driveway resurfacing

10 Ways to Save on Driveway Resurfacing

driveway resurfacingWhat if you could make one of the worst parts of home ownership so much easier?

Driveway resurfacing is a task that no homeowner looks forward to. It takes a lot of time and it eats into your hard-earned money.

Fortunately, there are a few easy tips you can follow in order to save money on any resurfacing that you do.

Driveway Resurfacing or Driveway Repair?

Before you get started, you should determine if you really need to resurface the driveway. It’s possible that the damage is minor enough that you only have to repair the driveway instead.

Inspect any and all cracks you see in the driveway. If they are less than a quarter of an inch wide, they can simply be sealed instead of resurfaced.

You can repair such cracks very easily by using liquid crack refiller. If those cracks are larger than a quarter of an inch wide, you must resurface instead.

Keep reading to discover ten ways to save money on resurfacing your driveway!

1. Buy a Kit

Special kits are available for anyone who wishes to resurface their own driveway. These kits are typically available at your average home improvement stores.

The main downside to doing this all on your own is that it takes a lot of time and effort. However, it also saves a lot of money that would otherwise go towards paying a professional.

You can find much of the equipment you will need to buy on Pavement Planet.

2. Everybody Chips In

Part of what makes driveway resurfacing so expensive is the cost of buying the individual materials you need. You can potentially save money on these materials by buying them in bulk.

Begin by asking around in your neighborhood and in your family to see who else might want to resurface their driveway. This lets all of you put in a single bid to a single contractor.

This saves the contractor money in terms of storing and transporting all of the necessary materials. Contractors are often willing to pass some of those savings on to you, reducing the overall cost of your resurfacing.

3. The Power of Concrete

One stealthy way of resurfacing is to camouflage the driveway damage. You can do this by first creating a grid pattern on your driveway by using chalk.

Next, you use a power saw to cut along these lines. You should definitely hire a professional to do this if you’ve never used a power saw before.

The final result is a driveway that looks very modern and stylized. And any cracks that you had in it have now been effectively masked b the design.

4. Creative Materials

Most people use asphalt or concrete in order to resurface their driveway. It is possible to use gravel in order to save money.

You can also use a combination of rocks and tar to resurface your driveway for a fraction of the cost of traditional asphalt. You may also consider using bricks and concrete that have been recycled from previous projects.

Ultimately, using less traditional maters can be a key to major savings.

5. Get Free Estimates

Most people hire a professional for driveway resurfacing. The amount that these professionals typically charge is what makes resurfacing so expensive.

Contact multiple professionals in your area before committing to one of them. Have as many of them as possible come out, inspect the driveway, and then offer a free estimate for how much it will cost to resurface.

This simple act can save hundreds or even thousands of dollars off of the job by allowing you to find the cheapest rates in town.

6. Asphalt Repair

One interesting alternative to the traditional resurface or repair options is to hire professionals to repair the asphalt. They have special equipment that makes such a repair quick and easy.

This technique usually involves working on the driveway in patches. This means you could have them focus only on certain areas instead of doing the entire driveway.

This option represents a great compromise between trying to repair everything yourself or having a professional resurface all of it. Ultimately, it can save you a lot of money.

7. Check Property Lines

Some basic advice that many people forget about is to doublecheck where your property lines begin and where they end. Otherwise, it is possible to accidentally resurface onto property that belongs to your neighbor.

Damaging your neighbor’s property could lead to costly legal action. This dramatically adds to the cost of the project. However, doublechecking property lines cost nothing and can save money!

8. Negotiate Your Needs

Part of the cost of a professional job comes from all of the things they do as part of a standard job. You may not need every one of these “standard” services, though.

Try to negotiate your specific needs with any professional that you hire. If you need fewer services than they typically offer, it may mean you can get a discount on the job.

9. Do It Sooner Rather Than Later

Whether you repair or resurface, it’s always better to fix things sooner rather than later. This allows you to fix cracks before they expand or to simply reduce the cost of a complex resurfacing job.

Keeping the driveway looking good also enhances the value of your home. This gives you the flexibility to more easily sell your home if you want to.

If you suspect you may need the drive repaired or resurfaced, you should call a professional for a free consultation immediately.

10. Phone a Friend

Many people opt to repair or resurface their driveway themselves to save money. The only real downside to this is how much time it takes to do this on your own.

You can cut this time in half by getting a friend to help you out. This is especially advisable if the friend has a lot of experience using the complex tools involved in resurfacing.

The Bottom Line

Everybody wants to save money. After all, driveway resurfacing isn’t the only thing that often costs way too much!

To find more info about how to save money in your house and around town, come check out our coupons today. All of these little savings add up and put hard-earned money directly back in your pocket!

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