grocery shopping on a budget

5 Sneaky Tips for Grocery Shopping on a Budget

grocery shopping on a budgetShopping for food is necessary; everyone has to eat. But, unfortunately, those grocery store bills can add up, especially if you aren’t using any smart spending tips.

We’ve compiled 5 great tips for grocery shopping on a budget so that you can be sure you’re spending only what you need to the next time you go to the store.

1. Buy In Bulk

Certain items are cheaper if you buy them in bulk from the bulk bins or in multipacks. These things include nuts, grains, rice, dried beans, canned goods, pasta, and even some types of fruits and veggies.

While you’re at the store, look for deals when buying in bulk or in multipacks to help you save some money.

2. Look In Catalogs for Sales

Many grocery stores and food shops will have weekly or monthly catalogs they give out that detail exactly what is on sale. Looking over these types of catalogs, like the Coop catalog for example, will clue you in on what you can save money on.

This way you’ll be able to buy certain food items or brands that are cheaper, which can save you quite a bit of money.

3. Plan Your Meals Before You Shop

Before you head out to the store, you should plan out your meals. Look up recipes online or in books that you know will use less expensive ingredients.

Planning your meals before you go shopping will also allow you to plan around what things are on sale. You can look over catalogs as well as online store sales in order to see exactly what ingredients you can get a good deal on. Then you’ll know to buy and use those on sale items for your weekly meals.

Taking the time to plan before you shop will also help you avoid overbuying or buying things you don’t really need that will just go to waste. Food waste amounts to $165 billion every year in the U.S; don’t let your money be wasted.

4. Use Coupons

Once you’ve planned out what you’re buying at the store, you can look up coupons for those items.

You can spend some time clipping coupons from magazines and newspapers, but many stores have mobile apps that can store coupons for you, making it much easier to save some money.

5. Skip the Toiletries

When you’re grocery shopping on a budget, you want to make sure to only buy food at the grocery store. While it’s tempting to also pick up toiletries while you’re out, grocery store toiletries often cost more than they would at a pharmacy or specialty store.

Grocery Shopping On a Budget Can Be Easy With These Tips

Food can cost hundreds of dollars per week depending on the size of your family, which means every penny counts. These money saving tips will help you out the next time you’re at the store.

If you’re ready to start looking for deals, we’ve compiled a coupon section on our website. You can also check out our blog for other money-saving tips.

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