Woman Suffering From Headache Due to Molds

Does Mold Cause Headaches? 5 Sure Signs of Mold in Your Home

One of the last things you want to discover in your home is mold. Unlike other common home issues, mold is more difficult to fully get rid of and can go unnoticed for quite some time if you don’t know what to look for. 

If you don’t catch mold early on, then it’ll continue to grow over the years. Living in a home with mold is especially dangerous for young children, older adults, and those with any kind of immunity disorder. One of the most common questions asked is does mold cause headaches and are headaches a sign of mold in the house?

We’re here to answer these questions for you by listing a few sure signs that there’s mold in the house and the possible cause of your headaches. Continue reading below for everything you need to know about keeping your home, yourself, and your family safe from mold1

1. Musty Smells

You might not notice a smell when you’re spending time inside your home, but try to notice what your home smells like when you return after an outing. When you first walk into your home do you notice a musty odor? Do you notice a musty smell when you walk into a specific room?

Different types of mold give off different odors, so it might be hard to pinpoint it exactly, but what’s certain is that they don’t smell good. If you’re noticing an unusual smell in your home that isn’t going away (trash is taken out/dishes are cleaned), then you need to start investigating where the smell is coming from.

2. Visible Signs

The surest way to determine that there’s mold in your home is to see it with your own two eyes. Mold can grow in hidden places, and oftentimes does, but it’s not invisible. It can go undetected for years if it’s growing behind walls or large objects like the washer machine, but if you start digging around, you’ll eventually see it.

If you have a serious mold issue, then the mold might even make its way out from the hidden area and onto a wall or surface that’s right in front of your eyes. Keep in mind that not all mold is black, either. Mold comes in a variety of colors, so be on the lookout for anything strange that’s growing. 

3. History of Floods

If you have a history of floods in your house, then you should be concerned about possible mold growth. Mold thrives in moist and dark environments. If there’s an area in your home that has a history of floods or leaks, then you should check this area regularly for mold growth. 

You should also take the time to correct any leaks or flood issues that you have in your home to prevent more water damage from occurring. Even the smallest leak such as a leaky faucet can cause mold to grow.

4. Respiratory Issues

In many cases, mold growth will go undetected in homes because most people don’t have major reactions to it. Others, however, might have allergic reactions to the mold but don’t correlate their symptoms with the possibility of mold in the home. 

Not everyone has the same reaction to mold either. Some people will feel as though they’re battling a cold for an extended period of time and don’t understand why they’re not feeling better. 

Others suffer from respiratory issues which may include sneezing, coughing, watery eyes, skin irritation, and headaches. These symptoms all occur because you’re having an allergic reaction to the mold growth. Some even begin to have regular nose bleeds because of it.

More severe reactions include shortness of breath. If you believe you’re suffering from any of these symptoms, then you should contact your doctor and have your home checked for mold.

5. Positive Mold Test

A positive mold test is another sure sign that you do, indeed, have mold growing in your home. Whenever you’re not certain if there is mold in your home or not, you can never go wrong with having a mold test done. 

A professional service will come in and test your home for you. If mold is detected, then they will continue by professionally removing the mold from your home. Although there are several ways to remove mold yourself, having a professional come in and do it is the best route to take. 

When you hire professionals, you give yourself peace of mind, because you know that all of the mold is removed properly and if there’s an issue, you can contact them to come back. Not only will the professionals detect the mold, but they can tell you what type of mold it is, and discover the cause of the growth for you before removing it.

Be sure to read more about mold testing before you have the professionals come in. You want to hire a reputable company that has your best interest in mind.

Does Mold Cause Headaches and Other Health Issues? 

To answer the question does mold cause headaches or other health problems, yes it does. It might not cause issues for everyone, but mold can cause headaches and other health issues as well if you have an allergic reaction to it.

Remember, those with respiratory issues, immune deficiencies, and those either young in age or old in age are more susceptible to having a reaction. Contact your doctor immediately if you have any symptoms and call the professionals to remove the mold for you.

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