Tag: split ends

Must-Know Beauty Secrets: 7 DIY Remedies for Split Ends

If you’ve ever worn your hair long at all, you probably know that split ends are super annoying–and that loads of different things can cause them.

From washing with the wrong sort of shampoo, to using water that’s too hot, to using a not-so-perfect brush, split ends can befall even the most gorgeous heads of hair.

Most hairdressers recommend a haircut every 4 weeks or so to help cut down on those pesky split ends–but let’s be honest: factoring haircuts into your schedule and your budget that often can be a huge no-go.

Instead of booking it to your hairdresser’s chair every time you catch sight of a new split end, consider trying out one of our favorite DIY split end treatments instead!

Here they are.

1. Coconut Oil

You’ve already heard what coconut oil can do for your skin and your digestive tract–but did you know the stuff can also help repair split ends?

Since, as you probably know, split ends are usually results of different sorts of deep damage to your hair (if you didn’t already know that, click here to learn more.) It’s important that split end treatments get deep into the hair for repairs, too.

Try applying a coating of coconut oil to the ends of your freshly-shampooed hair (or across its whole length, if you’re feeling generous), then wrapping your hair in a towel to sit for 30 minutes. When enough time has passed, hop back in the shower and shampoo your hair 2 more times to prevent any unwanted oil buildup.

Repeat this every 2 weeks or so and watch your hair repair its split ends, and adopt a gorgeous new glow overall!

2. Avocado Protein

First, avocado toast for your tummy, then avocado protein for your locks!

Combine one raw egg with an entire avocado (fingers crossed they’re on sale!), mashing the substance until they two ingredients are mixed well. Once they are, add olive oil, mixing in more and more until the whole solution is smooth and just a little thicker than normal store-bought conditioner.

Once it’s been mixed up, apply the mask to your whole head and let it soak for 20 minutes or so. Then rinse thoroughly with warm water. Voila!

3. Fish Oil

How many times has your doctor recommended you start taking those big, smelly fish oil pills? Too many, probably. But when it comes to your split ends, you may want to listen up!

Omega-3 and -6 oils found in fish oil can work wonders for your split ends. Bust a few fish oil capsules into a saucepan set to low heat, then mix them with a couple dollops of coconut oil and lavender for 5 minutes.

Pour the solution into a bowl, then dip your ends in and start to work the stuff up until it’s gone a few inches from your roots. Wrap your hair in a towel, then let it sit for about 40 minutes. Shampoo twice to rinse out excess oils!

4. Honey & Olive Oil

This one even sounds delicious and calming, right?! Mmm.

The combined nourishing potential of olive oil and honey make them the perfect duo to help fix up those split ends. This mix can also work to nourish the scalp and boost your hair’s shine overall.

Combine 3 tablespoons of olive oil with 2 tablespoons of raw honey, mixing them together thoroughly. Lather the combination into freshly shampooed hair, let it sit for 40 minutes, then shampoo once more and rinse well!

5. Egg Yolk

Since ancient times, eggs have been famed friends of human hair. When it comes to deep conditioning and restoration, there are few relevant rivals for the egg yolk, which contains loads of protein.

Mix an egg yolk or 2 with 2 tablespoons of olive oil, almond oil, and honey (you can already tell how well this one’s gonna work, huh?!). Apply it to your entire head, from roots to ends, then let it soak for 35 or 40 minutes.

When enough time has passed, rinse the solution with lukewarm water (don’t want to risk cooking any eggs to your scalp!) and a gentle shampoo.

6. Beer

Maybe your split ends are out-of-control enough that you’ve already turned to beer for help coping–but next time you head to the fridge, grab an extra bottle for your hair itself.

Beer can help nourish your hair the same way it nourishes your soul–kind of. Its proteins and sugars are great for damaged hair. They soak in and repair damaged follicles, targeting your well-worn ends.

Next time you’re in the shower, grab a beer that’s gone flat (never a fresh beer, since the carbonation has potential to damage your hair further!), shampoo your hair as you normally would, then step away from the shower’s stream to pour the beer over your hair. Coat your whole head with the liquid, letting it sit for 3 minutes or so before rinsing it with warm water and another shampoo.

7. Old-Fashioned-Trim

There are loads of different ways you can treat your hair’s split ends and general…well…”blah.” Many creams, masks, and treatments can make your hair look healthy and fabulous again when done right.

But, when it comes down to it, there are still occasions when nothing is going to solve your split ends problem but another trip to the salon for a quick trim.

If you’re concerned about losing length by getting those split ends chopped off, just let your hairdresser know you’re working to grow your hair out. Ask her to do her best to cut only what absolutely needs to go, instead of that generous couple of inches she sheared off last time.

If you’re worried about spending money on a trim, you might try watching some tutorial DIY videos, and keep your hairdresser on standby if the situation goes wrong!

Do everything you can to treat your hair right–but remember, sometimes the only thing that’ll give you that fresh feeling you’re after is a good, old-fashioned trim!

Want More on How to Do Away with Split Ends?

Millions of people suffer from split ends every year–and millions will continue to do so if serious change doesn’t occur.

Okay–enough with the melodrama!

If you’re looking for more information on how to deal with split ends and keep that mane of yours healthy and glowing, check out the rest of our awesome thrifty beauty content!