woman giving gift to boyfriend

11 Creative Ways to Show Your Boyfriend You Love Him

You know what they say:

Actions speak louder than words.

You can tell your partner you love them all you want.

But, let’s face it: the power of those three little words starts to fade the more you use them! Worse still, science has shown that the actual ‘honeymoon’ sensation of being in love only lasts up to a year anyway!

Sometimes, the best way to prove your love for someone (and to keep the spark going) is to show them as much.

Are you looking for ways to show your boyfriend you love him? Well, you’re in luck! There are loads of creative ways to do it. Sometimes, though, you might need some inspiration to get the ball rolling. We want to help!

Keep reading to discover 11 things you can do to let your boyfriend know you love him.

1. Cook Him His Favorite Meal

We all know the key to man’s heart is his stomach!

Show your man that you love him by cooking him his favorite meal. One night this week, go all out and surprise him with the dish he loves most.

Now, this act is always more poignant if the meal isn’t one you cook very often or don’t necessarily enjoy yourself. He’ll know you’ve gone to the effort purely for his benefit.

2. Tell Him You’re Proud of Him

Sometimes the little things make the biggest difference.

Your boyfriend will love hearing that you’re proud to be with him. Tell him as much, and let him know all the reasons why that’s the case. Make him feel confident in himself and he’ll love you for it.

3. Compliment His Looks

Everybody loves to hear that they’re looking good.

Strange as it might seem, remember that guys like (and need) compliments too! When was the last time you said something positive about his appearance?

More often than not we’re suggesting he wears this, trims that, and styles the other. For once, stop and compliment him instead.

4. Give Him Unprompted Hugs and Kisses

Physical contact will forever be a great way to demonstrate your love for someone.

At the start of a relationship, you can’t keep your hands off each other! Alas, as time goes by that period fades until, eventually, the hugs and kisses wear thin.

Make the effort to give your boyfriend all the cuddles and kisses he wants! Delivering them out of nowhere throughout the day is a clear sign of how you feel for him.

5. Buy Him Sports/Concert Tickets

Think about your boyfriend’s passions.

Does he love his sports and/or music?

Well, awesome gifts don’t get much better than tickets to see his favorite sports team or to watch his favorite band in concert.

Even if you hate sports and his taste in music, buy tickets for both of you to go together anyway. He’s sure to have an amazing time with all of his favorite things in one place!    

6. Organize a Boys’ Night

Life gets busy!

With work and family commitments to think about, it’s hard to find time for yourself. Your boyfriend might not have had a night in (or out) with the boys in forever.

Show him you love him by organizing one for him. Check his calendar for a free night and contact his friends to get everyone together.

Play the host for the evening, catering for their needs and doing what you can to help your boyfriend have an amazing night.

7. Buy Him His Favorite Beverage

Another simple way to show your boyfriend you love him is to stock the fridge with his drink of choice!

There’s nothing better for a bloke than coming home to a fridge full of his favorite beer. It shows that you’ve gone out of your way to do something nice for him.

8. Give Him a Massage

Few acts are as selfless and loving as giving someone a massage.

For one thing, it’s hard work! Let’s face it, there are numerous things you’d probably rather do with your evening.

However, showing someone you love them often entails a level of sacrifice. Kneading someone’s shoulders for half an hour might not be great fun for you. But your boyfriend will love the fact that you’ve gone out of your way to make him feel good.

The intimacy and relaxing nature of a massage makes it the perfect way to do just that.

9. Do the Chores He Hates

Make your boyfriend’s life a little bit easier by doing the chores he hates.

It doesn’t matter whether you take out the trash, do the dishes, or vacuum the living room. Give your boyfriend the evening off. You’ll see his face light up as he gets home and realizes you’ve already done the task(s) he was dreading!

10. Leave Love Notes for Him

Love letters are a classic way to tell someone how you feel.

However, you don’t have to write 2 sides of A4 to do it!

Sometimes, simple ‘love notes’ are all it takes. Jot a solitary line or two on a slip of paper to express your love, and leave them in surprise locations! You’ll make his day as he stumbles across them and reads what you had to say.

11. Organize a Surprise Trip

Finally, why not organize an impromptu adventure for you and your boyfriend?

Again, think about the places he’s always wanted to visit and the things he’s always wanted to do. Making sure you’re within budget, book a short getaway to help him experience them.

Try These Ways to Show Your Boyfriend You Love Him

Telling someone you love them doesn’t always cut it.

Sometimes, you have to demonstrate it through kind, selfless and loving actions.

Have you been looking for ways to show your boyfriend you love him? Well, we hope this post has provided some novel ideas on how to do it.

Want to read more articles like this one? Search ‘couple goals’ on the website now!  

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