End of Life Care

5 Things You Should Know About End of Life Care

Death is inevitable. It’s a journey that everyone prepares for, with the hopes of dying in dignity. In the US, statistics project the number of deaths to likely reach 3.6 million in 2037.

Eventually, the death rate may peak at 2055 as each year will experience an uptick.

Fortunately, some people see their death coming, especially during the full-blown stages of a terminal illness. For these people, end of life care gives them the emotional support to rest peacefully.

While no one can have all the answers about the end of life, it’s crucial to be ready when you need professional care for the transition. Here are the five things you need to know about the end of life arrangements.

1. The Best Time for End of Life Care

Typically, end of life care begins when the patient needs it, especially if they’ll likely die within a year. However, the end of life stages timeline varies and can even go beyond years. In very unfortunate situations, it can be hours or a few days.

You would also want to take your loved one to a care facility when they develop advanced incurable illnesses such as motor neuron disease or cancer.

2. Making End of Life Arrangements

After checking into the care facility, the next step will involve making plans for advance care. These arrangements may include giving a lawyer power of attorney to make health and personal decisions on behalf of the patient.

At this point, the patient can also state their death wishes through a will. The caregivers will document these wishes and share them with the family when the right time comes.

3. Getting a Legal Designate

Caregivers require patients to choose a legal designate, especially if they are frail and can’t make sound decisions. That’s why many people refer to legal designates as substitute decision-makers. A secondary decision-maker will also help implement the patient’s written wishes.

Also, the patient’s family needs someone who can update them with the real-time status of their loved ones. In that case, the legal designate does the communication on behalf of the patient.

4. Spiritual Nourishment

Making end of life arrangements is not about medical wishes alone. Emotional and spiritual wellbeing is still important at the end of life stage timeline and beyond death. Remember, addressing every need prepares the patient to die peacefully.

Spiritual nourishment prepares the patient to discuss their legacy wishes and post-death arrangements. Sone of the post-death activities the patient may want to discuss include type of burial and funeral home fees.

Many people prefer in-ground burial. However, cremation can be a good option if the patient wants to divide the ashes among family members. Moreover, the average cremation cost is relatively affordable.

5. Emotional Care

The emotional needs of a dying patient can be pretty demanding. Professional caregivers know the emotional support to offer in varying circumstances.

At the care facility, the patient gets company in whatever they do. It can be reading, watching movies, or simply holding each other.

Moreover, they allow patients to talk about their feelings and sadness. For instance, many people find it hard to discuss burial ceremonies and funeral fees when they imagine leaving their family behind. End of life care offers the emotional support to face these inevitable fears.

Transition To The Afterlife Is Easy When You Prepare For It

Take time and explore the different end of life care plans that may match your emotional and financial needs. What’s important, go for the option that guarantees dignity and privacy.

Read more articles on this site to learn about making end of life arrangements and planning funeral home service fees.

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