Winter Vitamins

Brrr! A Brief Guide to the Best Vitamins for Winter

As the long, cold months of winter settle in, many of us are justifiably worried about staying healthy –and not without reason. But even if you get your flu shot, wash your hands frequently, and avoid large gatherings, you could still be leaving yourself vulnerable.

By one report, as many as 92% of Americans suffer from a vitamin deficiency. And when you don’t give your body the resources it needs, it won’t function at its best, and you’re more likely to get sick.

Especially at this time of year.

So if you think you might be among that majority of Americans, check out this list of the top vitamins for winter that you need to keep feeling your best.

Vitamin C

There’s a bit of a misconception about Vitamin C, with a lot of people viewing it as some kind of catch-all solution for preventing illness. Unfortunately, Vitamin C’s powers are a little overstated.

Vitamin C can’t stop you from getting a cold, for instance. But what it can do is help boost your immune system to lessen the length and impact of a cold.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is is a nutrient that our body normally produces on its own when our skin is exposed to sunlight. We need it to maintain strong bones and a healthy immune system.

However, that be a problem during the winter months when daylight can be limited to just a few hours and cold weather keeps many of us indoors. It’s also thought that the so-called “winter blues” are caused in part by a reduced intake of Vitamin D from the sun.

And it’s hard to make up for that discrepancy, as only a few foods like fish and mushrooms contain the vitamin. That’s why taking a good supplement likeĀ Vitamin D Tablets From Vitabiotics is often necessary to meet your Vitamin D needs.


Iron isn’t a vitamin technically. It’s a mineral. Specifically, it’s the mineral that your body needs to produce hemoglobin, the protein responsible for carrying oxygen to our tissues.

A lack of iron is linked to fatigue, headache, brittle nails, and other unpleasant symptoms. But most important for winter, it appears to play a role in regulating body temperature, and a lack of it often causes coldness in the extremities.

So if you can’t keep your fingers and toes warm no matter how well you bundle up, a lack of iron could be the culprit.

Choosing the Right Vitamins for Winter Will Help You Feel Your Best

Vitamins and minerals are critical components that your body needs to function at its highest level. Missing out on these key nutrients can not only make you feel less well but also leave your immune system under-prepared and less able to protect you.

That’s why choosing the right vitamins for winter is so important. Your body wants to protect you. But you have to give it what it needs to do the job.

For more tips on how to keep your family healthy and happy on a budget, be sure to keep up with the latest from Thrifty Momma Ramblings.

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