cost of contact lenses

5 Smart Ways to Save on the Cost of Contact Lenses

Did you know the average contact lens wearer spends about $220 or more on contact lenses each year? And if you need toric contact lenses (for people with astigmatism), you can be looking at $500 to $700 per year. Yikes!

If the cost of contact lenses is starting to feel like a hefty burden to you and you’re wondering if there are ways to save on them, the answer is yes–but you have to know where to look. Here are five simple ways for you to save money on contact lenses.

1. Shop at a Big Box Store

Some people never think to visit the vision centers in big box stores because it’s just not where we are used to thinking of when it comes to eye care. However, you could be missing out on some great deals.

Vision centers in big box stores usually have their own optometrists, accept most types of health insurance, and offer some type of discounts for their members. So, if you’re already a member, you could be saving big bucks on your contact lenses.

2. Sign Up for a Flexible Spending Account Through Work

If your job provides FSA accounts, take it! The money you put in there will be pre-taxed and you can use it not only to buy contact lenses but contact solution as well. In addition, you’ll also be able to use your FSA money to pay for your eye exams and other vision expenses as well.

3. Don’t Shop at the Same Place Every Time

Many stores (online and offline) offer deals to new customers as a way to incentivize people to choose them. Before you order a new stash of contact lenses for the next year, look around and see who has deals for new customers.

Just make sure the retailer you are buying from each time is a reputable retailer. You can always check with the Better Business Bureau before buying.

4. Ask for Options

Your optometrist doesn’t know your budget so saving you money is not at the top of their list. They will recommend what they think is the best choice for you, what’s the most comfortable, and what’s the most popular in the market.

But maybe you don’t care about what’s the most popular and you don’t need extra moist contact lenses. Before purchasing, always ask your optometrist for options to choose from.

Always check to see who has the best deals before you shop and the latest promo codes that are out on Clearly Contacts to help you save on contacts.

5. Compare the Cost of Contact Lenses Online

It’s no secret that shopping online can bring us huge savings. With online shopping comparisons at the click of a button, it’s easy to find out who has the best deal in a matter of minutes. Don’t let this useful resource go to waste.

For more smart money saving tips on how to save on the cost of contact lenses or any products to help you lead a healthy and happy life, be sure to visit our blog for more!

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