Modern Solar Panels

Modern Solar Panels: How to Choose the Right One

Patents for solar-powered engines have been around since the 1860s. It all began with Edmond Becquerel’s work involving the photovoltaic effect.  

The concept of solar power is not a new idea, but modern solar panels are currently the best model for worldwide adoption. Every household can take advantage of solar panels to produce electricity for their usage.

Now we have plenty of options for solar power. Keep reading to learn how to choose the right type for your home.


First, determine how many solar panels your home needs. Getting right the size in Watts considers several factors. These include energy consumption, property location, and sunlight amount.

For the physical size, make sure you have the space for the necessary number of solar panels. It’s best to ask a professional to get an accurate estimate. Do your research to learn more.


When choosing new solar panels, decide whether you need a battery system. A battery is a backup system, allowing you to store excess solar energy for later use.

Not every household needs it, especially when you connect to the grid. If you’re going off-grid, the battery provides extra power when your solar system produces insufficient energy.

Energy Efficiency

Modern solar panels use silicon for converting solar energy to electricity. Monocrystalline systems have a high silicon purity, allowing for higher efficiency. However, a higher productivity rate equates to a higher price tag. 

Environmental Impact

The caveat of monocrystalline solar panels is a wasteful manufacturing process. Meanwhile, a polycrystalline solar panel system has the tiniest environmental impact. It uses all the silicon material during production, making it greener than other alternatives.


Both monocrystalline and polycrystalline panels last for a long time. If you do not like worrying about maintenance and longevity, stay away from amorphous thin-film panels.

New solar panels usually have a 25-year warranty. Be wary of manufacturers offering anything less. It can indicate a lack of confidence in their products.


Of course, you have to consider your budget. Thin-film solar panels are the most affordable. However, they are the least durable and efficient.

Thin-film solar panels are also less practical for smaller homes. You need twice the number of thin-film solar panels to make the same energy as polycrystalline or monocrystalline panels.

Considering those factors, thin-film panels are not cost-efficient in the long run. It is worth adding to your budget to afford the best solar panels. When you do, your solar panel system enjoys a higher return on investment.

Choose Modern Solar Panels Now

Modern solar panels allow you to switch to greener energy alternatives. These are the most efficient and durable options for your home. The right type depends on the factors we mentioned above. 

However, learning about solar panels is only the beginning. Look for desirable qualities in a professional solar panel contractor. Otherwise, you will end up getting subpar panels.

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