woman getting laser hair removal

Hair Be Gone: What Is Laser Hair Removal and How to Get It Cheap

Nothing is quite like the feeling of freshly shaven legs on soft, clean bed sheets. It feels amazing, but we only get to feel that sensation right after shaving our legs.

What if you could feel that way every time you crawl into bed?

Laser hair removal is really affordable and effective. It’s one of the most common procedures in the U.S. because it’s safe and painless. 

Don’t let the thought of lasers intimidate you. Read on to learn about laser hair removal and why it’s so popular!

First Off: Why Bother?

Laser hair removal will save you time, energy, and just as importantly, money. You can target almost any hair (no eyelids, folks), and it doesn’t hurt.

Hair removal isn’t permanent, but there’s good news. You only need a touch up once every six to 12 months

Smooth legs every day, and no more 45-minute showers just to shave! All that money you save on shaving creams and razors will sit nicely in your bank account.

How Does It Work?

Laser hair removal is a simple procedure.

Basically, the hair follicle gets destroyed by lasers. They shoot light energy through the skin to the dark pigment on the hair, which absorbs it. 

Lasers are precise and effective, so you’ll get the best results by seeing a practiced, licensed dermatologist. 

Most Eligible Candidates

The absolute best candidates for laser hair removal will have fair skin and dark hair.

The higher the contrast, the better it’ll work. Grey, white, or blonde hair may be more stubborn, but new improvements are constantly being made. 

If you’ve got significantly darker-colored hair than your skin, the procedure will be super effective. 

So Many Lasers, So Little Time

There are five types of lasers for hair removal: 

  • IPL — stands for “intense pulsated light.” It’s the most popular type of laser for this procedure.
  • Nd:YAG — newest, most high-tech method. It’s so safe and powerful that it’s also used for tattoo removal.
  • Diode — involves several treatments, but there’s no downtime and it has the least side effects.
  • Ruby — the first, original system of laser hair removal. It’s designed for top comfort.
  • Alexandrite — it’s the fastest treatment, especially for larger areas of the body.

The best laser hair removal technology is fast and effective yet doesn’t hurt you or interrupt your normal routine. 

Prime Locations

Laser hair removal can be used on any part of the body where hair grows (except for eyelids), but it works best in the most common problem areas.

The legs, underarms, bikini area, and back are the target areas for this procedure. For men, it’s the chest. 

Feels Like a Breeze

Okay, maybe it’s not as light and airy as a breeze. However, for most people, laser hair removal is virtually painless. 

It’s described as feeling like a tight, warm pinch. Dermatologists use a powerful numbing cream on the skin before the procedure, so you barely feel it.

Recovery isn’t painful either. In fact, there’s no downtime necessary. You may see some redness, but it shouldn’t be sore.

“Failing to Prepare Is Preparing to Fail”

The quickest, most painless procedures start with a close shave. You should do this the night or morning before the appointment. Be careful and make sure you’ve got no broken skin.

The best lasers these days have a cooling mechanism that will soothe your skin as it’s working. You’ll have the highest success rate and comfort with these machines.

Come Back Soon!

Laser hair removal is quick and easy, but you do have to have multiple procedures for it to work properly.

Luckily, you only need to return four to six times initially. After that, touch-ups are few and far between, making them cost-effective and completely worth it. 

The Outcome

It’s ah-mazing. Silky smooth skin all the time. No more having to shave, no more embarrassing spots of hair.

Remember, for a few weeks after you’ve had the treatment you’ll need to take extra-good care of your skin. Being kind to your skin will also prolong that youthful glow.

A Smart Investment

While laser hair removal cost can vary, one session is anywhere between $50 and $300.

Price will depend entirely on which body parts you’re getting done. The number of follow-up visits matters too.

The best hair removal clinics will often offer four-session packages for a discounted price. Check out this company on the prices for different body parts, and what kind of money you can expect to pay for top-quality service. 

Laser Hair Removal: Fun for Everyone

Laser hair removal is a great choice for everyone. Technology can accommodate almost every skin and hair type now. It’s also affordable and saves a lot of money in the long run.

Raising your self-esteem is enough to warrant having the procedure, but with the amount of money and time you save, it’s a no-brainer. Feeling good is no small achievement, and you’ll see a happier, more confident you.

Taking a look at FAQs is a great way to prepare and get an idea of what to expect.

However, talking to a licensed dermatologist is the best way to figure out your needs and how laser hair removal would work for you. Everyone is different, and each session is professionally tailored to you.

Now is the absolute best time of the year to have the procedure done since the sun isn’t at peak strength yet. Once you’re free from unwanted hair and shaving, you’ll never look back.

For more ideas on beautiful budget living, take a look at our thrifty beauty tips!

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