring out how to hide it for three months.

At the end of the day, your boss is the one with the authority. They’re the ones capable of making arrangements so you can still do your job while pregnant.

Certain foods can be quite effective at combating morning sickness. Dry crackers are one such food. Ginger ale or ginger tea can also work. You’re going to need to stay hydrated anyway, so you don’t feel exhausted at work.

Rest Often, Sleep Well and Don’t Overexert

When it comes to dealing with exhaustion, try to eat a diet heavy in protein and iron. This helps to combat anemia, which can be a problem during pregnancy.

It’s also best to take frequent breaks and avoid particularly strenuous activity. You also might want to exercise every day, but it’s important not to push yourself. Try lighter activities, like walking, and always ask your doctor before trying anything.

A good night’s sleep is also important. Try to avoid staying up late, and always sleep on your side. Other positions may cause harm or discomfort to you or the baby. You might consider investing in a pregnancy pillow. They’re designed to help with some of the aches and pains of pregnancy. This will help provide comfort so you’re able to sleep better.

Working While Pregnant

Obviously pregnancy, and even working while pregnant, is a complex issue. People have filled entire books on the subject, so we can’t go over everything here. We have done our best to discuss what we can.

At every step of the way, you should talk to your doctor, and you might want to talk to your boss, too. There are also a lot of things you can do to help deal with symptoms. You can eat crackers and drink ginger ale. Also, you should try to get a good amount of sleep and take plenty of breaks on the job.

If you want to know more about how to manage money, please visit our site. If you want to start planning ahead, we can help you find affordable educational toys. Maybe you want to eat healthy without breaking the bank. We can help with that, too.

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Having a baby is a process that takes a LONG 9 months! Sometimes we forget about all the great things pregnancy has to offer while complaining about how we feel. Enter to win this sweet and delicate necklace that records the months your were pregnant by the colors of the months! This will help you pregnancy fly by! Enter to win now!