healthy vending machines

Healthy Vending Machines: Should Schools Have Them?

healthy vending machinesHealthy kids are happy kids.

We all want our children to grow up into happy, healthy adults, and that means making sure they eat a balanced diet and understand the value of good nutrition.

However, making sure they eat good foods at home can be difficult. When they’re out of the house, we’re looking at a nearly impossible feat. Life would be easier if children has access to healthy vending machines.

At school for example.

Kids spend a large portion of their day out of the home, in a place packed offering vending machines filled with sugary snacks. It is natural that they will pick a candy bar over an apple.

How can we combat this and ensure our children continue to eat healthy at school?

Healthy Vending Machines Offer a Great Snack Substitute

There is nothing wrong with vending machines, and there is nothing wrong with a little candy now and then. The problem is the lack of options and the over abundance of unhealthy snacks.

If schools were to offer healthy vending machines containing fruit, nuts, and healthy snacks, they would be offering the children in their care a balanced and healthy lifestyle on school grounds.

It would also be in the interest of the school to give children healthy options which will keep the students energized and ready to learn.

There are many choices when it comes to such machines, and healthyyou vending reviews can help you choose the best products to recommend to your child’s school.

The Benefit of Natural Suger over Refined

Sure, both fruits and candy bars are full of sugars, so what’s the difference,?

Well, the core difference is that fruit is natural sugar, while candy bars are made from refined sugar, and all manner of other ingredients too.

Fruits contain natural sugar and other nutrients, but also fiber, which slows the break down of the fruit sugars and prevents the blood sugar spike that can be seen from eating candy.

Nutritious vending machines can serve as a great educational point for children, to learn about the different types of sugars and how our body processes them.

Educators are Responsible For Helping Raise Your Children

At the end of the day, you entrust your children into the care of school officials, because, they, as educators are the best people to help teach your kids about the world, and how to thrive in it.

Why shouldn’t educational institutions shoulder the responsibility to ensuring children stay healthy while on school grounds?

The two go hand in hand, and the responsibility is on both parents and educators to make sure the children in our care are given the best possible options for them.

Healthy Eating is a Privilege Not to be Ignored

It can be easy to forget that access to healthy foods is a privilege. There are a lot of people in the world who do not have such luxury. We need to teach our children that eating healthy is something they should be thankful for.

Being able to eat a balanced and nutritious diet is (sadly) not a right.

As adults, it is our duty to do everything we can to give our children healthy alternatives.

We are not individuals in this battle. We can work together to make healthy vending machines a school staple.

Just take a look around our site to see how many ways there are for you to get more involved. If you want more information on anything, you can always reach out to me.

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