Tag: kids

Win A Lux Hooded Towel!

Hooded towel aren’t just for babies anymore! These are popping up everywhere! My 7 year old still loves to use hers! Enter now for a chance to win a Lux Hooded Towel! These fit kids from babies on up! So adorable! Oh I want to go to the beach so bad!

Recall Notice: Certain Kellogs Snacks!

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Look I don’t like recalls anymore than you do, but I do like when they let us know of potential dangers to my family! This one affects certain types of Kellogs snacks, NOT all of them!! Go here and check out the complete list! Peanut allergies are serious! Be safe!

Who Wants To Win Sculpey?

Do you love to make things with your hands? One thing my family and I love to do is to have craft nights! This allows us to become creative and let our imagination soar! Enter to win the Sculpey Clay and Starter Tools! 1 lucky winner will receive a 3 Piece Clay Tool Starter Set and 7 packs of clay in various colors. This contest ends June 26! EST