House Water Filter Systems

House Water Filter Systems: How Do They Work?

The global house filtration system market is a multi-million dollar market expecting to reach a CAGR rating of 8.6% by 2026. But, what do you need to know about house water filter systems?

There are a lot of things that can determine the type of whole house filtration system in your home. This short guide will give you a quick lesson on the types of house water filter systems on the market. 

Home Water Filter System Guide

The whole house water filter is dependent upon what your home is filtering. Your home could be on well supply or it could be an elaborate sediment filtration system.

This can also work in tandem with a water softener system. On the other hand, a city water supply can reduce the number of other chemicals such as chlorine or chloramine.

How Do They Work?

Regardless of the system, the purpose of these methods is to handle the treatment of water entering your home. Everything appliance utilizing water in your home must run through a home water filter system.

These systems use different methods of approach to remove things such as iron, chlorine, or hardness. For instance, with iron, a water softening system can help remove these elements. There are also more elaborate systems such as aeration or oxidation.

Water Softener

The most common issue is the hardness of the water. Different elements such as calcium and magnesium “harden” the water. This can clog pipes and decrease your water pressure.

A water softener breaks down Calcium and Magnesium through an ion exchange process. They break down negatively charged ions in the elements to attract positive ions in these elements. Thus, trapping them in the resin.

Sediment Filters

Sediment filters block the buildup of sediment and material through mechanical filtration. The small pores inside of the filter trap the sediment. This allows clean water to pass through the filter setup.

A condition called turbidity occurs when the buildup of sediment begins to make the water appear dark or cloudy. So, if you ignore these issues, the buildup of sand and clay can damage your water lining.

Ultraviolet Filter System

In these systems, ultraviolet light beams through the water to break down living organisms in the water system. This allows prevents bacteria from reproducing and spreading through the water supply.

But, the effectiveness of these light systems depends upon the previous water treatment method. Sediment and carbon filters can break down debris that prevents the light from reaching the bacteria. Once the filter breaks down the sediment, the UV light can eliminate all organisms.

House Water Filter Systems

There are a variety of house water filter systems available to help treat your water. Both city supply and well supply still require different methods of water treatment to remove bacteria and debris.

If you are using water beyond cooking and drinking, a water filtration system can help eliminate these things that can cause harm. Consult with a professional before you begin embarking on your filter system.

Follow our blog for more information on how to install a house water filter system in your home!

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