mexican diet

Spice It Up: How To Eat A Healthy Mexican Diet

Are you looking for ways to make your Mexican diet healthier?

Mexican food is spicy, exciting, and delicious, but it’s often calorie-filled.

The good news is, it doesn’t have to be! You can still use the same signature ingredients and combinations, yet have a balanced meal packed with nutrients.

Mexican dishes contain a lot of cheese, deep-fried nachos, red meat, high-calorie dips, and dressings.

This is why they’re so flavorful and appealing. At the end of the day, we all want to enjoy a nice hearty meal without worrying about gaining weight.

If Mexican is your favorite cuisine, keep reading to see how you can make it healthier without sacrificing taste.

Replace the Unhealthy Fats and Carbs

Tortillas are the base of many Mexican dishes like wraps, quesadillas, tacos, and fajitas. They’re also the main source of simple carbs that come from white flour.

The best way to get the same taste in a healthier version is to replace them with wholewheat or corn tortillas.

As for fats, swap the fried meat, beans and nachos with their roasted or baked counterparts. Also, replace regular full-fat cheese with a low-fat or vegan option.

Substitute Red Meat for Lean Meat

For a healthier, leaner version of your favorite Mexican dish, substitute red meat for lean meat. Instead of ground beef or chorizo, use chicken breast, turkey meat, fish or make it vegetarian.

Lean meats contain more protein and less fat than red meat, so you can get the necessary nutrients for half the calories.

Remember to steam-cook or roast your meat to cut down on fat, rather than deep-frying it. If you do want some crispiness to it, try preparing it on a tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil in a non-stick pan.

Make Low-Calorie Dips and Sauces

Don’t let the avocado in guacamole fool you. Avocados are a source of healthy monounsaturated fats, but bear in mind they’re very high in calories. Try to limit your serving size to 2-3 tbsp per meal.

Cheese dips, mayo dressings, and store-bought sauces are full of unhealthy fats and sugars. Luckily, you can make your own healthy versions at home with much healthier ingredients. You can use low-fat yogurt, low-fat cheese, extra virgin olive oil or vegan mayo.

When you’re eating outside or are on a vacation staying in Mexican hoteles, you can still taste authentic Mexican food yet eat healthily.

Simply talk to your servers about healthy menu options.

Use Even More Seasonings and Spices

Mexican cuisine is famous for its abundant use of seasonings. But the secret to a healthier Mexican diet could be in using double the amount.

In fact, spicy food can speed up your metabolism and help you feel fuller.

This is due to the compound called capsaicin that helps burn calories right after you’ve eaten. Don’t be scared to use extra salsa, chilly powder, cilantro, onions, jalapenos, and pico de gallo to take your Mexican dishes to the next level.

Ready for a Healthier Mexican Diet?

Eating a healthy Mexican diet is easy if you know how to choose your ingredients and combine your food carefully.

Want to learn more about healthy dieting? Learn more about us or check out our blog archives for more health tips and updates.

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