Parents Holding Their Newborn baby

7 Newborn Baby Necessities Every New Mom Needs

Did you know that more than 140 million babies are born around the world every single year? And many of these babies create a new mom as well!

If you’re among those new moms, congratulations!

You’re probably feeling a whole range of emotions, from excitement to stress. There are so many things to do before the baby arrives. Well, we’re here to help you cross at least one thing off your list – your new baby necessities!

Listed below are 7 of the most important baby supplies you should put on your registry or purchase yourself. Once you have everything on this list, you can approach your due date with confidence, knowing you have everything that your baby will need in his or her first days.

Let’s get started!

1. Car Seat

A car seat is the first thing on this baby supplies list for a reason. Not because you’ll be taking your newborn everywhere you go necessarily, but because you won’t be able to leave the hospital without one!

That’s right, you must have a car seat and it must be properly installed before you can take your baby home. Now, for a newborn, you’ll need an infant car seat. These are always rear-facing and most can easily snap in and out of the base, making it a portable baby seat as well.

This makes it perfect for when your baby falls asleep in the car! Instead of waking him up to bring him inside, you can take the entire seat in with you.

2. Bottles and Accessories

Bottles are a must for any new mom, whether you plan to breastfeed or not. Many mothers have to supplement their own milk with formula. But even if you don’t, it’s always a good idea to use your breast pump or haakaa to create a backup supply that you can store in bottles in the fridge.

You shouldn’t be the only one waking up to feed the baby in the middle of the night, after all! Plus, with a supply of milk and bottles, you and your partner can leave baby with a grandparent and take a night off every now and then.

Along with bottles, a breast pump, and a haakaa, you’ll need a bottle brush to clean them thoroughly after each use. You might not want to commit to a certain brand at first. Buy a few and find out which your baby prefers, then invest in more of that brand.

3. Bassinet or Crib

Your baby probably won’t be sleeping in their own room at first – not to mention there might not be much sleep happening at all! Nevertheless, you need to buy a bassinet or crib for your baby to sleep in until they graduate to their own room.

Bassinets are easier, as they’re smaller and can be moved from room to room if needed. You can also find co-sleepers that attach to the side of your bed, allowing you to have the experience of sleeping right next to your baby while keeping them safe in their own space.

4. Baby Carrier

Yes, you can use your car seat as a baby carrier for short distances, but you’ll also need something that you can carry your baby in for long stretches of time. Look for something that will allow you to have your hands free while holding your baby, such as a ring sling or a wrap.

There are also more structured baby-wearing options available on the market. These have a similar appearance to a backpack rather than a piece of cloth. Cloth carriers tend to be more comfortable, but you should pick whatever feels right for you.  

5. Stroller

Along with your car seat and baby carrier, you’ll need a stroller to take your baby for those calming walks around the neighborhood in the evening. Consider strollers when car seat shopping, as many car seats can be snapped into a stroller as well.

Some strollers are convertible and can be adjusted as your baby grows. They might be a bigger investment upfront but can save you money in the long run when you don’t have to purchase a second stroller. Your baby will need a traditional upright stroller when they’re able to sit up on their own. 

6. Baby Clothes

One of the most fun baby supplies for newborns is clothes. If you’re itching to fill your baby’s closet with miniature clothing, we don’t blame you! But while baby clothes are a necessity, remember that your baby will only be a newborn for so long.

In actuality, many babies are born too tall for newborn clothes! Instead of filling their closet or dresser with newborn clothes, buy a variety of sizes. Get some newborn, plenty of 0-3 months, and even some 3-6 months to start with.

7. Diapers

Diapers are a newborn baby necessity. However, as with baby clothes, it’s important to keep sizes in mind when you’re shopping. You’ll likely need some newborn diapers, but don’t stockpile them, you’ll only end up with a mountain of diapers you can’t use.

Instead, buy a box or two of newborn diapers (you can always get more!), a few boxes of size 1, and plenty of sizes 2 and 3. 

Use These Newborn Essentials to Be the Best New Mom You Can Be

Being a new mom is one of the most exciting times of a person’s life – savor every moment!

Going into the process can feel overwhelming, as there’s no handbook for being a parent, but with the right tools and your mother’s intuition on your side, you’ll be a natural.

For more great tips on being a new parent, take a look at our blog!

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