woman checking for hair loss

Is This Normal? Everything You Want to Know About Women’s Hair Loss

Where is that Fountain of Youth? 

We all wish that we could stay young forever, but unfortunately, time comes after us all. And with it, certain signs of aging that we maybe couldn’t anticipate. 

Hair shedding is a normal part of life. We’ve all seen the hair that clogs up our shower drains or gets stuck in combs or brushes. But at some point in their lives, many women begin experiencing true hair loss. 

Hair loss can come with a variety of causes that are hard to pinpoint. But discovering the cause of hair loss is one of the only ways to help curb the problem. Read on, and we’ll walk you through everything you need to know about women’s hair loss. 

When Should You Be Concerned? 

A certain amount of hair loss in women is totally normal. In fact, most women lose about 80 strands of hair in a given day. Call it shedding or what have you, but such loss of hair is totally and completely normal. It’s not a cause for concern. 

What is a cause for concern is when said hair doesn’t grow back. 

It can take some time to recognize hair loss as a real problem, as our hair life cycle is slow. If you’ve noticed excessive hair loss over a two or three month period, it might be time to see a doctor or health professional. 

What Causes Hair Loss In Women? 

There are a variety of factors that can contribute to hair loss in women of all ages. Hair loss is actually a lot more common then most women assume. it affects every one in three women sometime over the course of their life. 

Some hair loss or hair thinning is simply genetic. Do to your family tree, you may be predisposed to have a gradual reduction in hair over your lifespan. Hair follicles grow shorter and thinner over each cycle, eventually reaching extreme levels. In this situation, there’s no real cause to hair loss other than your genes themselves. 

But many cases of hair loss are also due to exterior factors. Reactive hair loss can be due to a variety of different triggers or stressors. An internal imbalance, hormonal problem, or nutritional deficiency can all set off hair thinning or loss. 

Some common causes of hair loss include: 


The most common cause of hair loss is the movement of time. If you’re going through or are about to enter menopause, your body is in a state of flux. This transition can have an effect on hair life cycles and cause certain follicles to cease growth. 

Thyroid Issues 

You have a butterfly-shaped gland at the front of your throat known as your thyroid. The thyroid pumps out various chemicals that help keep your body running properly. If your thyroid isn’t working properly, it can be problems for various systems in your body, including your hair life cycle. 

Too much or too little hormone introduction can thin your hair and cause excessive shedding. If you notice hair loss combined with sensitivity to heat or cold, or excessive weight loss or gain, it might be due to a thyroid issue. 

Excessive Stress

You’ve heard the colloquial phrases of pulling or losing hair due to stress. But these aren’t just random phrases, they’re literally true. Stress raises androgen levels, which in turn contribute to hair loss. 

Stress also often contributes to a number of unhealthy behaviors that can, in their own way, wreak havoc on your hair health. Unhealthy eating and sleeping habits, dandruff, and exhaustion all mean your hair won’t be as healthy as it should. 


Alopecia is a disease that affects many women later in their lives. It’s an immune disorder in which the immune system accidentally begins attacking healthy hair follicles by mistake. This can cause large bald spots or areas of very thin hair. 

The damage to hair by alopecia isn’t permanent, and the hair can grow back if the immune disorder is cured. 

Resolving Hair Loss In Women 

Losing hair is hard for everyone. But it’s especially hard on women, as the process is much less socially acceptable for women than it is for men. 

The first and most important step for women is to notice that there is a problem. Most hair loss is temporary and due to some sort of imbalance. Once this imbalance is taken care of, normal hair growth will return. So there is no reason to panic.

If you’re experiencing excessive hair loss, ensure that you’re maintaining a healthy diet. Exercise and keep active, and remove areas of excessive stress from your life. Ensure you’re getting the proper vitamins, even if you need to take them via supplement. 

In more serious cases of hair loss, a doctor may able to prescribe certain aids or solutions. Minoxidil is a drug that has been proven to help encourage hair growth. Taking anti-androgens can also help to deter hormones that cause hair loss. 

In worst case scenarios, many women go the route of hair transplantation or scalp biopsy, both of which have been proven to have many positive results. There’s more info here about such procedures. 

Understanding Women’s Hair Loss 

Many women don’t have a complete understanding of what hair loss is like. Women’s hair loss is more common and treatable than many understand. The above knowledge can help calm you down if you’re in the middle of your own hair crisis. 

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