Category: coupons

WOW!! Tide Pods For Just $0.13 Per Pod!

Don’t miss out on this awesome deal at Target! Buy two Tide Pods 35ct Packs for $9.99/each! Use two $2.00 off one Printable Coupons and a 10% off Target Cartwheel Offer to bring the total price down to $13.98! To use the Target Cartwheel Offer, just pull the deal up on your phone before checkout and show it your cashier! They even have a handy app for your phone to make it easier! After checkout, you will receive a FREE $5.00 Target Gift Card to make the final price of the deal only $0.13/pod!

$2.00 off one Tide Pods 23ct or larger Printable Coupon (excludes trial/travel size)

Target Deal!
Buy 2 – Tide Pods 35ct Pack for $9.99/each
Use 2 – $2.00 off one Tide Pods 23ct or larger Printable Coupon (excludes trial/travel size)
And 1 – 10% off Tide Pods 35-81ct with Target Cartwheel Offer (exp 2/18)
Total Price: $13.98
Get a FREE $5.00 Target Gift Card
Final Price: $8.98 for two or $4.49/each! ($0.13/pod!)