Types of Shoulder Pain

How to Manage Different Types of Types of Shoulder Pain

Are you suffering from shoulder pain?

It’s never fun to deal with pain, especially when the solutions may be frustrating to find. We experience a little bit of shoulder pain at some point in our lives. However, it can be a big problem when it affects your regular daily life.

But how do you manage different types of shoulder pain? There are a few solutions that you can try today. Keep reading to learn more.

Rotator Cuff

A rotator cuff is a group of four muscles that connect the arm to the shoulder and give stability to the shoulder joint. Rotator cuff pain is a  common type of shoulder pain. It produces a dull ache in the shoulder area and can be exacerbated by any type of overhead activity.

Rotator cuff injury is caused by a combination of overuse, overloading, or traumatic injury. There are ways to manage and reduce rotator cuff pain. Rest, stretching, strengthening exercises, and activity modification are important components of rehabilitation.

Ice or heat can be used to reduce inflammation and pain. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like ibuprofen or naproxen can help reduce pain and inflammation. If the shoulder pain persists or gets worse, seeing a physician is recommended. 


Painful instability occurs when the shoulder joint becomes loose or unable to balance. It can lead to imbalance and instability of the arm and shoulder. This can occur due to overuse, trauma, or degenerative conditions such as arthritis.

When shoulder instability is experienced, it’s important to take proactive steps to control the problem. The best way to manage shoulder instability is through strengthening exercises, stretching, and avoiding activities that can cause further damage. This can include rest, physical or occupational therapy, or in extreme cases, surgical repair. 


Impingement is one of the most common types of shoulder pain and is caused when the shoulder joint isn’t moving. It is from the inflammation of the subacromial bursa. It is a thin tissue pouch that sits between the top of the humerus and the acromion bone.

This can cause tendons, such as the rotator cuff tendons, to become pinched. It can lead to sudden pain when the shoulder is lifted, pushed, or pulled. Initially, resting and icing the shoulder is recommended to reduce swelling and inflammation.

Physical therapy and strengthening exercises can be useful about help restore shoulder muscle strength. Taking anti-inflammatory medications can also help to reduce swelling, pain, and stiffness. Besides, corticosteroid injections may be considered to reduce the pain and inflammation associated with impingement.

Acromioclavicular Joint Pain

Due to the shoulder joint’s large range of motion, it is susceptible to injury and pain. People who play sports such as golf, tennis, or basketball may be at an increased risk for this type of shoulder pain. Management of acromioclavicular joint pain includes rest, gentle stretching, and strengthening exercises.

Plus, it might be useful to undergo physical therapy and medications. This includes such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and cortisone injections. Ice or heat applications may help reduce inflammation and improve the range of motion. Surgery may be needed for some cases of AC joint pain. 

Calcific Tendinitis

Calcific tendinitis is a type of shoulder pain experienced when calcium deposits in the rotator cuff tendons. Pain from calcific tendinitis is often intense and affects daily activities. When the shoulder pain occurs, the shoulder may be swollen, immobile, and red.

Treatment for calcific tendinitis includes physical therapy, rest, ice, and if needed, anti-inflammatory medications. Physical therapy plays a vital role in the management of calcific tendinitis. It helps reduce inflammation and improve shoulder range of motion and strength.

Exercise is also beneficial in treating calcific tendinitis. Strengthening the shoulder muscles can help take pressure off the shoulder joint, allowing it to heal. In some cases, cortisone injections may be necessary to reduce inflammation. Surgery may be a choice if the shoulder does not respond to non-surgical treatments. 

Frozen Shoulder

Frozen shoulder (known as adhesive capsulitis) is a painful condition that restricts the range of motion in the shoulder thus limiting movement. It is caused by the thickening and tightening of the capsule of tissue around the joint. This occurs after an injury and immobilization of the joint.

As a result, the shoulder can become stiff and tight making it difficult to do everyday activities. Management of frozen shoulders includes rest, physiotherapy, stretching exercises, and hydrotherapy. This helps to restore nerves, muscles, and the integrity of the joint capsule.

In more extreme cases, a cortisone injection, and manipulation under anesthesia. So it is important to consult your doctor to discuss the best management strategy that works for you.


Shoulder dislocation is a painful injury that usually requires medical attention. A dislocation happens when the ball of the upper arm bone is torn away from the shoulder socket. This can cause a complete disconnection of the ligament that attaches the bone to the shoulder.

Pain and swelling are the most common symptoms of shoulder dislocation. Management of dislocation pain and instability can include immobilization with a sling, ice, or heat to reduce swelling.

In most cases, the shoulder can be rehabbed. This allows the individual to regain a full range of motion. To avoid re-injury, strengthening exercises must be done for the shoulder to be well supported.

Take steps to limit arm movement. Avoid contact sports and wear protective gear. It is beneficial to understand more about shoulder pain and its causes. This can help you become better informed and take steps to help reduce and manage your pain.

Types of Shoulder Pain You Shouldn’t Ignore

Shoulder pain can be debilitating, but with the right tools and treatments, it doesn’t have to be. Whether it’s lifestyle modifications, activity modifications, or here to prescription medications, there are a variety of methods available to manage different types of shoulder pain. Talk to your doctor today to determine the best approach for your individual needs.

Now that you’ve read up on how to manage different types of shoulder pain, it’s time to start taking action.

Check out the rest of our blog for more articles.

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