Productive Things to Do Every Day

Too Much Free Time on Your Hands? 9 Productive Things to Do Every Day

According to a survey, video gamers spent eight hours and 27 minutes playing games each week in 2021. That’s only the average, though; indeed, one in four players said they spent over 12 hours gaming per week!

While video gaming may have health perks, too much game time can also be harmful. Besides, there are many other productive things to do aside from playing. Many are even beneficial to your health, while others can do wonders to your wallet.

Ready to learn all about these activities that can help you stay productive? Then keep reading, as we’ve listed the top ones below!

1. Eliminate Clutter

According to research, extreme clutter can result in an overall productivity loss. One cited reason is that clutter can be a source of excessive stimulation.

Unfortunately, the brain doesn’t work that well if it tries to focus on multiple subjects. So if you let your home or workspace get too cluttered, your productivity may likely suffer.

Now that you have free time, though, why not put it to good use by organizing your stuff? You can start by getting rid of items you no longer need or consider donating them.

2. Do Some Light Cleaning

If you’re looking for productive things to do at home, go with some cleaning, as it also benefits your health. For example, after decluttering your living space, you can follow it up by wiping the surfaces. You can also bring out the vacuum to dust your home one room at a time.

Remember: The average person spends about 90% of their time indoors. If that applies to you, you want to ensure you’re breathing clean, unpolluted indoor air. Cleaning your home and minimizing dust build-up can help you achieve that goal.

3. Start Gardening

Gardening is also one of the best things to do to be productive while also helping to improve your health. For starters, it provides a moderate-intensity form of exercise. Moreover, it allows you to soak in some sunshine, which your body needs to create vitamin D.

Gardening can also help reduce stress and improve your mood. All those benefits can then help you sleep better at night.

4. Grow Vegetables

If you decide to start gardening, go with vegetables that you and your family can eat. When you grow something yourself, it makes eating it all the more fun. In addition, it promotes healthier eating, which, unfortunately, only 10% of people in the US do.

Starting a vegetable garden can also help you save on your grocery and market bills. Plus, you don’t even have to buy the seeds; you can use the ones in those you’ve already bought.

Bell peppers, cucumbers, tomatoes, zucchini, and squash are some examples.

5. Answer Online Surveys

An online survey is a structured questionnaire you can complete over the internet. Many of these surveys are from market researchers who wish to learn more about a target audience. They can be about any topic, from apps to time management to your favorite food.

So, if you’re looking for productive things to do on your phone or PC, answering such surveys is one option. Plus, according to this FreeCryptoRewards review, you can get rewards when you do.

6. Try a New Recipe

When was the last time you cooked or baked something? Or do you usually eat out or order some home delivery?

If you answered yes to the second question, it’s high time you start preparing more homemade food.

One reason is to reduce your spending on food away from home. Consider this: The average US consumer has spent at least $300 a month on such items since January 2021. That tallies up to no less than $3,600 a year!

You can save some of that cash if you prepare more food at home. Plus, cooking or baking gives you control over the ingredients (and their quantity). You can cut back on sodium, sugar, fats, and other additives that, in excess, can be a health detriment.

7. Prepare Your Stuff for Tomorrow

In one poll, 20% of participants admitted being late to work at least once every week.

Unfortunately, chronic tardiness isn’t only annoying; many folks also find it rude. It can also be disruptive, especially in school or work environments. Moreover, it can lead to productivity loss not only on your part but also on those around you.

One way to prevent tardiness is to prepare what you need the night before. For instance, you can pack the stuff you need tomorrow in your bag tonight. You can also decide what you want to wear the next day and prepare it now.

All of that can help free up valuable time the following day. As a result, you have lower chances (and fewer reasons) to be late.

8. Become Bilingual (Or Even Multilingual)

Speaking more than one language undoubtedly makes you more impressive to other people. However, it also helps boost brain power, memory, problem-solving, and attention control. It may even be your gateway to earning a higher income!

You can buy or borrow a language book from the library, or you can also download an app, such as Duolingo, to your phone. Duolingo lets you learn and practice more than 30 different languages, and best of all, it has a free plan.

9. Pamper Yourself With a Long Bath

It might sound counter-intuitive to “relax” if you want to be productive, but hear us out.

Giving yourself enough time to relax is vital to reducing stress and improving your mood. The less stressed-out you feel, the easier you might find it to fall and stay asleep. Ultimately, that can help you get high-quality ZZZs, which you need for your overall health.

By contrast, high levels of stress can put you at a higher risk of developing conditions like anxiety. Both can make falling and staying asleep more challenging, too.

One of the best productive things to do in the evening is to let yourself relax with a long bath. It’s also wise to go with hot or warm water, as it may improve sleep quality and help you fall asleep faster.

Try These Productive Things to Do Today

And there you have it, your ultimate guide on the most productive things to do whenever, wherever. As you can see, many of them won’t just keep you away from boredom; they can also help you stay fit and healthy.

So, why not consider trying out as many of them as possible starting today?

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