Category: Family Life

3 Tips for Taking Care of a Baby on a Budget

Did you know that the average American family spends $20,000-$50,000 on baby-related expenses in the first year of becoming parents? 

However, ask most people whether they have a spare $50,000, and most of the time, the answer would be a resounding no! But don’t worry, there are ways to cut that cost without compromising the care you give your new baby. 

We’re here to help with five tips on taking care of a baby when you’re strapped for cash. There’s no need to feel guilty about not having money to splash out on luxury brands for your little one. 

Read on for five ways to save money and still provide the perfect care for your baby. 

1. Shop Second-Hand 

Don’t be afraid to shop second-hand when taking care of a newborn. Remember, most products only get a few months of use before a baby reaches a new stage of development and needs new products. 

If items are in good condition, you can save thousands by buying second-hand, and you won’t have to compromise on quality. 

Check out local sales forums, Facebook marketplace, and charity shops.

2. Feed Smart 

One of the most challenging choices for first-time parents is how to feed their newborn. To save the most money, breastfeed if possible. However, if you’re using a formula, don’t be afraid to buy unbranded milk. 

Remember – all formula milk must be proven safe and effective for babies. Therefore, buying luxury formula isn’t necessarily better. You’re buying into the brand rather than the quality. 

Additionally, you don’t need to waste leftover milk. If you’re wondering, ‘can babies drink cold milk?’ click the link to learn more about saving excess milk. 

3. Ask for Help 

Finally, one of the best parenting tips for first-time parents is not to think you’re all alone. If you know other parents, ask them for hand-me-downs. In most cases, they’ll be happy to donate old clothes and toys to a parent in need. 

Additionally, instead of paying for expensive nannies or babysitters, try to team up with other parents. For example, you take the kids on Tuesdays, and they take them on Thursdays. 

That way, you both benefit, and neither of you has to spend money; everyone wins, and the babies get to make friends. 

You Can Still Save While Taking Care of a Baby

Although there are thousands of expensive baby products, you don’t need to buy them all. Your baby will be just as happy in hand-me-downs as they would be in the Louis Vuitton baby range (in fact, they’ll probably be comfier in the former). 

Taking care of a baby on a budget doesn’t need to be complicated. Just follow these tips, and you’ll notice extra cash building up before you know it. 

Did you find this article helpful? If so, make sure to check out our other posts for all things parenting, home, health, and more!

How Children With Autism Benefit From a Whole Child Learning Approach

Raising children with autism can be difficult, especially when it’s time to send them to school. Ordinary schooling can be a challenge for many children with autism. Fortunately, new teaching methods are being implemented to help these types of students with their education.

What is whole-child learning and how can it help students with autism?

Whole-child education is a new approach that can significantly improve the education for students with autism, both young and old. Here is a guide to understanding whole-child learning and what it can do for your child.

What is Whole Child Learning?

Whole-child learning encourages the development of all aspects of a child’s life. This includes their physical, emotional, mental, and cognitive development. Rather than only focusing on basic skills, whole-child learning involves teaching the child by incorporating the world around them into their lessons.

Whole-child education helps individual students learn in ways that best suit them. You are no longer placing students into a strict method of thought to help them learn; rather, you are listening to the specific needs of the child to help them improve their skills and move forward in life. Children are naturally curious, and using the world around them to encourage that same curiosity will help improve their thirst for knowledge and ability to learn.

How Whole Child Learning Helps Children with Autism

Children with autism often have difficulties in normal classroom settings. They need special care and resources to help them reach their full potential; using a whole-child approach to education can help bring out the best in them in and out of the classroom. By listening to their needs and incorporating those needs into your lessons, you are giving them a chance to succeed and learn.

Whole-child education helps students learn at their own pace in ways that work for them. You can help your students feel safe, engaged, and challenged by using this method. It also allows you to use the student’s strengths to help them learn.

How to Get Started

Many schools, such as, specialize in whole-child education. You can help your child and their teacher by listening to your child’s specific needs. Communicate those needs with your child’s future teacher to put them on a path to success!

Help Your Child Succeed

Whole-child education is a great way to improve your child’s chances for success as they grow up with autism. Remember to listen to your child as they tell you about their needs; that way, you can communicate with their teacher and improve their time in the classroom!

Do you or someone you love have a child with autism? Are they searching for a way to help improve their child’s academic career?

Be sure to share this article with your friends and family so that they can discover a new way to teach their children and continue reading our blog for more helpful information today!

Mom Hacks: 5 Easy Ways to Save Time as a Busy Mom

Do you love being a mom? Of course, you do!

