Best Age to Get Braces

Perfect Smiles: This Is the Best Age to Get Braces

As your child develops, you’ll have followed development milestones with interest. You’ve watched their first steps, seen them hit their reading milestones, and seen baby teeth come and go.

But parents are often left wonder what to do if their child needs braces. What is the best age to get braces? What are the signs you need braces?

Read on for our guide to the best age to get braces.

When to Get Braces

There are many significant benefits of braces. The most obvious is the aesthetic. All of us want perfect, glowing smiles. None of us want our child to be embarrassed by crooked teeth and shy away from beaming.

This concern aside, braces are also important if your child has any of the following issues:

  • overbite
  • underbite
  • overcrowding
  • uneven bite

Issues to do with bite are known as malocclusion. They need treatment from a specialist orthodontist. An orthodontist is a dentist who specializes in the treatment of jaw and teeth alignment issues.

Age to First Visit Orthodontist

It’s usually best to first visit an orthodontist when your child’s adult teeth come through. This usually happens at around the age of 7.

This doesn’t mean that this is necessarily the best age to get braces. In fact, most children will not need to have braces until they are in their teens. The reason to take your child early is for the orthodontist to spot problems early. With regular monitoring and early treatment, outcomes will be more successful for your child. 

Signs You Need Braces

We often focus on braces as a means of correcting crooked teeth. Crooked, twisted, or otherwise misaligned teeth are certainly a sign that your child may need braces.

Signs of malocclusion – jaw alignment issues – can be harder to spot. They include chewing difficulties, grinding teeth, noticeable overbite or underbite, and mouth breathing.

Raise these concerns at your regular visits to the family dentist. They will be able to advise you if you need a referral to an orthodontist.

How Much Do Braces Cost?

There are now many options on the market, from traditional metal braces to clear, plastic braces.

There is no standard price, as the amount of time the child needs to wear them, conditions they are treating, and other factors will all play a part. However, research suggests that the average cost for metal braces is between $3000-$7000.

Saving on braces is not easy, but can be done. Some options include shopping around for a cheaper deal, buying dental insurance, and exploring no or low-interest financing options. You may be able to apply for financial assistance in certain cases.

Right on Time – The Best Age to Get Braces

There isn’t one answer to the best age to get braces -that will depend on your child and their needs. But getting to an orthodontist early is key. That will set your child on the road to good oral health for the rest of their life.

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