Tag: Wal-Mart

HOT DEAL! Glidden Paint Testers is Just $0.94 Cents at Walmart!

Here is a hot deal on Glidden paint testers at Walmart!!!

Print out this $2.00 off Glidden Brilliance Paint Testers coupon making them just $0.94 Cents at Walmart!!! These are great for back to school projects, crafts, or if you are looking to paint and not sure how the color will work! This is an expensive way to test paint samples!

Yes you can print this coupon out twice for double the savings!!!

Here is the deal breakdown:
Buy Glidden Brilliance Paint Tester is $2.94
Use $2.00 off Glidden Brilliance Paint Testers coupon
Final Price: $0.94 cents!

Thanks I Heart the Mart!

HOT FREEBIE on Glade Expressions Refill and 50 cents Overage!

Possible freebie in your coupon inserts tomorrow!

Some people might receive a $2/1 Glade Expressions Refill Coupon. If so then use it at Walmart to get the refill for FREE and 50 cents in overage!!!

Buy (1) Glade Expressions Refill is $1.50
Use (1) $2/1 Glade Expressions Collection Product, exp. 8/4/12 (SS 07/15/12)
Final Price- FREE + $0.50 cents overage!

If you don’t receive the coupon, you can always print out the $1/1 Printable Off Glade Expressions Refill coupon making it $0.50 cents which is still a great deal!