After all, becoming a mother is one of the most fulfilling experiences you’ll ever have. It also ranks among the most challenging.

That’s because motherhood is very demanding, plus there’s never enough time for everything that needs to get done. Thus you need to look for ways to save time and energy, especially when it feels like you’re burning the candle at both ends.

Here, we take a look at some useful mom hacks that can help make your daily life a little easier. Keep reading to discover tips all working moms should know. 

1. Cook Your Meals for the Week on Sunday

One of the smartest ways to save tons of time each week is to cook only on Sunday. This means planning a menu for the entire seven days, cooking everything for the week at once, and then storing everything in the refrigerator. 

This reduces stress during the week so that you won’t have to rush home from work each evening to cook.

2. Have Your Kids Make Their Own Beds

As a mother, you probably feel like a full-time maid. After all, kids tend to be skilled at creating messes everywhere they go.

There’s no reason for you to pick up after everyone in your household. Thus you should train your kids to pick their dirty clothes off the floor and make their beds before leaving the house for school each morning.

3. Order Your Medications Online

If you’re like most mothers, you spend way too much time in line at the pharmacy. After all, someone in your household either has allergies or the cold.

Fortunately, the internet is a great resource for getting the medications you need for a discounted price. Plus, your meds will be delivered right to your door. This is a great tip for single moms who are constantly rushing around.

Here’s a reliable mail order pharmacy that will make it much easier to get the meds your children need.

4. Put Your Phone Down

You might be surprised if you added up how many hours each day you stare at screens. This is especially true of your smartphone. But the truth is, being glued to your mobile devices is a major time suck.

Thus you should try to be conscious of putting down your phone as much as possible. Plus this is good for your mental health.

5. Get Rid of Clutter

A cluttered house can cause you to waste a lot of time constantly dodging stuff on the floor, which will make you feel stressed out. That’s why you should take the time to declutter.

Toss out as much stuff as possible. Make piles of stuff you no longer want or need, and either toss it out, sell it for extra cash, or donate it to charity. 

Mom Hack That Will Make Your Life Easier

It should come as no big surprise that most mothers feel exhausted and a bit overwhelmed near every waking hour. Fortunately, this list of mom hacks will help save time so that you can take a deep breath and relax.

Please continue exploring the content on this blog to discover more amazing articles loaded with useful motherhood-related tips and advice.

The Ultimate Guide for Creating the Perfect Family Bonding Time

We may not remember our youngest years in detail, but studies show that we actually carry the lasting emotions of those memories throughout life.

In other words, if you’re hoping to bring your family—young or old—together as a group, there’s no wrong time to start! The warm, fuzzy feelings your loved ones will get from special moments are things they’ll cherish for years to come, and they can even help guide them to long-term health and happiness.

Of course, making the most of your family bonding time is harder than it sounds, especially if you’re not sure where to start. If that sounds familiar, we’ve got you covered: here are a few easy ways to get more out of the quality time you spend with your family.

Set Aside Time for Family

For some families, finding quality family time is harder than it sounds. With parents juggling their work schedules and making time for their kids’ extracurriculars, play dates, and more, it’s not always easy to find the time.

That’s why scheduling regular family time is important. Whether this means family dinners, family meetings, or any of the other options on this list is up to you. Once a week tends to be manageable for most families, but you can increase or decrease this as you see fit.

Take Advantage of Little Moments

Of course, just because you’ve penciled family time onto your calendar doesn’t mean you shouldn’t look out for other opportunities for family bonding time!

Don’t forget that your kids will often give you extra opportunities for bonding. They’ll ask you to play with them, come outside with them, read to them, help them with something, or talk to them. While it’s not always possible to drop everything to spend time with your child, accepting these invitations can be a fun way to add some extra bonding time to every day.

Eat Meals Together

Though it may not be possible every day, eating meals together is a great way to strengthen family bonds fast. It’s often easier to gather around the dinner table than breakfast on a typical school morning, but figure out what works best for your family.

Even if you’re already doing this, there are two quick ways to boost your bonding time.

First, make it a rule that no one—not even you—is allowed to use phones or electronics at the table. Second, whenever it’s possible, try to involve your kids in the cooking process. Whether you’re a home chef or you’re just learning to put together a meal, this is a great way to share recipes, get in some great conversation, and teach a valuable life skill.

Tackle Chores as a Team

Tackling your chores together sends some very important messages: everyone pitches in for the good of the household, and tough tasks are easier to manage as a team.

This can be as easy as managing your yard work together or cleaning the floors to your kids’ favorite songs.

For smaller chores, consider creating an age-appropriate chore chart or allowing kids to pick from a list each week. Then, have everyone complete their chores at the same time.

