essential oils for women

Top 10 Essential Oils for Women

essential oils for women

People have used essential oils since 2,000 BC for their medicinal benefits as well as to enhance spiritual health. This makes sense, given that the ingredients for these oils are all around us.

Today, women are opting for holistic alternatives to over-the-counter and prescription medications to help with common health issues. These issues include everything from depression to stress to hormonal imbalances.

Essential oils offer a wide range of benefits, though you need to learn which ones are right for you. What works for one woman may not have much effect on another.

In this article, we’re going over ten essential oils for women so you can decide which ones you’d like to try first.

1. Clary Sage

This is one of the best and most commonly used essential oils for women. Clary sage is a great option if you suffer from bad menstrual cramps or headaches. It can even help ease symptoms related to menopause.

Clary sage is also known as a calming agent. It helps with depression and stress. Women have also used it during childbirth to aid in relaxation.

Try adding two or three drops to your bath. Or, you can add it to a carrier oil and massage directly on areas where you’re feeling tension or pain.

2. Geranium

Regardless of your age, geranium is great for hormonal imbalances. This oil works like a tonic for your adrenal cortex, which produces hormones.

Geranium helps with symptoms of PMS such as fluid retention. It’s also great for fatigue, nervousness, and depression.

Add it to your bath or even directly to your moisturizer, as it can balance oil production in your skin. This essential oil is also known as an aphrodisiac and is great for use during massages.

3. Jasmine

In addition to helping alleviate the negative side-effects of menstruation and PMS, jasmine can help reduce stretch marks and can even heal acne.

Jasmine can also reduce postpartum depression along with anxiety and fatigue. During childbirth, it helps lessen pain.

Because jasmine is known as a mood-enhancer, it can help boost energy levels and increase your sex drive.

You can add it to carrier oils to apply to scars or stretch marks. Or, add it to an oil diffuser and enjoy the aroma.

Because it takes so many jasmine blossoms to produce the oil, it’s typically rather expensive. Check out Rich Minerals for a great deal on this and other essential oils.

4. Lemon

You’re probably already aware of the health benefits of consuming lemon. It’s a great source of Vitamin C and helps with cleansing and detoxifying the body. But it’s also one of the great essential oils for women.

Lemon helps promote healthy skin and can also relieve stress. You can add a single drop to a cool glass of water for an energy boost. Remember, just one drop is enough.

Or, try using lemongrass oil in a diffuser and enjoy a calming atmosphere as you start your day.

5. Lavender

If you have trouble sleeping, this is the essential oil for you. Lavender has a reputation of calming the central nervous system in order to promote relaxation.

If you’ve had a stressful day, add a few drops of lavender to a warm bath. You’ll probably notice its tranquilizing properties right away.

When it’s time to turn in, add a drop or two to the soles of your feet. You can also apply lavender oil to minor skin blemishes or irritations.

6. Basil

You know basil as a very common ingredient in the kitchen. But as far as essential oils for women, it has a number of benefits.

Basil is a great oil for muscle aches and soreness. Add it to a carrier oil and massage tired muscles. You’ll also probably notice it helps with relaxation as well.

This oil is also a great remedy for digestive issues, constipation, and even helps improve your memory. You can also add a little basil oil to insect bites to help soothe them.

7. Tea Tree Oil

If you want to ensure your skin and nails remain healthy, this oil works great. You can apply it directly to skin blemishes or areas of bad acne.

Tea tree oil is perfect for skin issues because it has both anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties. In addition to applying it directly to problem areas, you can add a small amount to your bath.

You can even add tea tree oil to your detergent.

8. Ylang-Ylang

Added to a diffuser, ylang-ylang gives off a beautiful, floral scent. It’s commonly used in aromatherapy treatments.

This essential oil is known for its ability to enhance libido. It’s also great for relaxation.

The intoxicating aroma of ylang-ylang is quite strong. You may try mixing it with another favorite oil, as some people find it too powerful by itself.

You can add it to your bath, use it in a diffuser or simply inhale straight from the bottle.

9. Eucalyptus

Of all the essential oils for women on this list, eucalyptus contains the most impactful health benefits. The primary one is circulation. This oil helps relax blood vessels, so if you suffer from circulatory issues, you need to give it a try.

It also has cardiovascular benefits. It’s commonly used for clearing sinuses and helping with congestion during illnesses like the common cold and flu.

You can also use it during allergy season to keep your sinuses clear. Add it to a diffuser by your bed like you would a humidifier.

10. Peppermint

If you suffer from frequent headaches, you might want to try peppermint oil. It’s great for taking the edge off and can also keep you alert during menstrual periods.

Peppermint is also a popular essential oil for aiding in digestion and other stomach issues. It can also combat respiratory problems and relieve tightness in the muscles.

You can find this essential oil in a roll-on applicator. Simply apply it to your forehead when you feel a headache coming on.

Try Your Favorite Essential Oils for Women

After you’ve nailed down which of these oils you think will work best, try several and narrow down your favorites. Keep the best ones on hand and enjoy a healthier alternative to medications.

If you’re concerned about using essential oils, talk to your doctor first. They’ll likely give you the green light.

For more great articles about women’s health and fitness issues, check out our blog.

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