inexpensive wedding venues

Chuck the Church: 5 Ideas for Inexpensive Wedding Venues

You can’t wait to walk down the aisle and marry the love of your life in a few months.

But that doesn’t mean you necessarily want it to be a church aisle. And that’s okay.

In fact, research shows that just 26% of people had their weddings in religious institutions in 2016.

If you’re not fussed about a church wedding, there are plenty of other options. Here’s a rundown on five great inexpensive wedding venues that you could go for.

Let’s get started!

1. Inexpensive Wedding Venues Include Your City Courthouse

If you’re serious about saving on wedding costs, you can’t go wrong with meeting your bride or groom at the courthouse.

A civil ceremony held at a county clerk’s office or a city hall costs a relatively small fee — typically under $100. In fact, in some areas, they are even free.

Keep in mind that courthouses usually limit attendance to between five and 10 guests, though.

2. A City Block

Have you ever thought about hosting a block party as a way to celebrate your big day?

This isn’t exactly a conventional approach to getting married. But if you and your spouse are known for being outside-of-the-box thinkers, your guests will absolutely love it.

With a special event permit costing a few hundred dollars, you could close off one of a city’s streets and then get married. At your marriage ceremony, you could throw a barbecue or even hire some food trucks.

Note that you might need some extra licenses or permits if you plan to serve alcohol and food.

3. At Your Own Home

If you want your wedding to be as close to free as possible, throwing a low-cost ceremony at your house is a smart idea.

In this situation, the only things you’d have to worry about paying for are decorations — such as floral arrangements — as well as dinnerware, chairs, tables and other items you might not have and can’t borrow from family and friends.

4. At the Beach

One of the most romantic yet inexpensive places to have a wedding is on the beach.

An example of this type of low-cost, scenic venue is the secluded Fisherman’s Cove available through the Long Reef Golf Club in Australia. This is one of the most talked-about wedding venues Sydney residents can enjoy due to its wonderful photo opportunities along beaches, at a lush golf course and in front of rock outcrops.

5. Museums and Libraries

Let’s say that you and your significant other are both book lovers. Or maybe you had your first date at a museum.

Why not have your wedding in a library or a museum? This would allow you to enter your marriage surrounded by artifacts, books, and art.

Both museums and libraries — especially ones that are tinier or are not sought after as much — tend to have relatively smaller price tags.

How We Can Help

In addition to highlighting inexpensive wedding venues, we offer tips and advice about how to be more frugal in a number of other ways.

Take a peek here to find out more about how you can save money and thus enjoy a better quality of life for the long-term.

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