A small reward like playing a game together or going out for a snack can be a big motivator as well!

Establish Family Meetings

Though most of us think of activities when we wonder how to bond with our family, the truth is that there’s one thing that will get you even farther: good communication.

Gathering together to check in, talk about updates, and discuss upcoming plans can help you build your communication skills together. Even better, this is easy to do with the simple addition of family meetings to your calendar. These scheduled moments are a great way to make sure everyone in the family gets heard, as long as you approach them the right way.

Make Traditions and Maintain Them

The things that set you apart make your family great, and they’re the things your children will remember for a lifetime. This includes the unique traditions you keep, large and small, throughout the year.

Smaller traditions include things you do on a recurring basis, like going out for ice cream after your kids’ baseball games, starting a family book club, or having everyone pitch in to make family birthday cakes.

Larger traditions include things you do for special occasions and vacations, like having a grill-out on the first day of summer or the annual trips you take together. Don’t forget to use your family meetings to brainstorm great road trip ideas!

Do Something Nice Together

We’re all happier when we give more often, and the same holds true for our kids. Even better, doing something kind for others can pave the way for valuable learning experiences, stronger relationships, and more self-confidence.

Doing something kind might be as easy as baking cookies for a friend or helping your neighbors. If you want to try some larger giving, try participating in a charity fundraiser or volunteering as a group.

Explore Your Past and Future

Last, but certainly not least, there’s no better way to celebrate who you are as a family than by taking time to explore what you mean to each other.

Consider your past by drawing up a family tree, or by pulling out old photos and videos of your parents and relatives to show your kids.

To explore your present, consider setting aside a family meeting to write up a family mission statement.

As you think about the future, don’t forget about the power of setting goals together—and working toward them as a group!

Make the Most of Your Family Bonding Time

When done right, family bonding time can help kids learn valuable skills, learn to communicate with you and each other, and build memories they’ll cherish for a lifetime. Beyond that, it’s fun!

Because this type of quality time will look different from family to family, there’s no right or wrong way to approach it. Feel free to mix and match the tips above or to brainstorm your own ideas to get more out of your family time!

Want more helpful guides on family time and relationships? Be sure to take a look at our other content for additional insights.

A Quick Guide to Living With an Alcoholic Spouse

One in eight adults is an alcoholic, and many more are impacted by the alcoholism of a loved one.

If you can relate, you’re not alone. It can be devastating living with an alcoholic spouse or partner, and their behavior may interfere with your life and wellbeing.

But there are a few ways to cope in order to protect yourself and help your loved one get (and stay) sober. Read on for essential and practical advice.

Focus on Self-Care

When living with an alcoholic partner, it’s easy to get caught up in their life, forgetting about your own in the process. But taking care of yourself must always come before taking care of a partner.

Don’t alter your life or give up important work or hobbies to accommodate them. Instead, keep a regular routine, continue to see friends, and prioritize your own health.

It’s also important to set boundaries, but keep in mind that boundaries are meant to help you, not control them. Some boundaries include staying somewhere else if they come home drunk or leaving the relationship if they put your safety at risk.

Don’t Enable Them

It’s important to not play the role of savior or caretaker when dealing with an alcoholic husband, wife, or partner.

Don’t make excuses for them, bail them out of jail, or nurse their hangover. These protective actions may actually only make it easier for them to rely on alcoholism.

As hard as it can be, let them hit rock bottom and experience the consequences of their own actions.

Talk to Them Honestly

If you haven’t already talked about your partner’s alcoholism with them, make time to do so.

Find a neutral time when they’re not under the influence of alcohol or other substances. You should choose a safe environment during a time when neither of you are busy.

Approach them honestly and firmly, explaining how their actions are hurting themselves, you, and your relationship. Tell them what you need from them and what changes you’d like to see take place.

If your spouse has a history of volatile reactions or abuse, opt for an orchestrated intervention with a professional instead. Remember, your safety should always come first.

Get Help

Speaking to a therapist or other mental health professional can help you decide how to cope with your alcoholic spouse and if it’s worth it to continue living together. They can also help you understand your role in the relationship and any ways that you may be enabling your partner.

If you’re feeling isolated in your marriage, support groups and recovery centers like can also provide a safe and validating community.

Help is available; there’s no need to deal with an alcoholic partner all on your own.

Tips for Living With an Alcoholic Spouse

Living with an alcoholic spouse can be draining and even dangerous.

Be sure to take care of yourself and ask for help. And remember, you’re not responsible for your partner’s actions or addiction. You can’t control or protect them, but you can control and protect yourself.

