Tag: killer logos

9 Effective Tips for Designing a Killer Logo

tips for logo design

Do you know the basics of designing a logo?

If your answer is no, then this article is a must-read.

Understanding the rules of design allow you to use–and sometimes bend–them to your advantage. It’s an important skill. One that defines the difference between a lukewarm logo and a killer design destined to turn heads.

That’s why we’ve put together 9 of the most important tips for logo design.

9 Crucial Tips for Logo Design

There are numerous ways to go about designing a logo. From Logo Maker software to whipping one up from scratch on your own or through a graphic designer, the approach can vary based on your budget and skill sets.

However, the thought process behind the design should always be the same.

These 9 tidbits of advice are geared toward helping you or your business achieve an attractive design for your brand that sets you apart from your competition.

1. Keep it Simple

Simplicity is the cornerstone of logo design. A logo isn’t an illustration, and overdoing it can lead to a busy design that clutters up your brand instead of making it pop.

Think of today’s most popular logos, such as Nike, Facebook, Adidas, Mercedes, and Twitter. In fact, take some time to really study them.

Can you pinpoint their commonalities?

None of these logos are in any way excessive. From their shape to their color scheme, they strip their design down to the bare minimum, while still making a big impression.

2. Keep it Evergreen

While you want to stand out, it’s also important for your logo to be just as relevant today as it will be five or ten years down the road. It can be a real pain having to rebrand your logo after your business is established, which is why this tip is so high on the list.

Ensure your logo withstands the test of time by creating a sensible design.

We mentioned simplicity previously. BMW, Volkswagon, and Nike are all examples of evergreen designs that have barely changed throughout the decades. They remain consistent because they convey their brand in a way that remains relevant to their target demographic years later.

So as you design, think ahead. Aim for a logo that will remain just as relevant for the next generation as it is for your current market.

3. Know the Process

Whether you’re creating the logo yourself or hiring someone to do it for you, make it a point to know all of the steps within the design process ahead of time.

The ability to plan ahead will save you time and money in the long run. You’ll be able to research all of the elements necessary from ideation to creation so you know exactly what you want and are prepared by the time the process begins.

Being clear on what you want will also save you time and money by reducing the number of revisions needed.

4. Think Outside the Box

It’s easy to fall into the usual “go-to” designs:

  • A pen and inkwell for writers
  • A fish on a hook for fishing charters
  • A cup of coffee for a small cafe

However, cookie-cutter designs don’t stand out.

Aim to think outside of the box. Consider your brand and expand on any themes that may go along with it. When you define an image that is unique to your business, you give consumers a reason to view you differently.

5. Have Your Brand Already Defined

Speaking of brands, do you know yours? If not, stop what you’re doing and start brainstorming.

Before you choose and finalize a logo, you need to define your target audience and established the various brand elements associated with your business.

This includes:

  • Brand colors
  • The overall style or theme
  • Your brand’s voice
  • Your brand’s font

All of these things will play a distinct role in the creation of a killer logo that matches your marketing collateral, website design, and overall brand impression.

6. Don’t Shy Away from Text-Based Logos

Sometimes the most powerful logos are made up of just text. Facebook is a famous example. It’s simple, all-lower-case sans serif font has become a global icon.

However, these logos can be tricky. Text-only logos have to work harder to stand out.

Often, businesses will create their own unique font specifically for their company, while pairing it with brand colors to help it feel uniform.

7. Capture the Purpose of Your Business

This may feel like common sense, but sometimes businesses focus so much on creating an appealing logo that they forget to capture the purpose of their business.

What does your business offer its consumers?

Make sure you capture this in the design itself. Allow users to interpret just by glancing at your logo what your business has to offer them.

8. A Killer Logo Design Looks Good on Any Scale

You’d be surprised how flexible a logo has to be. It will take on multiple forms during its lifetime as it’s integrated into:

  • Your website design
  • Business cards
  • Brochures and rack cards
  • Flyers
  • Email blasts
  • Press releases
  • Digital and print articles
  • Promotional products
  • Trade show tents and banners
  • And more…

This kind of exposure requires flexibility and scalability. As you design a stunning logo, make sure it is recognizable and legible in various sizes, from a large banner to a 1 cubic inch label.

9. Don’t Neglect Grayscale Variations

Lastly, never forget to consider grayscale variations. Even if your brand’s colors are a major element in your logo design, it’s important to keep in mind that color won’t always be an option.

If your logo is featured in a black and white print publication or greyscale copies, you want to make sure it remains distinguishable. For that reason, you’ll want to test your logo in both black and white and color before approving it to ensure it will work in all formats.

Think Smart, Work Thrifty

These tips for logo design will help you design a killer logo for your business, but what about other projects? Are you thinking smart?

Grow your profit by taking advantage of our library of thrifty business tips! They’re free to read, and your business will thank you.