
The Hottest Low Maintenance Haircut Trends for Effortless Beauty

One of the secrets to getting a haircut you’ll actually like is to be honest about how much time you spend on your hair daily.

Whether that’s 10 minutes or half an hour, you need to tell your stylist so he or she can give you a cut that’s easy to manage. Of course, that doesn’t mean you’ll leave everything up to your stylist.

While good stylists know the best haircut trends that will work for your face and body shape, as well as your lifestyle, they’re not mind readers. You should help your stylist by knowing what those trends are, so you can explain which styles you’re leaning towards.

That said, check out these low-maintenance hairstyles that are trending right now.

1. Curtain Bangs

Fringes or bangs are one of those haircut ideas that require commitment because they’re not wash and go. You need to blow dry them as soon as you get out of the shower, or they’ll end up frizzy or going in all sorts of directions. 

That’s not the case for curtain bangs or bangs that are parted down the middle. Since these have longer edges, you can easily grow them out or pin them back for a different look. 

What’s more, these face-framing bangs work with all sorts of textures and hair lengths – perfect for those who want to keep their hair long but want to update their look.

2. The Shag 

If you’re already sporting a lob or a long bob, you can make it edgier by going for some choppy layers. 

Like curtain bangs, a modern shaggy haircut works for all types of hair textures, lengths, and face shapes. It’s also quite versatile. Even under hats and beanies, this hairstyle looks great.

3. The ’90s Chop

Everything old is new again, so if you’re ready for a shorter ‘do, you can’t go wrong with a true pixie cut, otherwise known as the 90’s chop.

For some haircut inspiration, you can check out Charlize Theron’s sleek pixie or Jada Pinkett Smith’s curly pixie.

4. One-Length

For a truly fuss-free cut, ask for a one-length hairstyle. With no layers to worry about, you can style it any way you like – leave it down, put it up into a high bun or a ponytail, and so on.

Another advantage of one-length haircuts is they’re great for those who have fine hair. So if you’ve been wanting some volume without sacrificing your current hair length, consider this haircut trend.

Bonus: Should You Follow Haircut Trends?

There are signs that will tell you it’s time to get a haircut. For example, when you don’t feel excited about styling your hair or always think about changing your look, those are clear signs you should switch up your hairstyle.

And no, you don’t always have to follow haircut trends, but it helps to know about them so you don’t end up pushing for a style that makes you look dated. Another thing that helps is finding the right stylist. You can check out this post for advice on finding a stylist or hair salon if you lead a very busy lifestyle and don’t always have time to go for a haircut.

Ready to Get a Haircut?  

Now that you know more about the hottest haircut trends, are you ready to sport a new look?

Remember, a great haircut can be transformative, but you need to find the right stylist. For more hair tips and advice, feel free to check out our other posts.

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