For more advice on marriage and relationship issues, read my other family life articles!

Four Essential Tips for a Road Trip With Your Baby

Americans love their open roads. Americans made more than 1.4 billion trips on November 5, 2021. 

But people rarely made these trips on their own. Parents brought their babies with them, especially for long trips. When you are about to hit the road, you need to follow tips for a road trip with your baby. 

How should you prepare for your road trip? How can you keep yourself and your baby comfortable on the road? What can you do to entertain your child? 

Answer these questions and you can master how to road trip with your family. Here are four tips you can follow.  

1. Plan Your Route

Family road trips do not mean you have to spend hours on the road. Use an app like Waze or Google Maps and figure out the shortest possible route to your destination. 

Many people assume that they have to go on highways to get to places quickly. But backroads may offer faster routes, especially if you are driving during rush hour. Figure out a couple of routes you can take and switch between them if traffic worsens. 

2. Bring Plenty of Food

Babies need a lot of food in order to grow. But stopping for food every hour will make your long road trips with babies even longer. 

Buy a cooler and pack it full of snacks for your baby. Try to get a lot of different snacks, including nuts and fruits.

When your baby starts to show signs of hunger, give them a snack. If you packed too many, you can have a snack yourself while your baby sleeps. 

3. Take Breaks

You should take a break every two hours of driving. This will decrease the risk of an accident and reduce your fatigue levels. 

This rate of taking breaks may be enough for your baby. But your baby may need an earlier break if they need a diaper change or medication. Be prepared to pull your car over and help your baby at any time. 

During a break, you and your baby can get some fresh air or a drink of water. You should take the opportunity to use the bathroom as well. 

4. Find Activities

Many guides on how to take a baby on a road trip recommend packing toys for your baby. This can be helpful, yet it is not always ideal. 

You can get a car or van with an entertainment system inside of it. You should click here to examine some options, but you should compare them with others. If renting a car would be too expensive, you can play games or read stories to your baby. 

The Best Tips for a Road Trip With Your Baby

There are a few tips for a road trip with your baby. Sit down at a computer or with your smartphone and plan out a short route to your destination. Keep in mind that you may need to go off highways. 

Satisfy your baby’s hunger by packing snacks. You should take a break every two hours or whenever your baby needs help. 

Toys are one way you can keep your baby occupied. Feel free to show them movies or talk to them as well. 

Don’t stop learning about road trips. Read more road trip guides by following our coverage.

Cremation Services: 5 Unique Ways to Keep a Loved One’s Ashes

It’s no secret that cremation is rapidly becoming more popular than burial — and for a few good reasons.

Apart from the rapidly growing expense of burial, cremation gives the friends and family of the deceased more freedom about how and where they would like to keep their loved one’s ashes. There are dozens of different cremation services these days that allow you to transform your or your loved one’s remains into a work of art.

Are you looking for ideas on how to preserve your loved one’s memory after they’re gone? Here are a few unique ways to keep a loved one’s ashes.

Play their Favorite Song

Whether your loved one was a musician or a music lover, one of the most popular alternative ways to keep their ashes around is by having them pressed into a record.

When you have a loved one’s ashes turned into a record, you’ll be able to listen to their favorite song or even a recording of them singing whenever you like. On top of that, because of the ashes, each record will contain unique pops and hisses that are your loved one’s final musical contribution.

Create Memorial Jewelry

Another popular trend in cremation services is the creation of urn jewelry. With urn or cremation jewelry, you’ll be able to keep your loved one with you everywhere you go.

One of the best parts of having cremation jewelry made is that there are plenty of options available. So no matter you or your loved one’s style, you’ll be able to find a piece that captures their spirit that you can also comfortably wear around.

Whether you decide to have their ashes pressed into a diamond or want to find an urn necklace for ashes, memorial jewelry is a fantastic way to keep your loved one’s memory alive and with you no matter where you go.

Light Up the Sky

Don’t want to keep your loved one’s cremation ashes sitting around collecting dust? If you plan on spreading your loved one’s ashes but want to send them off with a real bang, you may want to consider having their ashes turned into a firework.

Having your loved one’s ashes turned into a firework is an excellent and fun way to give them a memorable send-off and one last chance to light your world. So, if you don’t plan on keeping your loved one’s ashes and like fireworks, then this may be the perfect option for you.

Unique and Unforgettable Cremation Services

Now that you know a bit more about some of the more creative cremation services out there, it’s time to get to work figuring out what you want to do with your or your loved one’s ashes.

Are you looking for more advice on how to plan a funeral, memorial, or end-of-life celebration? Check out the rest of our blog for more helpful articles today.