Get Rid of Calluses

5 Must-Know Tips to Get Rid of Calluses

Get Rid of Calluses

Did you know one in twenty Americans deal with calluses every year?

While calluses are just your body’s way of defending your feet against friction, they’re far from visually pleasing. Plus, if you leave them untreated, they tend to stick around a lot longer than you’d like.

Are you tired of hiding your feet? Let’s look at a few steps you can take to get rid of calluses quickly and effectively!

1. Soak Your Feet in Chamomile Tea

Chamomile is a mildly alkaline herbal tea. Therefore, a chamomile foot soak can temporarily raise the pH of your skin. It’s a soothing way to dry out the outer layer of your skin and get rid of calluses faster.

Boil 4 chamomile tea bags in a quart of water. Then pour the tea into a small tub, and let it cool off for 15 minutes or so.

Once the water is safe to the touch, place your feet in the tub for about 20 minutes. After you pull your feet out, wash them with soap to remove any staining from the tea.

2. Mix Lemon Juice and Aspirin

Aspirin contains salicylic acid, a commonly used peeling agent. As a result, the pain medication a key ingredient in many effective foot peels.

Start by crushing five aspirin tablets with the back of a spoon. Mix the aspirin with 1/4 teaspoon of water and 3/4 teaspoon of lemon juice, creating a paste.

Apply the paste to the problem area, and cover the area with cellophane. Then run warm water over a small towel, and place it on top of the plastic wrap.

After 15 minutes, remove the plastic and towel. Use a pumice stone or callus file to exfoliate your feet.

3. Try Pineapple Peels Before Bed

Bromelain, an enzyme that breaks down protein, is abundant in pineapples. By dissolving calluses, bromelain can help you maintain beautiful feet.

To take advantage of its benefits, begin by removing the skin from the pineapple. Since you’re only going to need the pineapple peel for this treatment, you can still enjoy the rest of the fruit.

Before you go to sleep, place the inside of the pineapple peel directly against your calluses. Use a cloth or tape to keep it from falling off.

4. Moisturize Daily

The skin on the bottom of your foot is prone to moisture loss. If you want soft and smooth feet, you need to start using a moisturizer.

Many of the best foot creams for calluses contain shea butter. Also, look for foot moisturizing creams that have Vitamin E and cocoa butter.

Moisturizing daily will not only treat your current calluses, but it can also help prevent more from developing.

5. Use a Sugar Scrub

Exfoliating 3-4 times per week can help you get rid of calluses. But if you need to soften up your skin, try an effective foot scrub recipe.

Pour half a cup of sugar into a small bowl or container. Add a bit of mineral oil, and mix the two ingredients together to create a paste.

Dip your fingers into the mixture. Using a circular motion, rub the paste on your calluses for 20 minutes.

Once you’re finished, wash your feet off with warm water.

Final Thoughts on How to Get Rid of Calluses

The five tips outlined above will help keep your feet smooth and healthy.

Keep in mind that ill-fitting shoes often lead to calluses. If you continue having issues, consider visiting a podiatrist for custom orthotics and inserts.

Looking for more surprising health remedies? If so, feel free to check out our health and fitness blog today!

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