Types of Ants

Types of Ants

Worldwide, there are over 10,000 known species of ants.

While most of them are harmless, others can be a nuisance. Childhood memories of wrangling with ants at picnics are ruined on those occasions when an infestation occurs in the home.

What are the types of ants you might encounter, and how can you rid yourself of them?

Let’s take a look at what you need to know.

Fire Ants

Fire ants are one of the most common types of ants found in the United States. These pesky insects are most recognizable by their large red bodies.

Fire ants typically build large mounds in yards or near water sources such as ponds and streams. These mounds are easily distinguishable as they are often large, circular, and can reach heights of up to 12 inches. 

These are particularly aggressive and can sting and bite. These are omnivores, meaning they feed on both plant-based and animal-based items.

They often scavenge for food on the ground or in vegetation and can be a nuisance in homes and gardens. Fire ants prefer warm climates and can thrive in areas with temperatures that range from 70-95 degrees Fahrenheit.

While they do cause damage, they are also known to act as a natural form of pest control, providing a means of protection from other types of insects.

Carpenter Ants

Carpenter ants are a type of ant species known for nesting in wood. They get their name due to their habit of digging galleries and tunnels through the wood to nest in.

They are one of the largest ant species, with some reaching over two inches in length. They are often known to cause damage to wood structures, such as houses and furniture, and can be a nuisance if not managed properly.

Although they possess large mandibles and strong jaws to chew their food, they are not venomous. They are a pest but can also be beneficial to ecosystems by consuming dead, decaying wood and other organic matter, which helps decompose materials.

Pavement Ants

Pavement ants are a species of ant that are found in North America. They are a type of ant that can be found throughout many states. They can typically be found in driveways, sidewalks, highway edges, and other areas where pavement is common.

Pavement ants nest outdoors under stones and inside pavement cracks. They prefer to live in warm and dry environments and will feed on almost any type of food. 

Pharaoh Ants

The Pharaoh Ant is one of the most common indoor pests, known for its size and ability to form large colonies. They have a distinctive yellow/orange color, with a segmented body, three pairs of legs, and antennae.

Pharaoh ants come from tropical climates and have adapted to indoor environments. These ants prefer warm, humid conditions and high-traffic areas, making kitchens, bathrooms, and hotels especially prone to infestations. 

They are also known for their difficulty controlling, as they separate their colonies into lots of miniature nests. This process, called “budding,” typically occurs when the colony becomes too large, and a new nest is created elsewhere. 

Thief Ants

These ants are unique in that they do not “steal” food for their own use. But, they are typically classified as “thieves” as they access other ant colonies and make off with resources intended for the use of that colony.

These colonies are generally established in new regions and will become “raiders,” entering the territory of another colony in order to steal resources from them.

While thief ants prefer to live and work alone, they have been known to build communal nests in warmer climates and can exist quite comfortably within human homes. Given the opportunistic nature of these ants, they can be difficult to eliminate without proper management.

Army Ants

Army ants are a species of ant that is distinct from other ant species. They are mobile predators that swarm their prey, creating a trail of destruction wherever they go.

They have large, powerful mandibles used to batter and chew through anything that gets in their way. Army ants are considered one of the most destructive species of ants and are found mostly in tropical regions throughout the world. These types of ants can cause damage to human structures, such as houses and roads, if left unchecked.

Sugar Ants

Sugar ants, also known as odorous house ants, are a species belonging to the Camponotus genus, known to be attracted to sweet edibles such as honey and sugar. They typically feed on protein-based diets, but their sweet-toothed cravings tend to take over.

Sugar ants come in many shapes and sizes, ranging in color from dark brown to black. They are also commonly known to build large ant hills and colonies, with fanning habits and pheromone trails.

To stop sugar ants from entering your home, it is important to create an environment hostile to them. Start by making sure that food sources are kept to a minimum, stored in sealed containers, and properly disposed of after being often used. You can also consult an expert to learn more about how to stop sugar ants from entering your home.

Remove any sources of standing water that may attract the ants. Also, reduce sweet smells around the entry points of your house. Sealing off entry points is essential in eliminating sugar ant infestations.

Ultimately, all species have specific habits and needs, like nesting habits and food sources, that differ from species to species.

Learning about each type of ant helps humans better understand their biology and ecology, and makes it easier to safely manage their presence in our environment.

All About Knowing Different Types of Ants Today

Ants are incredible creatures to study and learn more about. Whether it’s for a school project or out of curiosity, there are so many ant types to explore.

With a little research, one can discover unique facts about each of them and you can know how to get rid of ants.

Don’t wait. Discover more about different types of ants today!

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