affordable skin care

The 6 Most Affordable Skin Care Routines

Age has a funny way of sneaking up on you, especially when you’re busy raising a family. One day you’re looking cute and not a day over 22. The next day you look in the mirror and somehow you’ve become your mother.

Many parts of being a mommy don’t do your skin any favors. Those long summer days at the park or in the pool wreak havoc on your aging process.

Plus, every time you do the classic frowning “mom glare” or squint to sniff for a dirty diaper, those lines and wrinkles get further and further embedded until they’re there to stay.

Here’s the good news, though: even affordable skin care tips can help you repair the damage that has been done and fool the world into thinking you actually sleep.

To make sure you can fit that confidence boost into your budget, try these skin care options that won’t break the bank.

Affordable Skin Care Tips for Moms

Before we delve into the specifics, there’s a skincare rule of thumb to keep in mind: keep it simple.

For moms with hectic schedules (i.e., all moms), that’s a dream come true. Fewer products means a quicker routine and a lower cost. But there’s an actual scientific reason, too.

The more products you use, the more likely it is that one of them will irritate and inflame your skin. For some of us, a few mild products can be too harsh when they’re used together, and there are few things that make you look tired faster than a puffy inflamed face.

With that in mind, check out these minimalist skin care tips.

1. Daily Sunscreen

When it comes to looking young but living long, sunscreen is a miracle in a bottle. As the experts at Albany Laser explain, sun exposure (even small amounts over time) adds up to create age spots and cause premature wrinkles as well as sagging skin.

Unfortunately, sunscreen is among the most underestimated skin care products. Add it into your daily routine ASAP.

P.S.: sun damage happens to people of all skin colors. It’s true that people with darker skin are less at risk because their skin’s pigment provides a barrier, but that barrier is not a full-on shield. Sunscreen is a must for everyone.

2. Cleansing and Moisturizing Twice Daily

If you’re looking to drill down an extensive skin care routine into a more manageable one, you can work wonders with two products (in addition to that sunscreen): cleanser and moisturizer.

Whether you’re trying to manage your skin care as a working mom or as a full-time mom, a cleanser in the morning and in the evening is important to clear those pores of oil, damaging pollution, baby poo, etc. A moisturizer locks in the hydration immediately after you cleanse, keeping wrinkles in check.

Some skin care experts recommend one moisturizer for the morning and a separate one at night. While there are some moisturizers that have specific strengths like this, sticking with one that’s made for daytime and nighttime is budget-saver.

3. Choose An Exfoliant Instead of Expensive Brushes

One of the latest crazes in skincare is a type of exfoliating brush with all types of bells and whistles, from the rotation to vibration.

Sure, these gadgets are cool. But many of them have a price tag of $100 or more, so if that’s not in your budget, is it worth the financial strain? No, it really isn’t.

There are plenty of inexpensive exfoliating creams or exfoliating scrubs at most drug stores that can still give you that baby-smooth feel. Just remember to limit exfoliation to about twice per week to avoid inflammation.

4. Make it a Spa Day With a DIY Mask

Those daily minimums are great for times when you’re on the good and just need to avoid completely neglecting your skin. But everyone needs a little pampering from time to time (okay, moms need it more than most).

When you’re in the mood for some self care but your bank account can’t handle a spa day, head into the kitchen instead.

DIY skin masks are all the rage among broke millennials right now (and anyone who prefers organic options, to be honest). There are countless recipes you can make with ingredients in everyone’s cupboards, from apple cider vinegar to lemons. Different masks have different specialties, too, so look for one that targets your problem areas.

5. Combination Products

As we mentioned earlier, cutting down on the number of skin care products you use is best for your skin, your look, your budget, and your schedule. There’s always a limit, though, because you can’t overlook certain important elements like sun protection and hydration.

That’s why the skin care geniuses invented combination products. These handy multi-taskers take on multiple functions at once. For instance, many brands have a product that is a moisturizer, pore minimizer, and sunscreen all in one tube, and it also has a subtle tint to cover up some imperfections.

6. Pre-Compiled Regimens

If you’ve tried the minimalist approach but it isn’t getting you anywhere and your skin just needs some extra love, have no fear. It might not do you any favors on application time, but there’s still a way to save some cash a more complex skin care routine.

Many brands have pre-compiled skin care regimens. Many are designed for a specific focus, like acne control or age reversal. The experts and chemists at the skin care brand have created a package of products that work toward this goal, and they usually cost less than you’d pay to buy each product separately.

Finding Your Sweet Spot for Affordable Skin Care

All the tips above are great ways to take care of your skin and your budget at the same time. At the end of the day, though, everyone’s skin is unique, so it’s all about trial-and-error to find the right routine for your skin.

For more ways to look great without tanking your family’s budget, check out our blog for affordable beauty tips.

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