Tag: Family Life

Protect Your Health with Insurance

The cost of living is on the rise which includes insurance costs. We are very fortunate to have a great plan at my husband’s job. The cost of medical care is even more expensive, without any kind of health insurance. It only takes one medical emergency to wipe out a savings. If you live in North Carolina then check out NC health insurance.

Is Your Child Safe?

I constantly worry about my son’s safety in many ways. I worry about him crossing the street and being kidnapped. I also have to worry about if my neighbors are sex offenders. Child Molesters have to register in my state, and you can check out where they live by typing in a zip code. This is a great way to check out how safe your neighborhood is where you live. You can also get a full name, address, picture, and other information. Protect your family with this great website.

TMR Frugal Living Tip #34

Today’s thrifty living tip is make double or triple batches when cooking. You can’t always do this since some foods don’t freeze. But there are many dishes that you can make at least a double batch of while cooking. It will save you lots of time and money. There are nights when you don’t feel like cooking. No problem since you can take something out that morning, let it thaw during the day, and just pop in the oven or microwave that evening. There will be less dishes to do as well which is an added bonus.

Get Organized for Back to School

I can still remember my first day of school like it just happened yesterday. I was very excited about all the kids I would meet, but I was a little worried if my new teacher was going to be mean or nice. I had nothing to worry about, since it turned out, that my teacher was very nice. I can still remember all the great things I learned in Kindergarten. I learned my alphabet, numbers, colors, shapes, and we even had to learn how to tie our shoes. I wore this very cute blue dress with ruffles. My mom loved dressing me in these ruffle dresses with barrettes in my hair. I met my first best friend in that class. We are still best friends all these many years later.

The worst part was how many school supplies I had to bring. I think if I had color labels on them, then it would have been easier to have known which scissors were mine. My parents did write my name but sometimes the name would smudge off over the school year. Dymo label maker is a great way to organize not only school supplies, but clothes, boxes, and so much more. My parents could also have marked my school clothes for each day. It would have made getting dressed in the morning easier and faster.

All Systems Go!

We got our cable, phone, and internet services back Monday afternoon. I went to the local office to let them know, and it was up and running that afternoon! YAY! Thanks Charter for restoring it all. I do think we might get a basic phone line with AT&T so we can have phone service when the power goes out. I love how cheap Charter’s phone package is, but it won’t work without power. There wasn’t a cell signal either for 3 days after Gustav. It’s quite sad how accustomed I have become to all the technology we use on a daily basis. We did play board games as family and cards. I will try to continue my daily thrifty living tips starting tomorrow. I’m back and will try to update my blogs soon this week. Thanks again for all the great comments and emails. It was very nice to read them all. You guys rock!

Job Hunting?

After we came back from our forced vacation for Gustav, I really thought my husband might have to find a new job. I was already worried about how well my house fared from the strong winds, and then I had a job search for my husband in the back of my mind. We were very fortunate that didn’t happen, but it is a good idea to have a plan for the worst case scenario. Your life can sometimes change in the blink of an eye.

We’re Back!!!

First I have to thank everyone for their very kind words. It really meant a lot to me to see all the great comments that supported me, prayed for me, and wishes for our safety. I just can’t thank you enough and it was wonderful to read them.

We came back last Thursday and have moved in with my mom. We were told that we wouldn’t have electricity for up to 6 weeks. We got it back last night. YAY! But we won’t have cable, phone, or internet for who knows how long. BOO! I’m very grateful we at least have our house, with no serious damage, and cold A/C again. I don’t want anyone to think I’ve abandoned my readers, but it’s going to take some time until I get back to a more normal life.

I am going to start pushing them pretty hard next week to get my services back. They love to give you the run around about why they can’t come to send a technician to look at the line. At least I’m getting a credit for the weeks I haven’t had any service so that does help. I hope to get it all back by next week. I’ll be able to check in until we go back home this weekend. I just wanted to update that we are safe and sound.